
The Prince and The Archer

A tragedy separate two people who share the most remarkable emotion in the world. LOVE. One person was born to be a brave and free spirit young man. While the other one was born to be strong, independent and ambitious young lady. The two met, be friends, sharing emotion, strive to survive but end up caught in a tragedy that change the whole world that they knew. Not long after, they meet once again. But this time, the playground has been changed and the game is tuning in a different direction. Can they survive this whole new life? Can they upstand their love?

anya_mac69 · แฟนตาซี
23 Chs

5: Brotherhood / All About The Girl

Queen Anise stood by and watched from her personal bedroom window. She smiled, but in her heart, she was desperate. Watching those two princes laugh and play, she prayed that it would last long. At least she tried. Although she knew it would never happen. Not this time.

Prince Hadrian watched his brother playing with the sword. He was wobbly, still playful as usual. But he would do anything to make him happy. Even the most hateful thing; sword training.

Prince Hadrian knew he would never touch those sharp blades, but he must train his brother to be a good swordsman. That was the most important skill for him. One day, it would prove to be very useful, especially when his brother would have to deal with many unpleasant people.

His brother was still smiling even though he could barely feel his arm anymore. He would do anything for his big brother. Even jump into a tiger's den. Or be eaten by a bear.


"Are you alright?" Prince Hadrian grew worried when his brother suddenly stopped playing with the sword. He just smiled, his face suddenly turning red.

"You're blushing. Do you have a fever? I think you should rest for a while," said Prince Hadrian.

Finally! He thought to himself. He put the sword back into its casing and sat down on the ground.

"Nah, I'm feeling just fine! It's just..." suddenly, he smiled. Prince Hadrian smiled back, waiting for the next words.

"Never mind! It's a secret after all..."

"Oh, come on! Since when do you keep secrets from me?"

"Since I realized I probably should keep this one," he teased his brother.

"You know, it's prohibited to keep secrets from The Crown Prince,"

"Oh, now you're using your title against me, Your Highness?" Prince Hadrian laughed out loud. He just smiled and blushed suddenly.

"So, how did the discussion go?"

"Pity. Devastating. But at least they got the full picture. It's not that I'm unintentionally rejecting that marriage proposal. I simply know my future. And I gave them the best reason for it," Prince Hadrian said, a bitter smile on his face.

"What's the reason?" he asked.

Prince Hadrian suddenly laughed so hard, he almost fell from his chair.

"I told them, I couldn't produce an heir for the throne..." he said, his voice short of breath from laughing so hard.

"Hey!" he smacked Prince Hadrian's back. He coughed but still laughed.

"Don't ever say that!"

"It's true. I couldn't produce any, because sooner or later I'll probably..."

"Again, don't ever say that!" suddenly, the conversation took a sour turn. Both of them fell silent, watching the swan glide gracefully on the lake's surface in front of them. The sunset painted a beautiful scene, but their hearts were heavy with sorrow.

"Have you lost your faith?"


"I haven't lost hope. One day, you'll get better, even better than before. I'll work tirelessly for that!" he pledged to his brother.

"I don't know. We've tried so many things, but the results weren't as good as we hoped."

"Not this time! I am determined to work for it. I've found a new treatment for you. It's still in progress, but I believe it will be the ultimate cure for your condition!" the prince stared at his younger brother. Overwhelmed by his determination, he couldn't help but feel moved. But Prince Hadrian knew the undeniable truth. He was still facing death. Only God knows what lies ahead.


Krea walked around the small rose garden. The white roses bloomed as pure as snow. With a delicate fountain in the garden's center, the scene was truly captivating.

There was no sign of her anywhere. Krea was growing increasingly worried. She distinctly remembered telling Ayleth to return before sunset, yet there was no trace of her. How would she explain this to their mother back at the house?

"I'm back!"

"Where have you been, you fool?! You had me so anxious!"

"I already told you, I went to the meadow. Remember?"

"And as I told you, you were supposed to be back before sunset. Remember that?!"

"Ouch, let go of my hair, you idiot!"

"This is the punishment for being late! Hey!" Ayleth managed to break free. Krea could feel her anger simmering and her heart racing.

"Lady Ayleth, you better have a good explanation!" Krea rushed towards her sister, but Ayleth just stuck out her tongue and burst into laughter. She breezed past the garden and into the house.

"Hey there, father!" she passed a grand portrait of a man, standing tall, adorned in full armor, and gripping a bow. Ayleth continued into the house, casually navigating through the halls.

"Hey, Ayleth, you should get dressed..."

"Why? Is there a special occasion?"

"We have an esteemed guest tonight," the cook suddenly winked at her. Krea's cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Is Peter coming tonight? Seriously? And did he propose?" Ayleth and the entire kitchen staff erupted into joyful screams.

"Well, I'm not sure! Don't tease me like that!" they playfully ribbed her. Krea felt a warmth spread across her face. She anticipated such speculation, yet she remained unsure of the truth.

"What about Mother?"

"She was ecstatic about it! It's about time, you know. I'm already 20, so marriage is likely on the horizon," all present in the kitchen empathized with that sentiment.

