
The recluse in Zhongnan Mountain

This novel has a total of 200 chapters. Through Li Changsheng's story of learning Taoist Kung Fu and searching for the missing Tao Te Ching (Volume 2), the Tao Te Ching is explained from the perspective of a Taoist disciple. The author himself is a hermit from Zhongnan Mountain.

XINYUAN_WU · แอคชั่น
49 Chs

Chapter 6: Try Taoist Kung Fu for the first time

The bald patrolman's surname is Shen, and he is also from this village. The bald patrolman said, "Old Huang, my brother-in-law set off firecrackers the day before yesterday. Of course I know! He applied to the patrol room in advance, and it was approved by our patrol room. Have you applied?"

Uncle Huang was drunk yesterday, and there was still alcohol in his body. He said contemptuously, "Bullshit application!You think I don't know the dirty means of your patrol room when when we applying for? As long as I pay two silver coins, you agree to my application, and it is legal for me to set off firecrackers. If I don't pay money, you don't agree with our application, and it is illegal for us to set off firecrackers. The laws of the Republic of China are all your means to collect money!"

Bald Shen changed his face and shouted, "Old man!don't talk nonsense and slander the National Government. Do you think I dare not punish such a wicked person like you?"

When Li Changsheng saw that the two were at loggerheads, he hurriedly pulled Uncle Huang to dissuade him and said, "Uncle Huang, some firecrackers are just fireworks. Confiscate them. It's not worth getting angry. It's not worth getting angry."

When Li Changsheng saw that the two sides were at loggerheads, he hurriedly pulled Uncle Huang to dissuade him and said, "Uncle Huang, these firecrackers are not worth much, so let them confiscate them. It's not worth getting angry. Being angry is bad for your health."

Uncle Huang refused to give up and said in a loud voice: "The neighbors all judge. He, bald Shen, is the patrolman in this area. He usually eats and drinks freely in our village and buys things without paying. Now I want to set off firecrackers to celebrate my grandson's entrance to college. He will punish me. Is this the law of his family?

The villagers and Uncle Huang were mostly relatives and friends. At this time, they began to talk about it and accused bald Shen of being unreasonable.

Bald Shen suddenly became angry with shame. When he was young, he was also a local ruffian and scoundrel in the neighborhood. Although he was the most shameless person, but felt extremely humiliated when he was criticized by the crowd.

A wicked thought rose in the heart of bald Shen, pointing at Uncle Huang's nose and saying, "Huang, you defy the law and incite the masses to obstruct the work of law enforcement officers! Today, I will give you a social lesson to let you know what the laws of the Republic of China are! Brothers, beat the old man, and I will be responsible for killing and injuring him."

Baldy Shen and five of his men took out rubber sticks from their waists and rushed to hit Uncle Huang head on. Shen bald's uncle is the inspector of the patrol room. He is responsible for the security, riot control, booth display and street sanitation in the port area. It is common for patrolmen to beat people when they enforce the law. In case of public anger caused by media reports, just find a temporary worker to be the scapegoat and dismiss. Then let the port gang threaten the newspaper reporters. This kind of people at the bottom of the society, even if hit with a spontoon, is a small matter.

Li Changsheng can't stand it anymore. He always believes that he can do as much as he can. He knew that his ability was limited and he could not do justice for others. Only after six months of practicing Taoist Kung Fu, he unconsciously became strong and courageous. Li Changsheng stood in front of Uncle Huang with a lunge, grabbed bald Shen's wrist and shouted: Stop!

When bald Shen turned his head, a young man grabbed his wrist and his eyes were bright as the sun. At this time, the golden energy mass in Li Changsheng's navel was soaring, and his eyes were like the mighty sun, fearless. Li Changsheng's eyes made bald Shen dare not look directly at him, he could not help bowing his head to avoid.

Baldy Shen tried hard to get rid of Li Changsheng's hands, but he felt that Li Changsheng's hands were like iron pincers. Bald Shen was so angry that he turned around and shouted, "Beat him!"

