
The Reaper's New Beginning

26-year-old Asher Williams was a successful and hardworking game creator dubbed as 'The Reaper' since his games 'took away the player's souls' by immersing them with the beautiful art, heartwarming yet tragic stories and smooth gameplay. However, after the very anticipated update, Asher died in his sleep. While he might've died naturally and without any pain whatsoever, Asher had passed with many regrets, his main one being the fact that he never experienced what others would call a normal childhood. He had to work his ass off to live 'comfortably' (which wasn't that pleasant if you think about it). He couldn't fully enjoy his life and have the stereotypical infancy he always wished for because he had to mature quickly to help provide for his family. After his death, however, his soul transmigrated into a different universe riddled with magic, new opportunities, and mysteries just waiting to be unraveled. And let's not mention the fact that Asher won't let the opportunity of a new life pass him by. Watch how Asher learns how to deal with his new environment while also improving himself both mentally and physically (while also unknowingly try to survive against a powerful, unknown enemy). - "You will stay at the Pierce household as a servant under Asher Pierce. Everything he does must immediately be reported to me. Like I already mentioned, I suspect he is working with the enemy." "Yes, my lord." - Zacharia's eyes shone with amusement. "You want me to teach you how to... disappear?" Asher nodded, his eyes filled with curiosity. "Yes. I once gave one of my characters the ability to disappear. I also want to be able to do it!" - "What do you mean by that?" Zacharia seethed out in anger. Kio was by his side, his cold mask breaking after hearing the news. "Young master Zacharia, Young master Kio... young master Asher has been kidnapped by the enemy."

mya_colondres · แฟนตาซี
37 Chs

35. “Basically a ninja.” (1)

"This is Asher Pierce, huh," said the old man. Despite his old age, he stood straight with his arms behind his back, letting out an aura of intimidation that affected most of the teachers present in the office. He, just like Asher, had a thin body and a short stature. His shiny head had no hair and reflected the artificial lights that lit up the room. What differentiated him from Asher, his new pupil, were the muscles he had gotten from continuous years of training.

Asher stared up at the old man and the old man stared down at Asher. They both stood there just watching and waiting to see what the other would do. Finally, the secretary called Asher over, making him look away from the old man.

"You've been allowed to leave school grounds. Please return between the allotted time and inform us if you're staying overnight outside. You will still have to complete all of your classes once you come back."

Asher nodded and took the silver card he was being presented with. He then turned to the old man that had a disgusted expression while trying to avoid speaking to the principal.

"Why don't you stay for tea? It must've been a long and tiresome journey for you, Master Rue," proposed the principal as he immediately ordered the people around them to brew them some tea. Master Rue shook his head before pointing towards Asher, using him as an excuse to not stay and chat.

"I apologize, but I have to say no. I have a pupil to take care of and have no time for-"

"Please! Stay for a while!" The principal interrupted with a forced smile. He was desperately trying to keep Master Rue inside the office. However, Master Rue had none of it.

Master Rue turned around and walked away from the principal without a care in a world. Not wanting to deal with the aftermath, Asher decided that the best course of action would be to follow Master Rue out of the office.

As of right now, they were walking down the hallways of the school to get out of the building. Zacharia had told Asher that they couldn't waste any time, so it was understandable that he would begin training as soon as possible. Asher showed the guard at the gates the silver card he had been given before being allowed to exit the school. Now, it was just him, the old master, and the trusty carriage that was taking them to their destination.

Master Rue glanced at the boy who was sitting in front of him and asked, "Are you not curious as to why I rejected the principal's invitation?"

"Of course I am, but it would be rude to ask you," Asher said while nodding. Despite mentioning that it was rude, he went on and said, "Why did you reject the principal's offer of chatting over a cup of tea? Others would agree without a second thought."

Even if Asher wasn't much of a people person and has never received the proper knowledge of how this world works, he understood the world of nobles well enough to know that they always wanted more power and recognition. He came to this understanding using the knowledge he had from both of his lives.

"Let me tell you a little secret, Asher boy," started Master Rue as he leaned forwards with an odd smile, his shaved head once again gleaming in the light. "That principal has no power of his own. The man above him does. So tell me, what do you think that principal who holds no power wants with me?"

