
Chapter 31: Turn for the worst

Arlo took long strides to the huge wooden door. Someone just interrupted something beautiful and he was very annoyed. It's a good thing he didn't continue with his dragon transformation, he might just have burned the unwelcome guest to a crisp. Upon opening the door a figure dashed in and Arlo jumped back into a defensive position. "Quickly we have to go!" Finn gasped. Arlo relaxed his arms at his side and exhaled. "Oh, it's you mut…. I thought something stunk around here." Arlo's lips started to curl into a smile. "We don't have time for that right now!" Finn growled and grabbed the front door to slam it shut and lock it. Finn was clearly out of breathe and his appearance was disheveled. "Where's Lily!" Finn quietly shouted. "First, why don't you tell me what's going on? Why are you out of breathe and look crazy?" Arlo stared into Finns eyes and knew this wasn't good. "I was outside my bookshop, sweeping and saw some suspicious men looking for Lily. They are definitely non humans and there are 5 males. I overheard them looking for a new human girl who has come to town and it won't be long until they figure out she is here." Finn gasped to continue his story as his mind was faster than his tongue. "I think when that mark was conjured on Lily's neck, it set off some kind of compass shit for these freaks to find her and let me tell you.. they look like bad news."

That's all Arlo needed to hear. He ran back to his study where his beautiful girl was sitting on his leather couch. Finn was hot on his heels. They basically came into the room at the same time when Lily turned quickly to see them both out of breathe. "What's going on?" Lily looked at Arlo and jumped up when she saw Finn. Finn smiled to see his friend unharmed. "We have to go now." Arlo stated. He grabbed Lily's hand and pulled her into the hallway. "Quickly go pack a small bag, necessities only and meet me back down here." Arlo pushed pass them and ran down into the basement that Lily just discovered they had. Arlo shouted on his way, "meet me at the front door in 10."

"Finn"… Lily looked at him with questioning eyes. "Don't worry, we will explain on the way, come on." Finn led Lily upstairs as she started to pack a bag. She grabbed a change of clothes, underwear, her blanket she brought that her grandamother made her. She paused for a moment remembering her. Her sweet smell and warm embrace, oh how she missed her. Lily stuffed the blanket into the bag as well as the anxiety in her heart. She inhaled deeply to hold back the tears that were stinging her eyes. Finn stood by the window looking down and she knew he was searching for something or someone. Quickly she went into the bathroom and grabbed a bar of soap, toothbrush, and the cotton pads she had bought the other day, even though she has yet to start her period. Finn met her at the doorframe. "Ready?" Lily was about to answer when she realized she still had on Arlo's jacket with nothing on underneath. "One second. Can you turn around?" Finn was staring at her and it took him a moment to understand. He obeyed and he felt himself squirm inside when he heard the jacket open and drop to the floor. He heard her open a dresser and put on two layers of clothing. His hearing was so good, he could hear the clasping of her bra and he blushed. "Okay I'm ready!" He turned around to see a fitted long sleeve shirt showing all her curves and it made him swallow. Hard. Finn grabbed her bag and they ran down the stairs and met Arlo at the bottom. "I have already contacted Gerald and he is aware of the situation. He is away to find answers about what's happening to Lily. Quickly, I have the carriage ready." Arlo seemed unnerved. The three ran out to the carriage and Lily watched as the house she had to come to love slowly disappeared from her view. She didn't know how long they would be gone but she had a sad feeling like that was the last time she would see her newfound home.

"So spill… what is going on? Are we being attacked or something" Lily inquired. Both men looked at each other and Finn actually answered first. "I saw some mean looking men around town looking for you. I think they are after you because of that mark that appeared on your neck." Finn was quick to the point. Arlo shot him an irritated look but Finn knew he would be angry at him. He wanted to hide the truth from Lily but this wasn't something she should be ignorant about. This involved her. It was all about her!" Lily squeezed her hands in her lap. "I figured as much."

Arlo wrapped his arm around her shoulders, "Worry not, I will protect you Lily. "And so will I!" Finn shouted and stuck his thumb into his chest. He was so proud and sure of himself. Just as goofy as ever. Lily busted out laughing and clasped her hands together. "Thank you both you that, and I know you will." Lily smiled but inside she was worried. "So where will we go?" Lily looked into Arlo's deep honey eyes. She felt like she wanted to climb on top of him right there in the carriage. She quickly looked away in embarrassment. What has happened to her!? What is she thinking? She watched the trees pass out of the window when the guys we taking too long to answer and then Arlo spoke….. "I'm not sure but we will figure it out."
