

Kageyama Tobio Age:(12-13) POV:

"Ugh, I can't with this. I wish there was someone who understands how I feel. And not see me as an arrogant tyrant king trying to order people around." Tobio thought bitterly. Tobio knows that his grandfather is dying soon. But, due to his lack of social skills, his words get choked up that he can not tell his teammates. What has been wrong with him these past few weeks. Why is he being more controlling(distressed)*. How come he was acting this way after Oikawa-san and Iwaizumi-san left. Tobio just has one question lingering in his head, "When did my life start crumbling before my eyes?"

Suddenly, Tobio phone starts vibrating an email. It says, "If you play sports and want to talk to people your age who understands what you are going through. Please click this link below, and we will give you a new email account for our organisation, "at the prodigies," where our goal is to bond youths with trouble with their personal life along with their teammates not understanding the way they act. "Maybe I should join this website just to see what they will say about me when I explain my problem."Tobio says aloud.

Miya Atsumu Age:(11-12) POV:

"Tsumu, ye are late again. Why can't ya be like yer brother? Now go run 5 laps for being late and then join the next game." Atsumu captain says exasperately. "Gomen, gomen senpai I was late because..."said Atsumu before they were interrupted. "Mum and I told ya to pack yer bag last night. Atsumu, ya are in middle school already. Ya should have packed yer own self. And not rely on mum and I to do it for ya." Osamu interrupts.

"I was actually dropping off our little brother, ya don't know about at preschool. But I can't tell ya why we have a brother as ya will think I was a liar like always." Atsumu thoughts are always overwhelming their body that they zone out. However, no one ever sees that cause all they see is a self-centered, arrogant, and attention seeking prat. Just a few days ago, Atsumu received an email about an organisation that helped people like them, so they joined immediately. Every time Atsumu writes there, it gives them strength to keep going and prevents their...stress releasing habits from falling out of control.

Tendo Satori Age:(12) POV:

(That Tendo kid is so creepy, especially with that smile of his.)[He looks like a murderous clown who loves bathing in blood of his victims after eating them.] These are things no child should have to hear, but Satori is used to it by now. Although Satori wishes, they just have the decency to say it to his and not talk when his backs turn. "Well, at least it's not as bad as the time they broke my fingers when I was drawing them. I mean, my fingers are permanently broken , and I lied to my parents that it was due to volleyball. The sad thing is that they believed it was my fault even though they were the ones who gave birth to me." Satori muses to himself. While his teammates think he was just talking to himself about who he was planning on killing.

"If only there was someone out there who would look at me and be my friend. If so, I hope they won't use me, I won't be played again." wished Satori. Well, he did have his wish as the next day, he received an email from "@ the prodigies," which, although hesitant, accepted the invite. After that day, he found friends all over the world, including in Japan. It was a kid one year, his junior that joined last year. They talked about their little brother and problems with his family and teammates. Satori heart went out to the kid. Satori felt like a big brother comforting their sibling after a bad day of school, and oddly enough, Satori did not mind it at all.

Yuri Plisetsky Age:(16) POV:

"Why is this happening now? After all this time, you are leaving me. I already lost both of my parents when they abandoned me. I can't lose you too." Yuri cried out desperately, hoping he was dreaming and that his grandfather was not dying. After the Grand Prix Final, this year, his grandfather, Nikolai Plisetsky, health is slowly taking him away, and doctors say he would pass on next year. Yuri just wants to keep skating more. This is pushing his new relationships with his fellow skaters away.

Everyone left him except his boyfriend, Otabek Atlin, if only because he understood why he was acting this way. *Yura* went Yuri's phone in their shared home since he knew that his grandfather did not have long he wanted(needed) a way to hear the nickname he grew up with. So he asked his grandfather to say his childhood nickname to set as his ringtone for messages and emails.

The email blew his mind that such a website existed for young athletes like himself. Yuri eagerly shared this with Otabek. Otabek, seeing Yuri so happy after going through the five stages of grief, was so ecstatic that there was a smile on his face. Otabek advised him to join the organisation. Since he will have new friends who understand what he is going through and are similar to him. When he joined, Yuri was connected to a group chat filled with people around his age. Immediately, he was met with three volleyball players and a national skater located in Japan. He felt a close connection to the youngest volleyball player. The best part was that he was his age and experienced the same loss that he was going through. He offered advice to Yuri on how to go through these tough times. That he unfortunately did not have as he did not anyone to help him outside from at the prodigies.

Yuri cried that someone his own age had to suffer this alone. Luckily, he found somebody after the worst day in middle school. Although the methods of how they found them were not. "Wait, so that kid was inflicting cuts on his ankles with a pair of scissors. And he did not stop until his childhood idol stopped him before he went too deep!?" Otabek gasped out, shocked that this could have happened to his boyfriend if he was not supporting him. After what Yuri shared with Otabek, how did messaging in the group chat go. Both of them vowed to help Yuri's new friends.

Chinen Miya Age:(11-13) POV:

Miya stared longingly at Takashi, wishing that he had friends again. After the competition, Takashi had alienated him, causing him to lose all his friends. Miya hoped he would have friends he did not care if they were older than him. Miya just has one question for his future friends. "How do you not become a hero and not have slimes as friends?" Miya deeply thought.

Miya finally found his answer in an email. Miya has to check his email every day to see if he is invited for either interviews, competitions, or photo shoots. Miya was interested and clicked with a sense of urgency. He was connected to three volleyball players. Miya was welcomed warmly as they introduced themselves and what led them to join. Miya told them his story in turn, and they shared their experience with him. And though they played a different sport, they gave him clarity on why his old friends abandoned him.

So, as far as we can see, these young athletes are forming a strong bond. Each of them felt like their newfound friends whom they had never met. Gave them a better understanding of the way each of their lives treatment is a deeper root than other people see. All of them saw each other as siblings. They all relish the feeling of being relied on, trusted, and looked up to. They all had met, and Miya let it slip he saw them all as the brothers he never had. They all admitted of thinking that too, thus a promise to always be there for each other.

One thought did lingered in their minds. "I wonder how am I gonna explain this to the team/the others/the S gang."