Asher thought about it for a while and came up with two conclusions. The first conclusion would be for the principal to gain his footing using Master Rue's influence. Asher didn't know how famous this master was, but judging by all of the burning stares and the fact that it was Zacharia who called him over, he couldn't be possibly be a simple person. His second conclusion was so that the principal could please the man above him so that he could gain more benefits.

Hearing Asher's thoughts, the old man couldn't help but laugh. "That little brat did tell me that you would be oblivious, but to think it was to such a state where you don't even know who I am!"

Master Rue couldn't help but find this situation amusing. He was always noticed no matter the place he headed to. Even if people didn't know of his appearance, the people inside and outside Zatheusyl and Xestal would have definitely heard of his name. He was always regretting ever making himself known to the world. Having someone as young and impressionable as Asher not know who he was and the things he has done was refreshing.

He used to have no name but was given the name of 'Rue' by the people living in a poor village. He doesn't remember when exactly he was given this name or the person who first called him this; it was a very, very long time ago. The name 'Rue' suits him perfectly, even to this day and age.

"As you stated, it is to gain more benefits and stay in the principal position. His power is being threatened by someone else, you see. He would've tried to talk me into working for them just because I was taking you and only you in as a pupil. 'Because it would be unfair to other students and we want to give them all the same learning opportunity', what utter bullshit!"

Asher kept quiet for most of the ride just listening to Master Rue's ramblings. Needless to say, he learned many things during the time spent with this old man inside the carriage. Many of them unnecessary, some interesting, and others classified information regarding the school's internal affairs. Asher doesn't know the extent of where Master Rue's influence reaches, but he thankfully didn't leak any political secrets that could put them in a deeper predicament.

"We have arrived."

Asher got out of the carriage before Master Rue and was excited over what he was seeing. This was the first time he was seeing the world outside of the Pierce estate and Staghaven High. In front of him was a medium-sized building where different kinds of people were walking in and out from. Some were tall, muscular, and intimidating while others were shorter, thinner, and full of confidence.

Said building was located right in front of the largest forest Asher had ever seen. There was a tall concrete wall that separated the forest from the building and the people that were walking around. He could also see several tall mountains in the distance. To him, the forest seemed endless and dangerous. However, the people there were preparing to enter this forest despite the impressions it gave off. These people went to speak to the person guarding the entrance of the forest and were allowed entry.

"These mountains are full of wild animals, plants, raw materials, and, most importantly, monsters."

Asher's eyes widened at the mention of monsters. They hadn't even begun training and Master Rue was already taking him to a place filled with monsters? Seeing the young boy's face made Master Rue laugh out loud.

"Don't worry so much! You don't think I'll throw you to fight monsters so soon, or do you? You will fight them in due time, however, we have to work on a few things first..."

Master Rue's eyes inspected Asher's lack of muscles and nodded to himself. "That brat really did gave me a clean slate to work with. Not bad, not bad at all..."

He then went on to explain where they were. "This place is called Fairy Blank. It's a place where intermediate level hunters go to train, gather supplies, or kill demonic beasts. The special thing about this place it's that no matter the number of beasts you kill, they always keep coming back. It's a cycle that knows no ends, which is one of the reasons why this place is so popular."

They walked together towards the building and went inside. The inside of the building had enough space to comfortably hold people, furniture, a bar, and a reception desk inside. Some people were eating, others were hanging out, and the rest were surrounding a tall board filled with requests.

Asher's eyes shone as he saw the request board. It was something he was used to seeing thanks to his other life. There were many novels that included people that were given the titles of adventurers or hunters and also this very same board where they picked certain requests from. Even he himself had used this for his own game, so seeing it for the first time in live-action was fascinating.

Master Rue ignored all the ruckus and walked up to the man that was behind the reception desk. Unlike the old man who skillfully maneuvered his body to avoid the people, Asher bumped into them and immediately apologized. The man behind the desk raized his gaze from the document he was reading to the black card Master Rue was holding out. His eyes widened as he took the card, inspected it, and quickly wrote Master Rue's name on a sheet of paper that was full of other people's names before giving the black card back to its owner. Asher swore he saw the man's monocle shine green before returning to its usual form. After this interaction, Asher and Master Rue went back outside. Asher was curious about the black card that seemed to shock the man inside but was too afraid to ask about it. Thankfully, master Rue was one that loved to talk.

