
The reborn of the Honoured one

As an orphan Alexis has always been bullied and picked on in his university, from working five to six jobs to pay his Tuition fees, to being cheated on by his girlfriend with his main bully. Out of depression of being cheated on our very own truck kun gave him a visit,The next thing he knows is he is in the body of the 7th prince of the kingdom of Gastonia the trash prince. And then he heard it. [Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!] At that moment he promised himself to fulfill his heart desires with being the strongest in the world, Even if he has to bed his Hot Mom,Sisters,Aunt,cousins and his thicc Grandma. (Note: This story contains no yuri and notorare, but has lot of notori our Mc is the alpha muhahahaha, Also mc has a large harem which consist of different races, expect a lot of Oyakodon, Evil and Good Goddesses.)

Angus_Tunuchi · แอคชั่น
9 Chs

The Goddess

Hearing those words Alexis was surprised then he questioned 'Luminous, Trash prince' what the fuck is happening.

Hearing his thought the system Replied

[Host died when he was running,host was hit by an speeding truck,my creator removed this memory as to not harm you brain when reincarnating]

hearing this Alexis said"So I died "he said this with no sadness in his voice,his voice only containing relief.

[Am surprised host I expected you to be sad knowing the fact you died]

Then he says

"Why should I be sad my life has been shitty since I was born,from working 3 to 4 jobs,to begin bullied and cheated on by my girlfriend am happy rather than being sad"


Looking around the room Alexis thought'Truly this looks like a room given to only Royalty'

"Hey system tell me all what I need to know about my new body and where I am"

[Ok host you should settle down before I begin]

hearing this Alexis sat up and listened

[Host has being reincarnated into the world of luminous,a world ruled by four kingdoms and each kingdom's worships four different goddess]

hearing this he nods his head'four kingdom, four goddess that means I might be reincarnated by the goddess'

[That is right host you were reincarnated by the goddess]

"Me being reincarnated by the goddess means they want me to do something for them right" he said.

[Yes host you were reincarnated for a reason,but I can't tell you the reason the goddess will tell you themselves]

When the system said this,Alexis suddenly felt a heavy headache then he passed out.

waking up he saw himself in a beautiful room with ancient carvings,at his front were 4 seats occupied with four of the most beautiful women he have ever seen in his life.

he was in a daze staring at them, one was a fox woman with 12 tails with them being the color white and black and a busty figure,the other one was a beautiful elf woman with flowing green hair and a large chest,the third was a women wearing a dark robe with a dark purple hair like the void also having a large chest,the lat one was a women having a golden hair and a gentle aura surrounding her with her chest almost bursting out.

As if reading his thoughts the elf woman said"He seems to be interested alot in women with large breast and thicc body"

hearing this Alexis blushed hard turning his eyes down, seeing this the goddess all laughed at his shyness.

then the goddess said

"Alexis my child I welcome you to the world of luminous,in this world we are the supreme goddess here, our mother the Primordial godess created the world and everything in it"

Alexis nods his head gesturing them to continue

"Then our mother gave birth to 8 childrens,four light and four darkness,our sisters of the dark rampage and Almost destroyed the world but our mother used her last strength to seal them away"

I was just staring at them having no idea where the talk was going.

Then they continued"After sealing them away we created the four races that exist today and they created their individuals kingdom's "

hearing this I nodded my head then said"thanks for the explanation my goddess but what do you want from me"

they all looked at each other then said"our sisters seal have weakened a lot over the years and their followers and apostles have already found a way to break the seal,although it isn't easy to do so it won't take much time for them to break it"

I nodded then they continued

"we want you to be our champion or apostle,we already have our own apostles already but we want you to be an apostle for all of us,and your mission is the defeat the apostles of our evil sisters and also defeat my sisters"

I looked at them as if their crazy 'me defeat a goddess with the memories of this body he is even weaker than the maids in the castle,then how can I defeat the apostles and goddess I can't even defeat an ordinary maid'

hearing my thoughts they looked at me and smile"we already know about the trash talent of this body and already fixed it now you talent is at the highest in the world and you own all 4 ranks belonging to all the races"

Hearing this I was so happy I literally grinned like a villain, then they said

"We also know about your desires to get any hot women that fancy you,we have no objection to this all we want is for you to fulfill your propose"

I looked at them and said"what of if I always want the four of you with your sisters too"

They looked at me shocked then they smiled and said"sure if you want us you can but only if you conquer my sisters and become a God yourself so are you up to the task"

Hearing this I grinned and said the word I have always wanted to say"Over the heaven and the earth only I will be the honoured one and be honoured "

When they heard me they all smiled and said"your system will give you the information you need and also give you some certain tasks with rewards,be strong our champion untill we meet again"

saying this I passed out when I awoke I was in my room"Time to be the strongest".

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Angus_Tunuchicreators' thoughts