
The Protectors Of The Universe

In the past, the earth had no magic or beasts as it has now. Everything was normal and humans never thought that there was anything that resided beyond the skies and they surely didn’t know that for years now aliens, mages, saint and many more have been trying to conquer earth for the longest time possible because of all the minerals we have that can be used to cultivate to such high level. They have tried many times but they were always stopped by a person or let’s say by a guardian of extraordinary power. He had mastered all the affinities and also all the secret skills there is. He cultivated all the time and increased himself. He fought everyday against these external forces but, he hid it all away from humans because he taught if we knew we would be in more danger. One day, he went out to the vast universe to fight but then he was defeated by a strong opponent. Knowing that if he dies here we would all be in trouble, he disintegrated and his particles created a barrier around earth. A crystal came out of him that contained all his power. The crystal fell to earth, and when it did it mutated the earth and now people started to get affinities and abilities. Till date no one has been able unlock the full power of the crystal to fight the impending threat because the barrier is said to disappear in about 20 years from now. So, next week we will be going to the Headquarters of the protectors of the universe to see if any of you can unlock the full ability of the crystal

Swatdz_Lapatu · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

The Awaiting Visit

"In the past, the earth had no magic or beasts as it has now. Everything was normal and humans never thought that there was anything that resided beyond the skies and they surely didn't know that for years now aliens, mages, saint and many more have been trying to conquer earth for the longest time possible because of all the minerals we have that can be used to cultivate to such high level. They have tried many times but they were always stopped by a person or let's say by a guardian of extraordinary power. He had mastered all the affinities and also all the secret skills there is. He cultivated all the time and increased himself. He fought everyday against these external forces but, he hid it all away from humans because he taught if we knew we would be in more danger. One day, he went out to the vast universe to fight but then he was defeated by a strong opponent. Knowing that if he dies here we would all be in trouble, he disintegrated and his particles created a barrier around earth. A crystal came out of him that contained all his power. The crystal fell to earth, and when it did it mutated the earth and now people started to get affinities and abilities. Till date no one has been able unlock the full power of the crystal to fight the impending threat because the barrier is said to disappear in about 20 years from now.

So, next week we will be going to the Headquarters of the protectors of the universe to see if any of you can unlock the full ability of the crystal", Mrs Benson explained to a class of about fifty people.

"At least we know Alan won't be unlocking the crystal, maybe it is me, I always knew I was special.", a boy snidely spoke. Os stop that the teacher said. "We all have a chance to unlock it and when we do, we can help the earth to fend of these external forces."

*Ring* *Ring* The bell rang two times to announce the end of class and for everyone to go home. "Alan, wait for me, why are you in a rush", Toby, Alan's best friend called out.

"I have to get home, my parents will punish me if I am even one second late." "I can't afford to be late"

"well, do you plan on coming for the trip next week". "No, I am not sure I will Unlock the crystal or even get an affinity nor a skill". "What they say is true, I can't do anything". "Hey, don't say that, you are special", Toby said. ". I am positive that you will unlock the crystal".

"Thanks Toby, but I doubt it will ever happen". "Bye", Alan said as he walked off towards the direction of his house.

As Alan got close to his adoptive parents house he sighed, thinking of all the stress they had put him through. They were never looking for a child, they only adopted him because they wanted to get the money that will be given to them when they adopt him. They always made him work and never fed him properly. When he comes late they scold him and lock him up in the basement. He hated them more than anything and even hated his biological parents more.

As Alan walked into the house, his adoptive parents, Adam Wellar and Martha Wellar were waiting for him to come home so that they could discipline him. Immediately he stepped into the house they scolded him and when he tried to talk back for the first time because he had had enough Adam slapped him across the face.

