Harrison navigates reality while going to other realities simultaneously. Will he find love? Will he be happy and free?
Born REDACTED 2007, Harrison Cisse is 14 years old. Harrison's full name, Harrison Christopher Cisse, was given to him by his parents, REDACTED and REDACTED, gave him his name 4 years after his birth. At age 6, Harrison was enrolled in grade 1 at The Bridger's Academy. He was very successful, earning high marks on all of his school work.
Around age 9, Harrison started soccer and hockey. He chose to continue playing soccer, as he was better at it than he was at hockey. In grade 4, he played for the Bridger's school team, as a REDACTED.
Harrison found comfort in fictional games. He would spend every hour while at home playing REDACTED. He had a few school friends, such as Campbell, Royce, and Niko. Niko would later become Harrison's best friend.
Aged 12, Harrison met REDACTED at a hockey game he watched. The two found comfort in each other and later dated. During this time, Harrison's parents became way more overbearing and overprotective.