
Chapter Two: Bianca

The alleyway was dark as the young girl stalked down the small road. She was looking for someone who no one would miss or realize was gone. She had hoped the alleyway would provide her with prey, possibly a homeless man. She was very skeptical about the whole homeless thing as she didn't want any diseases transferred through the blood, but she wanted an easy job. She wasn't one for working too hard for anything. She got frustrated as she neared the end of the alleyway and still hadn't found anyone to feed from. The night would be over soon and she didn't have much time. If she failed again her parents were gonna take away her car and possibly her cell phone. She had started to lose hope when she heard a rustling from a part of the alleyway she had already passed. She turned on her heels and scanned the alleyway for any signs of people. Her enhanced vision helped her to spot someone underneath some boxes behind a piece of board that was almost against the wall, she hadn't thought anyone could fit back there much less sleep back there. She started to get excited as she neared the victim, her fangs starting to emerge from her gums. Her first feeding, she knew it would be an experience she would never forget. The person was asleep and the girl was a little relieved, hoping the person would stay asleep long enough for her to take what she needed. Unlike popular belief, vampires don't need to kill their victims unless under severe circumstances. Although they don't need to kill the victims it has become tradition to. An ugly tradition in Bianca's opinion. She kneeled next to the unsuspecting victim and bit into their neck. As soon as the blood touched her lips she felt as if her body was surged with power. She grunted as she held onto the person harder and closed her eyes. It was greater than anything she had imagined before, she swore she saw stars. But before she knew it the person was dead. She gasped as she flung herself back, horrified by her own actions. She stared at the body for a good long while, almost not breathing. She slowly crawled back over to the body and with a shaky hand she checked for a pulse. There wasn't one, she let out a sob and covered her mouth with her hand. She had killed, on her first feeding non the less. All her morals and opinions flushed down the drain in an instant. She thought about all the people who had laughed at her when she said she didn't believe in killing, even her own parents. They said she sounded like some stupid werewolf human lover. She always hated the way that everyone treated humans and werewolves, she secretly wished she had been born a werewolf. They didn't have to feed on people but they got basically all the same perks, it was unfair. They could also be in the sun without feeling like they caught the plague. As she stared down the body of the person she just devoured she wished nothing more than to be anywhere but there, anything but a vampire. She got up and went to run, but collapsed a few feet away and started to dry heave in the alley. She felt disgusted with herself. After a few moments she felt well enough to stand up again. She turned and took one last look at the body before dashing away to find her mentor. As she ran through the crowds of people on the street she became horrified, she could hear their heartbeats, she could smell the blood in their veins. It scared her even more when her fangs started to drop down and she felt herself grow hungry again. She had just devoured an entire person but was still hungry for more. She stopped in the middle of the crowds and started to panic. The cars, the people, everything was too loud. She could hear the conversations of everyone within a mile of her radius, she could her every little hear of the car engine. Bianca began to feel overwhelmed, like her head was gonna fall off, her breathing began to get heavy as she spun in circles. I have to find my master, I have to find him. She kept chanting to herself, just when she felt as if she might pass out and her vision began to blur she felt an hand on her arm. She couldn't make out who had grabbed her but she didn't think it mattered, she was a killer there's no going back now. The person picked her up and started to carry her, she put up no resistance, she was too weak to. She just sat in their arms and tried to calm her breathing down. When they finally stopped they were out of the city in the woods, the person places her down on the ground and grabbed her face.

"Bianca can you hear me?" A familiar voice questioned.

She looked up at him with teary eyes and grabbed onto him. "I-I killed him...I couldn't stop...and their....their hearts....their blood." She stammered.

Her master sighed, he had expected this, she was a very odd vampire and he wondered why he chose to take on such a difficult student.

"Yes, we talked about this, your senses are heightened for the hunt." He explained while checking to see if she had been hurt anywhere.

" Was it difficult? Did he try to stop you?" He asked lookin at her eyes for a moment.

She did not reply which he took as a no, people hardly try to fight against vampires, not humans anyway. They always gave up, willing to become prey in this cruel world.

"I didn't...I thought-" Bianca started before her master cut her off.

