
Chapter 1

I was laying down in my bed staring blanky in my ceiling while thinking if my parents will attend my awarding ceremony for the excellent researcher tomorrow.

So adept in my thoughts I decided to get up to get a glass of milk in the kitchen and on my way there I heard my parents arguing and the door in their room is slightly open. I moved closely to hear them talking.

Why would I waste my time attending that awarding ceremony when you know how i hated her! This things should be enjoyed by my real daughter . My mom stiffle cries can also be heard.

What the hell are they talking about? This isn't true, right? . I can feel my knees getting numb and my body trembling.

Thi- th this is not true, right?

I might misheard things, right?

I immediately covered my mouth from keeping my sobs be heard.

How could you say that? We had agreed to keep this fact buried down. I thought adopting a child will somehow lessen your longing for our child. It's been 18 years Xu Ling .You have been with Xu Ran ever since she was a baby.

Xu Ran is here, she is our daughter you can learn to attach yourself sincerely to her .

How dare you say that to me Xu Junhui!? I will be able to bring back my daughter home . You will see, I will definetely bring my real daughter back!

I cannot take this any longer. With the little strength I have I walked away and went back to my bed.

A lot of things has been answered. This is why they don't care to give me a glance.

All this time I am just a pathetic charity case for them. It seems that everything i have built is falling apart.

This is the longest night that I've ever have. Tears just keeps on gushing out that I can't control.

The whole night i stayed awake. I can't even go to sleep with many things running in my head.

Another morning has come, today is the awarding ceremony yet I decided not to go. I'm exhausted and i don't have to care anymore.