A tall and strong policeman hit him head on with a baton. Li Changsheng subconsciously deflected his head and hit him on the shoulder with the baton. Li Changsheng felt the pain in his shoulder blades unbearable. A stream of heat in his navel rushed up to his hands. In a flash, he hit bald man's nose with a fist, and bald shen fell on his back.

Li Changsheng did not know fighting skills, and he gave full play to his strength and flexibility. Quickly pick up Shen bald's baton, and strike off the two batons away like lightning. The arms of the two policemen were numb, and they were surprised to hide and shake their hands. Li Changsheng put his foot on the bald man's face, pointed his baton at his head, and shouted at other patrolmen: "If you are not afraid of his death, just come up."

Li Changsheng knew when he was very young that no bastard would be influenced. There is no justice in the world that can win. Only the wiser and stronger people can win. Although he had never learned fighting skills, after six months of practicing the Taoist foundation building kung fu, he had a quick reaction and sufficient physical energy. Li Changsheng clenched the baton in his right hand and felt that the strength of his arm was endless. An irresistible impulse in his heart made he held the other end of the baton in his left hand. He took a deep breath, and with his hands working hard, the rubber baton and the inner steel pipe were bent into a circle.

Two patrolmen stood there with batons in their hands, gaping and hesitating, not knowing whether to go or run. Uncle Huang said, "bald Shen, you'd better leave here now. Our Huang Family Ancestral Temple is in the village, and thousands of people here belong to the same ancestor. I'm not afraid that you will retaliate against me later. Come on, light firecrackers!"

With the sound of firecrackers, the fireworks flew into the air and the villagers were in high spirits, the patrolman and Shen bald walked away with angry eyes.

Fundamentally speaking, Li Changsheng, who came out of the countryside, did not have great ambitions in his mind. As a child, he witnessed that his parents, who were at the bottom of the society, lived a hard life and worked for food and clothing all their lives. His ideal is to be able to feed himself and share the pressure of life for his parents. No one told him that when he grew up, he would do justice for the vulnerable groups or save the suffering people. So he was also puzzled by his actions today. Maybe people choose to do things according to their abilities.

No matter where you go in the short life, you can't escape the noisy world. The university library is the only pure land. After reading countless books and thinking hungrily for four years, Li Changsheng felt that Taoism was the essence of Chinese culture. After six months of practice, his body and mind had been greatly improved. He already felt that it was fatalistic to pursue and follow the Tao.

It was almost the end of the year. Although Li Changsheng only worked in the Nanyang Silk Road Dry Goods Firm for half a year, his boss, Chen Guiyan, generously gave him the annual leave. It happened that there were merchants from Shaanxi and Gansu who were transporting fennel cumin to return to the north. Li Changsheng followed the caravan mule cart to go 2000 kilometers north to visit his parents and celebrate the New Year in his hometown.

He is the lowest level migrant worker in Guangzhou, but in the eyes of the villagers in his hometown, he is also successful. When he returned home for the Spring Festival, many village aunts who like matchmaking came to visit him, but Li Changsheng said that he had just started making a living and needed to focus on his career. He is not ready to marry a girl.

Li Changsheng's father, Carpenter Li, expressed his approval. When old carpenter Li was young, his family was very poor and had no money to go to school, so he deeply felt the hardships and humiliation brought to him by lack of knowledge. Therefore, he also said to his son many words from the script, "Men are not afraid of not having a beautiful wife, but they are afraid of not having a brilliant career." "Young people are unpromising to spend their entrepreneurial time chasing girls.". As his son was the first college student in this valley, Carpenter Li still had a lot of expectations to his son.

Li Changsheng's parents live on the south slope of the Qinling Mountains. In fact, this place belong to Zhongnan Mountain, which is thousands of miles long. He asked many old people in the village, but never heard of it. Where is the Qinglong Ridge? What is the Wenshi Temple? Li Changsheng originally wanted to take advantage of the Spring Festival holiday to visit the book giver's grandmother at Wenshi Temple in Qinglong Ridge of Zhongnan Mountain and learn about the practise environment there. It seems that there is no way to achieve it.

After the New Year, Li Changsheng had a rest at home for two weeks, and went south to Guangzhou again with another delivery caravan.