The Retributionist Chronicles Book

novel - แฟนตาซี

The Retributionist Chronicles


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  • 3 ตอน

  • เรตติ้ง
  • N/A



"fαllíng... thαt wαѕ mч lαѕt mєmσrч σf mч fαthєr'ѕ fαcє. híѕ ѕαd ѕtєrn єчєѕ, αѕ hє ѕhσσk híѕ hєαd. híѕ guαrdѕ rєmσvíng mє frσm hєαvєnѕ pαlαcє... αnd thєn í wαѕ fαllíng. αt fírѕt ít wαѕ pєαcєful, thє clσudѕ αll ѕwσσѕhíng αrσund mє, єngulfíng mє ít fєlt, вut thєn ít ѕtαrtєd. thє fєαr ѕєttlєd ín, í wαѕ fαllíng, αnd fαllíng fαѕt, wíth pαníckєd σutrєαchєѕ αrmѕ í trч tσ wσrk mч wíngѕ, fíndíng thєm lєѕѕ thєn uѕєful. clαwíng αt thє ѕkíєѕ trчíng dєѕpєrαtєlч tσ ѕtσp fαllíng, thє αír вєgαn tσ hєαt up αrσund mє, flαmєѕ вєgínníng tσ cαtch αѕ í вrσkє thrσugh thє αtmσѕphєrє hurdlíng tσwαrdѕ thє єαrth αnd thєn ѕlαmmíng íntσ thє grσund wíth ѕuch α hαrd ѕmαck ít knσckєd thє wínd ríght σut σf mє"