
What Is Happening? (Chapter 1)

"KAT GET UP!" Isla roughly shouts as she makes her way over to my bed. I feel the rush of cold air as she strips the blanket off my body exposing my true self to the empty room. Slightly drunk on sleep, I wake to see her concerned grassy eyes blazing into me as I try to sit up. Her tightly tied top bun bobs up and down as she struts around the room, feircely opening the curtains and picking up clothes thrusting them into the corner. I could clearly see the fear radiating from her body as she wiped her cold sweaty hands on her Apron.

"Isla....what the hell is wrong with you? I was SLEEPING, you don't jus-"


Stunned by the news, all the lack of sleep completely drained from my body. Isla's news was as if someone had spat in my face, leaving me in fight mode as I registered the information deeply.


Isla caught my tone when I addressed her. Suddenly, the fear of the Lightnings evaporated and her fear was primarily of me. I could feel my body responding to my anger, feeling the dark magic coursing through my veins. I fought with all the strength I could muster to push it deep within me. She stopped moving and sat next to me handing me my robe with hesitation to cover myself before someone saw.

"Does my Father know about this news?"

"Yes, yes...I sort of... overheard him talking to Ryan.."

RYAN! Oh no. Ryan hates the Lightnings even more than I do. My brother isn't such a good person when it comes to them, he once told me that he would decapitate them all just for fun. The Lightnings killed our mother. He despises them. My brother doesn't really like violence, but when it comes to the Lightnings, noone best stand in his way to take them out.

"Wait wait...who EXACTLY is coming to Valtor?"

Isla looks up as if searching her brain.

"Uhhh I think.. THE KING of Haydren" i nod along " aaaaannnddd The Queen of Haydren."

I taste blood and realise I have been biting my fingers as an outlet to the nerves.

"Karina" I hear as I look up to see my brother standing in my chamber.

"My Lord" Isla says and curtsies simultaneously Looking down as I see her slightly blush. I roll my eyes as I know she has had a crush on him forever but will never admit it due to her station as a maid. It's ridiculous. We have been best friends forever, I think of her as a sister. We all grew up together and there was never any awkwardness due to station. But when she got a job as my maid, she had to act 'proper' infront of the royal family. I'm greatful that she treats me as a sister rather than a princess. She is the only one who will tell me the truth to my face.

Isla tried not to look my brother in the eye to hide her flushed cheeks.

My brother isn't terribly looking, I mean, he is the most eligible batchelor in Valtor but I don't see it. He runs his hand through his slick dark hair as I know he hates it when Isla curtsies. He clenches his jaw showing off his sharp jawline. My brother is lean and tall, all the girls fawn over him aweing at his body and face. To me he is just Ryan, my big brother and one of the people I trust and love most in this world. He walks over to Isla and raises her chin with his finger standing a less than an inch away from her. His ocean blue eyes look deep into hers as I can literally hear her heart beating from her chest as he cups her cheek.

"Isla how many times must we have this conversation" he whispers in a soft seductive voice that makes me gag, "you don't have to curtsy to me, to me, you are my equal." Bewitched in his gaze, all Isla could manage was a nod. Pathetic. Rolling my eyes so hard you could almost hear it, I mustered the dark forces to slam the door breaking their gaze into each other. They instinctively jumped and faced me.

" LOOK! I know you want to get into each others pants but now is NOT the time for your secret romance!"

None of them deny my accusation and instead, look away from eachother to hide their lust for eachother and colour in their cheeks. I roll my eyes harder and pounce off of my bed. Standing to face my brother. He was much taller than me but I never felt threatened by him.

"What's Happening Ryan? Has war been declared? What did father say? Why didn't he speak to me? What is-"

"Woaahhh little sis! Too many questions at once." He smiles as he places both hands on my shoulders to slow my energy. It doesn't make me calm it actually pisses me off treating me as if I'm an eager child. I push his hands away in retort and fold my arms.

Still his smile never fades whilst plucking on the string of his bow around his body.

" I just came here to tell you Father is expecting you, he wanted to see you about two minutes ago." Annoyed, I want to rip his evil grin off his lips and make him eat it. I feel the hazel in my eyes go dark. I close my eyes to control the darkness and remember he is my stupid brother who I love, so I push the darkness down again. Feeling calm I opened my eyes to see him staring at me grin still intact. Instead, I push him out of my chamber and slam the door in his face . Isla was already one step ahead of me as she handed me my clothes. I rushed to dress myself grabbing my Swords attaching them to my person and hurried down to meet my father. Im not sure if I was excited to hear what he had to say, or feared it.
