
The Queen Bee is Her Master [GL/BL]

( Mature Language/ Mature Themes) The term was simple "if you don't want me to make your life hell you have to do something for me " The agreement was easy"Okay " And the rule was real "from now on you will address me as Master" But there was a punishment" I want you to seduce my ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend. You're a Virgin right?" The answer was known "that's good you should be glad that I will teach you how to seduce " "Okay, Master... ------------------------###---------------------- A nerd has a crush on the Queen Bee A Queen Bee who's a little possessive of her possession And a punishment What could go wrong? ******* As  English is not my First language they're will be some Grammatical mistakes bear with me.   This work is pure Fiction, Every name, character, Place, Business, Event, Locals even Incident is either my Imagination or Used as Fiction manners for entertainment purposes only. Any resemblance with real person or events is purely coincidence. Anyway if you do read this book then generally                     " THANK YOU!!" folks                                                 

35 Chs

Chapter —12 [ Lunch with the Squad ]

'The Charmer is not a saint '


Danny couldn't tell if she should laugh at what she is witnessing now or get worried about it because indeed it looks hurt. "Is someone going to explain how this happened?" She asks glancing at her friends 

"She received her punishment. " Yeri grunted  nudging the ice bag carefully on  Jo's  swollen red puffy cheeks 

"Punishment?" Danny and Seo both ask in bewilderment as Seo was busy with the other monitors she didn't catch up with the theatre hall incident and Danny spend her time in rehearsals

They would have finished their practice in just half an hour but Lucy ordered a change of position because according to her Sana is heavy for her to carry. they have to spend more than fifteen minutes on the steps. Thankfully Britney didn't show up at that time otherwise there would be some trouble. 

"She called you Mommy again?" Seo asks eyeing her friend Yeri


Danny chuckled. "Seriously just because she calls you mommy you pinch her cheeks. Damm that looks like monkeys... " Her hands reach to squeeze Jo's cheeks again but Yeri slap them away 

"Don't touch Her, " scolded Yeri    

"But you?" 

"I did it because she made a mistake. That doesn't mean you can do it. not when she is sensitive"

"Oh right," Seo said giving Danny a knowing look 

'Motherly Love and Shit huh!' 

Danny grinned and sat beside Jo. " So she did it in front of everyone ?" 

"Yes, " placing the ice for the last time on the left side. "And did you know there were other Monitors? The junior students too? Gosh, it was so embarrassing." 

Jo, who was quiet for almost thirty minutes couldn't take it and opened her mouth to defend herself   "Well I was messing with ya. But you were too harsh. " she said sulking her lips together, earning a glare from Yeri 


" I agree too, " Seo interrupted joining her friend 

"Yeah don't be so harsh Yeri. Remember, our Jo prefers it soft, not harsh. Afterall your her..." Peeking at Seo Danny winks. "Mommy!" 

"Agh, God Dammit!" Yeri facepalms in frustration surely her friends, especially these three love to tease her about her motherly acts. Taking care of everyone mostly Jo

"Anyways, where is Ari?" Seo asks changing the topic not wanting to make Yeri more furious 

"She has some important work," Jo said, holding the ice bag. Thankfully the Ice bag did help her  otherwise she would have ended up with swollen cheeks in front of her parents  

"Seriously, again? " Danny looks at others. "Don't you guys think she is pushing herself too much? ". she implores for a few days she did notice how Ariana would disappear for the 'Important work'. 

Only if they know what 'important work ' the Queen Bee is doing. 

"You know how she is. Until Uncle comes back she will do anything to keep everything in place. '' Yeri clarified knowing how Ariana usually doesn't give a Damm about  times when it comes to making things perfect   

"Ahmm, guys I'm hungry!" The small whine from Jo makes them sigh. They did want to have lunch with her friend but now it just four of them 

"Come on, let's go eat something. "  Danny advises holding Jo's hand

Yeri looked at the hands entwined with each other. "Sure," she mumbled to herself 

As the group of friends strolled the corridors Seo implies. "Can we go to the restaurant like the last time "  

"I would love that, " Yeri nodded, grabbing her phone and checking the notifications if there was anything important. 

Before they could depart the campus Jo stopped as her eyes found Lucy in front of the aisles looking down at her smartphone, strolling the corridor. "Looks like Hwang doesn't have the nerd  today," she said the other also look at Lucy who was alone 

"Should We invite her?" Seo inquire others  

"You think she would agree?" Danny asks.  She knows even though they are in the same group but Lucy still has a problem with them 


"Well, we'll see." Jo looked at Lucy who was walking down the main hall in front now. "Hey, Hwang!"  

The abrupt call almost makes Lucy stumble on her feet. Truly Ariana's group would be the last people she wants to see  'Better have a reason for Now Park or you're dead ' She mentally alerts her senses. "What?!" 