"You thought that you could stop yourself. You thought that feeding would be easy and dandy and you could do it easily without training." He was pissed, she hadn't listened to any of his lessons or to any of his words. He told her she would probably kill her first time, not only is the pull too strong but the powers you gain from the first feeding needs to be filled by a lot more blood than one person can handle losing.

This was her awaking, he knew that everything she had ever thought was contradicted in that moment.

"Let's get you home." He picked her up once again, she tried to protest but one glare made her just lean into his chest. She knew that he was angry with her, she wanted to apologize, she wished she had listened to him and maybe she wouldn't be so heart broken right now.

"I'm sorry" she whispered, he nodded and kept looking ahead, he was walking rather slowly and it made her wonder if he was trying to kill time. We don't get to go out a lot in the day since it makes us sick. He usually doesn't go back to our coven until very close to dawn, but she had ruined his night.

Of course he didn't think of it that way, he was her master and had to teach her these things. After all he was responsible for turning her, her and her parents. He had been having a bad night, when he came across her parents he didn't realize that they had a baby with them, he couldn't bear the thought of the parents accidentally killing their own child in a feeding so he turned her too. Obviously she had to wait to do her first feeding, as she was still a baby when turned. Her parents adapted to the life of being vampires fast, but they never did tell her that she wasn't born a vampire. Many vampires who are turned are looked down upon by others, they are considered to be tainted with the morals of humans, that's why so many people just kill their prey instead of letting them come back as vampires. Yet her parents acted just like vampire born, she hated it and he knew it. She had adopted his idealisms unlike her parents. He treasured her, he was never able to have a family. He hadn't ever fallen in love. In all honesty he hated women, they were too complicated. He arrived at the coven and found his way to his room. He set his student on his bed, she had fallen fast asleep on the way their. He got her under the covers after taken off her shoes.

"I wish I could save you from this." he whispered before kissing her head and leaving the room. One of his biggest regrets was turning the child, he wished he had just dropped her off at a orphanage or something.

When Bianca woke up she noticed she was in her mentors room. She sighed and sunk into the sheets. His room was much darker than hers. It was very aesthetically pleasing and quite clean for a bachelor. She always preferred his room over hers, and her parents. She heard the door open and close. She felt the dip of the bed as her mentor sat down.

"How are you feeling?' he asked her, setting a hand on her back. Over the years he had gotten better at comforting her. Less like an old man who didn't know what to do. She turned over and looked at him.

"I feel better...im sorry" she started to tear up, she had gone against his wishes. She was just so determined not to fail this time. The first feeding was always a highly praised achievement and she had always messed it up. Now that she had done it though she wished she had never gone out that night.

"You don't need to apologize, I know I'm old but I remember my first feeding as well. I know how hard it is. I hope you realize why I wanted to be there. So I could stop you in case you couldn't stop yourself." He looked at her with pity in his eyes.

"I know, ill never do it again I promise." she blinked away her tears. She couldn't take it back now. She had to live with the fact that she killed a man. Her mentor patted her head and got up.

"You can sleep here a bit longer, its still daylight. But I'm sure your parents would like to see you after you are rested up." Bianca nodded and sunk further into the covers. She didn't want to see her parents, they would find out she killed and then it would be spread around. She didn't want to be like everyone else. She wanted to be like her mentor.

After a few hours she gave up with sleep and headed out to find her parents. She was greeted by a few coven members, she bowed her head in respect and headed on. She stopped at a door and knocked. She heard some grumbling behind the door and chuckled a bit. A very sleepy vampire opened the door. Bianca stifled a laugh as she saw her friends messed up hair. Her friend took on the typical emo teenager look. Without the cringy haircut, her friend insisted she was an e-girl not an emo. Whatever that was. Her friend grumbled some more before widening the door to let her in.

"This better be good, I was having the greatest dream about a hot anime stud."

Bianca scoffed and sat on her bed. She picked at the fluffy blanket as her friend shut the door and turned to look at her. "I had my first feeding last night." Bianca whispered.

Her friend perked right up and ran over to her friend, "And how did it go?" she asked.

Tears welled up in Bianca's eyes as she told her friend about what had happened.

"Oh B, I'm so sorry." She got a warm hug from her friend, and she cried into her shoulder.

" It was horrible Charlette. I couldn't control myself, I hated it." She sobbed into her shoulder. "Its even worse that everyone will praise me, and tell me how proud I should be. Its disgusting."

