
The Promised King, "Red Haired " SHANKS

"Red-Haired" Shanks and his wild adventures.

Uncreative66 · วิดีโอเกม
45 Chs

Eyes of the watchers

Narrator's Pov: On an unknown island , the sound of laughter and music resounded as a party was currency being held after a clash between pirates where one was annihilated. There was smoke as food was cooked on multiple fires while there was also the occasional sound of a roar from what seemed like a fearsome beast.

The people currently celebrating were a crew of infamous pirates led by an equally infamous captain. This crew was known for their quick growth in infamy due to their radical methods of recruitment , which consisted of either submission to crew and its captain or complete annihilation. 

It was a crew that thrived and played by the rule of, "Only the strong survive while the weak die''. These were the beast pirates, lead by ["Advent of the Beasts" Kaido: Wanted Dead or Alive: $4,004,600,000] who earned his status after defeating and killing ["Tyrant King" Daigon], a previous yonko, and annihilating his crew to oblivion. 

And currently the crew was celebrating after their successful clash and victory against the marines that had been sent to slow down their growth in infamy a day before Shank's clash with Kizaru. The pirates celebrated starting from the morning , as the battle started after sun down and ended during sun rise, to the evening. 

As the celebration went on, a certain member of the crew looked up as he sensed a bird entering his range of observation haki . He was tall, standing at a staggering 17 feet, while sporting a muscular frame with broad-shouldered limbs. 

He sported a black ,form fitting leather costume that didn't show any of his flesh. The entirety of his head was covered by a black mask and had two small spikes on both sides of his ears. He also carried the sheath of a katana with a katana in it on his left hip.

As he looked up at the blazing sun, he spotted a News Coo bird that started to make noise.

He looked at it before he shuffled through his pockets and threw 150 berries at the bird a minute later. The bird moved in a swift manner to collect the berries while throwing the newspaper it held in its mouth at the pirate who was slightly sober now .

He caught the newspaper while the bird flew away to deliver newspapers around the world.

He unfurled it moments later as he started to read its contents silently in his head.

Throughout the entire process, not an ounce of emotion was shown as he simply folded it a minute later before jumping from his initial position, a tree branch, and walked towards a cave. 

As he passed by the crowd of pirates who drank and started petty and needless squabbles, the pirates quilted down and made way for him to move unhindered, not that he really needed it. A minute later, he approached the cave and entered . As he walked forward, he started to hear the sounds of drinking and occasional weird laughter.

A door appeared in his view a minute later and he opened it only to be met with the sight of a giant man with a muscular frame and horns along with dreadlocks shirtless and drinking while sitting on top of a rock. This was Kaido, the newest yonko to date. 

And sitting next to him was a youthful woman of incredible size by human standards who sported long blond hair while wearing a kimono. She was black maria, Kaiod's current mistress who was recruited not long ago after a raid on a certain kingdom. Kaido looked in kings direction as grin emerged on his face as he said," King, come ,come join us as we celebrate our victory.'' 

" Sorry to disappoint you captain , but I'll pass on that offer for now. I've some interesting news. I've spotted a potential and promising subordinate who can be of immense use to you." 

As he said that, he threw the newspaper to Kaido while glancing in silence at the woman next to his captain. His gaze contained a hint of mistrust that quickly disappeared as his captain reacted. 

" Wororororororo, interesting. Truly interesting. He's definitely strong enough to join my crew.

I can see why you find him worthy. Have the tracking division use all their contacts in the underworld to track him down. In the meantime , let's celebrate our victory." 

  Kaido threw a barrel of rum to King while he opened another and started to drink from it as King with slight reluctance and the woman followed in the same manner seconds later.


Island in the New world: Sphinx: On the waters that surround the island of sphinx, a large fleet of pirate ships could be seen approaching the island. A thing they all had in common was the flag they carried which consisted of a jolly roger that had the image of a large smiling skull with a mustache and crossbones arranged vertically.

And in front of all this massive fleet of ships was a large white battleship with a white whale figurehead that was shaped into a giant smile. This was [ The Moby Dick], the main ship of the whitebeard pirates. And they were currently sailing to their captain's home island after a long voyage around their territories.

On the left side deck was a large purple couch and on it sat the captain of the whitebeard pirates

[ '' Whitebeard" Edward Newgate: Wanted Dead or Alive: $ 5,046,000,000] , one of the now deceased pirate king's greatest rivals. And currently standing in front of him was his 1st division commander,[Marco ''The Phoenix'']. Marco was currently reporting the incident and after a minute silence ensued as he finished his report. A second later, the sound of laughter echoed throughout the ship as whitebeard laughed in a merry manner before saying in a jovial tone

" Gurararararararararararara, it seems like Roger's apprentice wants to turn the world upside down as he once did. Marco , contact our informants in the underworld and make sure they keep an eye on him. Also make sure to tell me about any incidents he causes in the new world''.

As he said so, he took a sip out of a giant barrel of rum while continuing to laugh, looking forward to the future.