
The recluse in Zhongnan Mountain

This novel has a total of 200 chapters. Through Li Changsheng's story of learning Taoist Kung Fu and searching for the missing Tao Te Ching (Volume 2), the Tao Te Ching is explained from the perspective of a Taoist disciple. The author himself is a hermit from Zhongnan Mountain.

XINYUAN_WU · แอคชั่น
49 Chs

Chapter 48: Big Fishing Net

It turns out that this is a large fishing net made of strong nylon rope. The seven people who had just escaped laughed and returned. They gathered around and pulled around the fishing net, winding Shen Ziyu in circles. Shen Ziyu fell to the ground, struggling hard, but feeling increasingly powerless and hopeless.

At this moment, Shen Jiahao walked out of the small building in the courtyard, He squatted on the ground and looked at Shen Ziyu with a sigh and said, "Sister Ziyu, from childhood to adulthood, you have always been better at martial arts and literary arts than me. I will never be as good as you. You are as smart as Crystal Ice and Snow, you have outstanding talent, and you are the first beauty in Beijing's celebrity circle, so you have no regrets in your life. I know you have always looked down upon me and hated me, and you also know the purpose of what I did today. What are your last words, you can say now..."

Shen Ziyu looked at him and said "I don't know what to say, but I don't really hate you. Selling out friends or killing family members for your own benefit has existed in the past and will continue to occur in the future. Many people have done the same thing for various high-sounding reasons. However, you can kill relatives for your own future, you can do it, but I can't do the same thing. Because I am better than you in everything, I disdain using such methods."

"There is only one position for a family successor. You do everything you can to get it, but I won't. If I don't get this position, I can develop in other fields with my ability and achieve good results. Therefore, your sin is that you are lazy, ignorant, and incompetent. Someone once said to me, a person without talent is a person without moral bottom lines, selfish, and cruel."

After Shen Jiahao heard these words, there was a silence. After a while, when he spoke again, there was no emotion in his tone: "The purpose of living is to be comfortable and happy. Born in a family like ours, with countless wealth readily available, who is willing to work hard to study and practice martial arts?"

"No, you're wrong," Shen Ziyu said seriously. "We are living a rich and happy life now, but there is no guarantee that we will be rich and happy in the future. People should always have a sense of crisis, and consider the possibility of danger when they are safe. We strive to make our lives prosperous, while also allowing parents and children to live well. I really appreciate your opening up to me for the first time in all these years."

Shen Jiahao chuckled softly and said, "For a dying person, I'm too lazy to play any tricks. Don't be reborn into a wealthy family in your next life."

Shen Jiahao stood up and commanded the seven masked people, "After all, she is my sister. Leave her a whole body. After you strangle her with a rope, bury her next to the lotus pond."

"Ok!" The squat masked man untied his belt and wrapped it around Shen Ziyu's neck.

Shen Ziyu knew that the danger was imminent and immediately shouted, "Where are you, Li Changsheng? Hurry to save me!"

Li Changsheng was about to pursue Xue Redcarp when he suddenly heard Shen Ziyu's call on the north slope. Li Changsheng took a deep breath and let the vast energy in his body fill the meridians, muscles, and bones of his body. Then he jumped up and landed on the top of a six meter high pine tree. Using the elasticity of a pine tree, he stretched out his arms and leaped sideways towards the crown of another tree, using his strength to jump up to the top of a small building more than ten meters away. After several jumps in this way, in the blink of an eye, he came to the outside of the Third Aunt's yard.

Li Changsheng jumped over the garden wall without stopping. He could see the situation in the garden from the air. So he jumped directly at the short, fat, masked man. The tall and thin masked man looked up and saw a figure jump in from outside the wall. He shook his hand and threw a flying knife at Li Changsheng. Li Changsheng grabbed the flying knife in his right hand and dropped it into the back of the short, fat, masked man. The short, fat, masked man was bending over and holding Shen Ziyu's neck with his belt. Suddenly, he felt a chill on his back, his entire strength disappeared, and he collapsed to the ground without moving.

Li Changsheng pulled out the flying knife and flashed across the garden like a meteor. His body is full of energy and his feet are as fast as flying. Everyone standing in the garden, with their eyes fluttering, felt a chill in their necks except Shen Jiahao, and fell to the ground one after another.

When Li Changsheng stopped, there was silence all around, with a clear sky and brilliant sunlight, except for the rustle of pines and cypresses on the edge of the courtyard and the chatter of Shen Jiahao's teeth.