The eldest lady in the house was originally meant to marry earlier, but after their father's passing, circumstances shifted. Krea had to shoulder the role of the family's sole provider. Before that, they had relied on their father, a general in the royal army squadron. However, after he perished on a mission up north, Krea took on his responsibilities, supporting Ayleth and aiding their mother.

The government offered some support, supplying necessities like food and clothing, but Krea suspected it was only temporary. Who knew when such assistance might be withdrawn? Equipped with knowledge of herbology, she sought a spot in the medical team attending to the wounded during wartime.

Initially, doubts surrounded her decision. She was deemed too young, a mere 15-year-old, to join the medical team. Moreover, it was hard to envision how she'd manage during the war. Yet, being the daughter of the renowned general and archer, war zone felt almost like home to her.

She even met Peter on the battlefield. She treated his wounds during a rescue mission. By then, she had already served three years on the medical team. Since that encounter, they have grown inseparable.

"I hope that wish comes true. I'm happy for you, Krea!" Ayleth hugged her sister tightly. Krea was the person who had always supported her. Despite Ayleth's mischievous and playful nature, Krea was there to back her up. Ayleth knew she would miss her sister, but she understood that this separation was for the best.

"Yes, I hope so,"

"So, you better get dressed right now! Move it!" Ayleth playfully smacked her sister's rear end, and both of them burst into laughter.

"You should also dress nicely. You never know, someone might catch your eye," Krea's comment left Ayleth puzzled.

"What are you trying to say?"

Krea cleared her throat.

"Well, since Peter doesn't have any family here, he's brought along some friends from his squadron. You know, those tall and handsome guys; Barda, Leo, and... Cedric," the emphasis on Cedric's name caught Ayleth's attention. She let out a sigh.

"Oh no..."

"Why? I thought you had a bit of a thing for them, especially Cedric," Krea started teasing her sister again, but Ayleth seemed uninterested in that name.

"You've got it all wrong. I don't have feelings for any of them, especially not him," Ayleth grumbled as she stomped into her bedroom. She flopped onto her bed, her heart feeling heavy.

"But I thought you were quite taken with him after last summer ball?"

Ayleth still remembered that ball, when her sister had pushed her to interact with Cedric. Everything seemed perfect then. He was a true gentleman, treating her with utmost care. He even asked to see her again after the ball.

However, the truth was that Ayleth struggled to develop any genuine feelings for him. Perhaps she had been excited initially, but eventually, she realized that they weren't meant for each other. Despite Cedric's continued efforts to keep in touch with her sister, Ayleth felt that those feelings had faded long ago.

"I don't think so. He's a nice guy, but I still feel empty,"

"Wow, that's a change! I remember how you used to be so interested in him. You were the one who wanted me to set you up with him and asked about him all the time. Now, where's that enthusiasm, young lady?" Krea inquired. She had been convinced that her sister and Cedric were a match, and now it seemed her assumptions had been mistaken.

"No, I don't think so. I've had this feeling that I might end up alone,"

"What do you mean? Seriously, you're getting weirder by the day!" Krea knew her sister like the back of her hand. Ayleth could switch her feelings and thoughts with ease, but this was a surprising revelation. Krea began to suspect that Ayleth was hiding something up her sleeve.

"Are you thinking of becoming a nun?"

"No, I'm not that religious, you know?"


"I'm thinking about joining the army as an archer. Just like our father," Krea's heart seemed to stop at those words. Becoming a skilled archer, following in the footsteps of their father, the renowned Archer General Whitrose.

Who had tragically lost his life during the war.

"I hope you'll reconsider that idea.."

"Why? I thought you'd be happy about it. We could be together at the camp more often! Once you're married, it'll be hard for you to come home frequently. But if I'm in the army too, I can see you every day!" Ayleth embraced Krea, but Krea slowly withdrew from her sister's grasp.

"You have a misconception about military camps. It's not a suitable place for an ordinary young lady! There are dead bodies every day. I have to steel myself every time I see those stretchers carrying the fallen soldiers into my sick bay. I can't even fathom you being one of them. My sister!" Tears welled up in Krea's hazel eyes, a pair she had inherited from their father.

"I'm fully aware of that. It's just... well, I don't know. I wish I could make a meaningful contribution to the family. I'm not good at academics or household chores. Archery is the only thing I excel at," Ayleth held the bow in her hands, a cherished heirloom passed down from their late father.

"..and I know our father would want his daughter to achieve greatness, just like he did," Ayleth met Krea's gaze directly.

Krea stood up abruptly, trying to dismiss the topic.

"I hope you'll let go of that idea.."


"When Father left us, I managed to keep going because of you and Mother. But if I lose you too, I don't think I'll have a reason to continue living. This is the last time we discuss this. I hope you'll forget about it for the sake of our mother... and me," Krea headed towards the door, her eyes moist with tears. Despite her emotions, she was determined to be stern with her sister for her good.

Ayleth remained seated on the bed, consumed by a heavy feeling.

"And... Ayleth..."


"Please consider Cedric, that's all I ask.."

Once again, Ayleth's heart felt a pang of conflict...