
Prologue - Welcome

What is reality? What is real, what is fake? Are we real, or are we just figments of imagination trapped in an eternal cycle of time? To this day I don't know. I don't understand. Humans... Living on Earth, myself included. What is our purpose? Why are we here? Why do we exist?, and what to we exist for. I wonder if, perhaps we are just game pieces on a game board, played by the gods. That hurts so much more than it should. I have wondered over these questions, for my whole life. My life... My beautiful life, full of roses and thorns. I can remember everything in my life, painful or sad. Can you?

Do you remember being naive and innocent? Do you remember being happy? Can you remember being freer than a bird in the icy blue sky. Do you remember when you could laugh without care; without caring what others thought. I'm sure that one time in your life, when you were most likely a child, you did. You were an angel, with a very pure soul. You know, everyone that has ever lived were angels once. We all used to be angels, before we fell from our heavens, and became demons, in the fiery pits of hell.

I remember a long, long, long time ago I was happy. I was innocent little angel who shed her glow to those close to her. I had everything I wanted. I had loving family. I had a kind father who loved my mother, and who protected our family. I had a beautiful, selfless mother, who even through hardships, she would do anything she could to help the family. I had my amazing brother, who stood with me through anything. I also had an older sister, who taught me so much about the world, and about life and beauty. I thought I would have a perfect, happy life forever. I really did. I believed this dream of mine, would go on for eternity. But dreams are so very fickle, and eventually it shattered in turn, to become a nightmare.

I remember everything. I remember how my perfect life, would slowly spiral into a never-ending abyss of agony. I remember how I lost what l loved. I also remember the happy moments in my life. The beautiful little pieces of a long-lost paradise. I also remember what my mother told me when I was a little girl; that I was her little goddess. She told me that that I was the light of our family. The families' world was centered on me, that I was their sun, while they revolved around me. She also told me, that they (my family) would be with me forever. She told me that they would stay with me to help and guide me with love. But that was lie. I remember one day, my mother told me that I would get a happily ever after. Whether that was a lie or not I now know but didn't know in the past. That was an eternity ago.

Welcome to a story. A story that has never been told. But it's not just any story, it's mine. It's about everything that has ever happened to me in this life. I'm not lying, everything. My life has been unpredictable. When I look back to when I was young, I never predicted any of this would happen. I'll tell everything in my story, but I don't know the end yet. Perhaps my story will have a happy ending, or perhaps not. Maybe my life is a fairy tale with a heroine, or possibly it's the reality of pathetic villain. My story, my life through happiness and sadness, I hope you won't leave, and that will listen until the very end. Thank you, so so so very much. You don't know how much this means to me, to finally have my story brought to light. I can be freed…

Hello, This is my first novel ever! I plan to try to write as much as 1,000 words per chapter, however that will be hard for me, so I will not update as often. For this novel, I have most of the plot planned out, but not everything. I would like if if all of you could write of what you want to happen in The Reality of Rose. I will try to include them into the story line. I am free to suggestions. Thanks!

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