Charlette nodded, letting her rant. Charlette understood how she felt and accepted the same ideologies as Bianca did.

Bianca calmed down after a bit and got up. "I guess I better go see my parents"

" Do you want me to go with you?" Charlette asked grabbing Bianca's hand. Bianca smiled gently rubbing her hand.

"No, you can go back to sleep. You have done a lot already." Charlette smiled sadly at Bianca as she left.

"You can come back after if you need to hun"

Bianca left her friends room and made her way to the drawing room downstairs. The coven was very rich and had a huge house for all the members. She found her parents in there just like she supposed she would.

"Hello, How did your trip go?" her father asked without looking up from his book.

"I had my first feeding.." My father still didn't look at me.


"They didn't survive." I held back tears and kept a straight face. My parents heads shot up and they grinned at me.

"Embracing your heritage I see." My dad stood up and patted me on the back. " I'm so proud of you. We thought we might have to disown you."

"That's great" she said, gritting her teeth. She wished her master had been her birth father. Her mother beamed at her.

"Wait until the rest of the coven hears about our little hunter." I cringed at the nickname.

"Thanks mom." Her father sat back down and resumed his book, Bianca took that as her cue to leave. She left the drawing room only to see her master right outside the door.

"Don't listen to them." he said staring into her eyes. He was definitely pissed off but wouldn't say anything to her parents.

"I know, I wasn't listening in the first place." She said angrily and tried to side step him to go see Charlette. He grabbed her arm and grabbed her chin to look at him.

"We are training tonight, bring Charlette." He let her go and she rubbed her chin. He had this thing about being looked at when he was talked to, she supposed it was an old person thing. She nodded her head before heading off again. She made her way back to Charlette's room, only to find out she wasn't there.

"Figures." she sighed. Bianca looked at the window seeing that it was practically dusk. She started off towards her room, figured she would try to nap before she had to train.

When she entered her room she was greeted by the mess she had left from the day before. She hadn't cleaned her room in quite awhile and since her parents never come to see her, it wasn't a big deal. When Bianca looked at her bed, she had realized how tired she actually was. She maneuvered her way across the room and collapsed on her bed. She grabbed her blankets and forced them into a big ball that she could cuddle. She sighed and closed her eyes.

Just when she thought she might finally get some sleep, Charlette barged into her room. She groaned and sat up.

"Scoot over." Charlette hopped on the bed and laid down, motioning her hands to Bianca. Bianca laid back down and turned to Charlette. "Lets nap together." Charlette took Bianca's ball of comfort and spread it out to cover both of them. Charlette giggled and closed her eyes.

Bianca stared at Charlette while she fell asleep. After she was sure Charlette was asleep, then she started to drift. Charlette had waited till Bianca fell asleep before to clean up her room. It always made Bianca feel guilty, sure it was helpful but it was her mess not Charlette's.

Bianca was rudely awakened by Charlette tearing the blankets off of her.

"mm Give them back!" Bianca whined grabbing the air. Charlette giggled and jumped on her.

"We have to get you to the stream." Bianca groaned again and tried to push Charlette off. "Master says so." Charlette laughed. Bianca sat up and threw Charlette off. She rushed to get dressed in any kind of training outfit she could find.

"Umm...Didn't you wear that the other day?" Charlette asked looking at Bianca as she picked clothes up off the floor.

"So?" Bianca said throwing the clothes on. Charlette scrunched up her nose.

"Ew...Lets go. I think I saw a mouse." Charlette took off towards the door staring at the pile of clothes like some sort of monster would jump out.

They made their way to the stream, looking around for their master. They found him sitting on the edge of the stream looking in. Bianca looked at Charlette weirdly before heading over to their mentor. She went to grab his shoulder so he could face her when he grabbed her hand and threw her into the stream. Bianca was surprised and couldn't catch herself. She fell on her butt in the water. Charlette snorted and started laughing at her.

"What was that for?" Bianca complained, throwing some sort of plant that touched her.

"That was punishment for last night." Bianca looked at her Master with guilt.

"Well the first part anyway. Obviously what you did is unacceptable whether it was on accident or not." Bianca looked at her master in horror, wondering if he was being serious. His look was stone cold. Charlette looked at their master and mumbled. "Awkward."

