

The day was very pleasant with the cool breezes coming from the ocean. The people in the beach are enjoying the breezes. The children playing with sand by making the tiny forts. The old people layed down on the sand and relaxing in that cool breezes. The young people came to the beach for stress relief. All are came to there to enjoy their weekend.

The time is going on cheerfully. The sun is falling down into the ocean. Suddenly a big sound is occured in that beach. By hearing that big sound, all the people's minds were filled with some type of anxiety to know what happened, at the same time a small fear started in their minds. That sound is seems like cries of a person. All of a sudden the pleasant place became panic. Then the people move towards the cries. Then there is a person with full of blood on his body. His clothes were wet with blood.His body is full of wounds. The people go there are frightened by seeing him. The person stops crying. The place is filled with the silence. That silence is terrible. No one has dare to reach the person. After some time someone goes nearly to the person and put his hand on the person's nose. There is no breath. The person is died.

The people informed the police about the incident they saw there. Then, the police came to the place within no time. There is something is written on a paper laid onto the ground "LOVE IS THE WAY TO DEATH". With this message the police man suspect that the killer was a victim of love. And they collected some things from the palce for their further investigation. And the body is shifted to the hospital for postmortem. From this the police found that the killer is a PSYCHOPATH.

Now there are several questions are arised about this incident. That are "who is the killer?", "what is the story behind the murders?" and mainly "who will be the next target?". These are the main questions arised about the murder.