Long story short he was sent to the basement that had fifteen steps that led down to the floor. The whole room was smelling and the dampened air was making it hard for him to breath. There were molds of many colors spread across the walls and most of the wood was weak and had holes in them. The whole room was filled with junk and there was no space at all. The ceiling was broken and water dripped from it when the rain falls. As he walked across the room to a spot where he always sits a mice ran across the room to escape thinking it was being chased. Alan just went up to the wall, but his back on the wall and slid across it onto the floor.

"Is it because I am not strong or useful", Alan thought. "Maybe I need to get strong, but how can I do that". "Right now I am just building castles in the air". "Maybe if I go to the HQ of the Protectors Of the Universe (POU) next week I can gain more power".

That day, a fiery passion burnt within Alan to get stronger and protect those he loves and stop bullying. While lost in his thoughts, Alan fell asleep.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang*

The door of the basement was hit extremely hard by Adam. "Hey useless boy, get up and get ready for school, I am not ready to have the child services here asking why you didn't go to school."

Alan scoffed and got ready for school. He walked out the door without saying anything to his adoptive parents. As he walked the street of Asburn, Alan watched how many people were using their affinities and skills that they had acquired, while he had no affinity nor skills.

Asburn was a big city on earth that was a commercial area. A lot of people usually came there to buy skill books, potions, spells and many other things that will help them grow in strength. There were many people that came to Asburn to buy and sell. People were shouting out their products while others were viewing the products being sold. Due to it's large popularity Asburn has a lot of thieves and gangs that run most of the city

As he walked through the streets of Asburn, he couldn't help but ask himself why him. Why was he the only one in class that didn't have an affinity. It is normal for some people to not be able to "Awaken". Awaken is when you are able to absorb the energy around you to find out your affinity to use them to fight or do other things.

When he got to the school, class had already started. He was late for class. "Hey, Hey, have you made up your mind now to join the trip or you still wont go", Toby inquired. "I will go." "I have to prove myself"

"I knew you would go" "so, what you gonna wear to impress Jenna" Jenna was Alan's crush. She was always kind to him when others weren't. She had brunette hair with light blue eyes and a red plump lips. Her body is very voluptuous and alluring, but that was not what made him start crushing on her but her kind nature and attitude towards everyone. Not only him had a crush on her. Currently, she had a boyfriend named Andrew.

Andrew is a blonde that has light green eyes and a beautiful symmetrical face and jawline. He is the richest guy in school and likes to bully everyone beneath him in terms of money and power. Alan never understood why Jenna even dated a guy like Andrew when there were plenty other better boys.

"I will wear my uniform, just like everyone else Toby!". "Ah, yes that is true, the school uniform",Toby said. "How could I forget?"

When it came to the friend duo Toby is the smart and jovial one while Alan is the dumb and serious one. They kind of pair together perfectly. Alan and Toby have known each other for a very long time. When Alan begun school, that was in middle school, Alan and Toby were in the same class but never talked until Alan was being bullied by a classmate and Toby stepped in to save Alan. The bully casted a first level offensive spell [Fire blast}. A small ball made of fire left the bullies hand and headed towards Toby, but he also performed a second tier defensive spell [Water shield] to block the attack and immediately sent an offensive first tier spell [wind slash] and the bully got hit and turned around and left. Toby walked to Alan and asked how he was doing and that was when they became best pals.

*Ring* *Ring*

"I have to get home, see you tomorrow", Alan said to Toby. "yeah, see you tomorrow, I can't wait for next week already.", Toby said. "Hi Toby", a voice said from behind Toby after Alan had walked away. Toby gulped as he heard that voice. That was the voice of Jenna Alan's crush and Andrew's girlfriend. Toby was very smart but not very good with girls and Jenna knew that.

"Hi", Toby nervously said. "How can I help you". "I only wanted to ask if Alan will be coming next week, I overheard him saying to you that he won't be coming". "Yes, he will come", Toby said quickly and walked away. Jenna didn't find his actions offensive but funny. Jenna smiled and blushed at the thought of Alan. Turns out the feelings were mutual.