"Your not off the hook either Charlette, why weren't you out hunting with her and helping her." He turned to Charlette who looked at him sheepishly.

"I slept in.." She shrugged.

"Not a valid excuse, now both of you will train until you drop from exhaustion." Master started to walk away and waved for them to follow. Charlette sent Bianca a look, her eyes saying help us.

Their master stopped right before a clearing where a lot of bunnies were lounging and munching on some plants.

"Umm...how is this training?" Charlette asked.

"Bianca just got her powers so she needs the basic training. Since you are experienced you will be teaching her. Her failures are your failures. You both know what the consequences of failure are. I expect Bianca to catch 10 bunnies without harming them." Their master replied, not taking his eyes of the bunnies.

"That sounds so easy." Bianca said.

"Easy for a trained vampire but for you we have found out you have control issues. So in order to correct that, here is your training." Then the master took out a beaker full of blood. Bianca got white in the face. Their master opened the bottle and used his vampire speed to drip the smallest drop onto each bunny without them noticing. Bianca started to feel her fangs coming out. With her heightened senses she could smell all the blood and it was overwhelming.

"Good luck." Their master said before taking off. Charlette looked at Bianca hesitantly, she didn't think she would be able to teach Bianca. Bianca was gritting he teeth trying to hold back her instincts.

"What's first?" Bianca asked trying to concentrate on Charlette. Charlette looked at the bunnies and back at Bianca.

"You need to breath, concentrate on something other than the blood smell, try to ignore it completely." Charlette said a little hesitantly, she hadn't ever had a problem with human blood so she wasn't really sure how to help.

"I-I can't" Bianca trembled starting to shake, she was using every will she had to keep herself planted.

"You have to try harder, think of the bunnies as actual people, children. You don't want to hurt any children Bianca." Charlette started to get a sterner voice, like a teacher. Bianca closed her eyes and breathed in the scent, she let out a shaky breath and tried to picture children instead of bunnies. She felt it start to work and she got excited.

"I can feel it Charlette, my fangs are going back in." Bianca basically shouted.

"That's great!" Charlette laughed.

"I want to try to get one!" Bianca exclaimed. Charlette grabbed Bianca's hand.

"I don't think we should try yet, you should get more under control." Charlette said concerned.

"No, I can do this Charlette. I need to learn fast so that you don't get left behind by the other students." Bianca yelled. "I cant be the reason you get left behind." Bianca left and ran towards the bunnies. As she got closer the scent got stronger, she covered her mouth and told herself to control it. She got close to a bunny by hiding her scent and stepping quietly. When she got close to the bunny the scent became too strong. She felt her fangs come out and her instincts kick in at the same time. She didn't see Charlette come behind her and grab her shoulders, by then it was too late. Bianca turned around and dug her fangs into Charlette. Charlette cried out and fell backwards.

"Bianca! Stop!" Charlette cried out, she tried to push Bianca's head away from her. Bianca was overpowering Charlette very easily and wasn't letting up.

"Bianca!" A familiar voice called out. Bianca snapped out of it and jumped back, she noticed what had happened. Her master showed up and checked on Charlette. When he was sure that she was ok he looked at Bianca. Bianca was sobbing, how could she do that to her friend?

"Charlette go back to the house, ill take it from here." Charlette looked at Bianca then got up and ran towards the house. "You didn't even last 20 minutes, You could have killed her." Her master yelled at her. "You were reckless, she was instructing you and you failed her."

"I'm sorry..." Bianca sobbed. Her master looked at her with angry eyes.

"You aren't even trying. I'm making new rules for you. No leaving the house without me to accompany you. Now that you've tasted her blood you will have a craving for it so no seeing Charlette unless someone is there with you. You will not be allowed to go out and feed again until you get under control." Her master stated without mercy.

"If I cant feed then wont I starve?" Bianca asked.

"You will feed from me, I will make sure you get enough to survive without killing me in the process. We will continue your training alone and away from everyone. You will be isolated until you can control yourself. I have never had a student who has attacked another because they couldn't control themselves.

Bianca looked down at her hands horrified to see the blood under her nails. She had gripped Charlette so hard. She started to sob and agreed to her Masters rules. She wouldn't go near Charlette at all until she could get herself under control, she couldn't hurt her again.