Jo smiles ear to ear thankfully Lucy did stop. "Wanna join us for Lunch".Winking at Lucy she jokes 

Lucy raised an eyebrow gazing behind her and found the others also stepping towards her. However, there is no glimpse of the Cold Bitch. "No." She ignores Seo's frowned confused face and keeps walking  

That rejection barely makes Jo more curious. She looks at Yeri giving her the most puppy face which Yeri can't ignore. "Fine" she grumbles gritting her teeth, she walked towards Lucy 

The others only look at them in amazement due to the way Lucy was smiling with Yeri. They don't know Hwang Lucy maybe doesn't like others but Yeri is a little different. She is more mature than Ariana's other minions. Most importantly she has known Yeri since kindergarten. But that's a secret.

"What are they talking about ?" Jo ask 

"No clue but it looks like Hwang agreed " Danny explained  

Seo, stare at the pairs who were smiling together. "Kim's Charm"

Jo's brows knitted 'Kim's Charm '; she had never heard that before. "Wish I had any charm " 

Danny pats her back. " Jo you have the most Park charm don't worry".

'A charm that always makes Kim Yeri do anything  you want '

Yeri looks at her friends and finds them staring at her open mouth. "Are you sure about me Joining?" Lucy's voice grabs her attention.  

Smiling softly she nods. "Of course, ".Her hands reach to take the car keys, she holds them out. "Your driving " 

Lucy grinned and took the keys. "Sure I am, " Peeking at the three they were still watching them she smirked. "Come on girls. let's go on a ride " 

"Okay!" Jo cheered happily clamping her hands together and interlocking her arms with Danny and Seo "Let's go." 

Walking to the campus when they all reach Yeri's car. Lucy sits in the driver's seat and Yeri accompanies her as the co-driver. the other sat behind.   Before starting the car Lucy adjusted the rearview mirror looking at the three minions. "Brace your soul and your heart girls, " She looked at Yeri, both of them smirking devilishly. "This Martin boy is going to fly high. " 

"Wait, what do you mean by f-' ... Danny's question was left unasked as Lucy's left foot squeezed the gas pedal, making the wheels of the sports car squeak a little while the engine howled powerfully

The car shoots out towards the Exit of Wilmington taking a couple of left and right which affected the three of them to soar onto either side of each other's body. 

" what the! I didn't sign for a death note!" Jo groused at Yeri who was grinning at the panicking sight of her friends. The best part hasn't even started yet. The car growled again, hard almost causing her to end up in the front seat. she held herself placing both of her hands, one on the back of Lucy's seat and the other clutching Danny's arms 

Lucy looked in the rearview mirror for a second and smirked. "Did I tell you guys last week my driver's license got canceled, " she explained sadly 

This declaration makes others' faces pale like they had seen the grim reaper behind Hwang. Noticing Seo holding tightly to the armrest while the other one gripped Jo's right hand. She goes on. "But see I can drive pretty well"

It was a Lie Lucy still had her license However maybe this was a little too much but at last this special ride would teach them not to tease Yeri again

She gazed at the traffic and then pressed the gas pedal, causing Jo to sink into the white leather seat of Martin, putting both of her hands at her side. Her eyes burned into Yeri's. And Kim Yeri somehow Loves it

Watching Jo disgruntled makes her heart pump up against her ribcage. She gripped her skirt, those glossy pleading hateful eyes making the childish Jo, Devine, alluring. It's probably wrong to find her innocent best friend divine. But it's not like she is going to tell this to anyone. Afterall The Charming Kim Yeri is a little sinner too

The engine roaring, screening wheels. The thrill of speed can only give a shiver of pleasure to Lucy, how much she missed riding cars as an experienced driver she is following the busy traffic to reach their destination. 

Danny's knuckles turn white, gravity has betrayed her already shoving her firmly into the seat. Her eyes widened, watching everything around them go by at that speed. It seemed like they were going to crash in a minute against anything that crossed them. 

Nevertheless, for the love of heaven, Lucy continues to drive at a safe speed. She was grateful that they weren't speeding through the red lights. Or there would be police officers following them behind. The speed with which Lucy was driving a few moments ago exceeded the speed limits in Calsodonia. Hwang indeed drives like a lunatic. There is no way she is sitting when Lucy is driving. 

NO Hell Way!  

Thankfully the ride or die finally ended as they reached the restaurant. Unblocking her seat belt, Lucy climbed out of the car smiling proudly. Giving Yeri a high five." We should do it again," she let out. Yeri smiled she wanted to agree with her but 

"NO!!" The Quick disagreement of her friends makes her grin.' We Will. Surely ' she smirked 

As the group went inside the Restaurant. Jo opens the car door her legs feel like jello whenever she would try to take a step her legs shaking. 

Luckily Yeri was waiting to extend her hands and she smiled. "Come ".Jo's lips edged upward a few minutes ago. She was almost dying because of this person who is offering her hands now, but she accepts it. Grasping her small hands with Yeri's big ones. she glances at them  flawlessly pairing with  each other 

Entering the restaurant Yeri found her friends frozen in one place. She moved towards her friends holding Jo at her side. Both of them  looked at the place where everyone was staring 'What the!' 

" Is this Important Work ?"  Danny tear her eyes off the pairs and asked her friends