"The card I used is one of identification. Any person that wishes to go inside of one of The Four Enigmas must get one issued."

"The Four Enigmas? There are more of these mountains?"

"Of course there are!" bellowed Master Rue as they both passed through the front gates and officially entered the mountain's terrain. "There are three more mountain forests that have odd characteristics: The Isolated Crowns, Smoldering Ridge, and The Moaning Tempest. People are only allowed entry to two of these places including Fairy Blank."

Asher felt a wave of tranquility wash through him as they walked further into the forest. Master Rue, on the other hand, was on high alert. It felt strange seeing Master Rue all tense when he could only feel peace because of his surroundings.

Not looking at the young boy who was lagging behind him, Master Rue spoke. "Do you feel that? I smell death."

Pithos too was also on high alert for a reason unknown to Asher. Asher picked up his pace when Master Rue noticed how far behind Asher was. Then, the old man pointed at a decomposing carcass.

"You'll end up like him if you don't keep up."

Asher narrowed his eyes towards the body as he noticed something odd. He felt scared and even overwhelmed upon first laying his eyes upon the decomposing body of what appeared to be a middle-aged man, but he was soon back to feeling composed and at ease. He felt the same tranquil energy pass through him that helped calm down his previous anxiety. Asher felt protected and felt no danger. This was noticed by Master Rue, but he decided to say nothing and kept moving forwards until reaching what was called a safe spot.

The safe spots were places scattered all across Fairy Blank where beasts can't pass through. There was a strange and invisible barrier that didn't let them pass through. The only way a beast could pass through is if it is contracted to a human. This meant that Pithos couldn't pass through and had to stay outside of the safe spot, much to Asher's worry.

"Will you be okay all alone?" Asher asked with a frown. If he had known that he could lead Pithos to potential danger then he would've left him behind. Pithos glanced at Master Rue who was staring at their interaction from the corner of his eyes and decided against speaking. He only nodded and climbed up a tree to have a better view of their surroundings.

Asher went inside the safe spot and was slightly worried after recognizing that he felt no danger since coming here. Master Rue had mentioned that anyone would be able to feel the danger that was Fairy Blank once they advanced deeper within. However, Asher felt safe from the very first step he took inside of this unknown territory. Asher wanted to tell this new mentor that he felt no such danger but decided against it. He didn't feel entirely comfortable around Master Rue only because of the way he was staring at Asher right now. His gaze was one where Asher felt that he was being scrutinized as if he were not entirely human. These thoughts faded away as soon as Master Rue spoke.

"That cat you brought with you, he is your beast companion?"

Asher nodded as he turned to look at Master Rue. "Yeah."

"How did you get him to follow you without having a contract?"

"A contract?"

These two people stared at each other in silence. Master Rue was beyond shocked by this young man's obliviousness that was bordering ignorance while Asher was confused as to why he needed to form a contract with Pithos for them to be together.

The old man rubbed his temples as he felt himself getting a headache. "Do you know what a contract is?"

"Of course I do," Asher answered swiftly. "It's when a person makes a contract with a beast and they become partners, correct?"

"Yes," Master Rue said with a nod. "Most of the time, people get these beasts by buying them or capturing one in the wild and taming them. In both cases, the beasts are taken against their will and are tamed to become a person's beast."

Asher frowned as he listened to Master Rue's explanation. He couldn't imagine himself capturing Pithos against his will and taming him. Actually, the best way to describe taming is brainwashing. People captured these beasts and brainwashed them into submission. This was something that Asher could never imagine himself doing to his dearest friend, even if it were a life or death situation. This was something that he spoke up to Master Rue about.

"Master Rue, isn't that almost slavery? Capturing these beasts against their will and brainwashing them into serving a human, that's just cruel."

Master Rue shook his head. "You must remember that most beasts have no thoughts like you and me. They live to survive, procreate, and die. Taming a beast in that regard would be like teaching it how to behave, not actually brainwashing it.

Asher nodded as he agreed with Master Rue's reasoning. Asher was seeing things as if all spirit beasts were like Pithos who had his own thought process, ambitions, and motives.

"But my real question is," Master Rue narrowed his eyes, "How did you get a beast to follow you without taming him?"