
The Prey of Souls (BL novel)

Sampson works as a servant to the Prince in the royal Kingdom of Toombak. There's growing unrest with the unstoppable army of souls devouring every kingdom in it's path with it slowly making it's way to Toombak. The only hope is that the lost son of Vahda, the tribe that created the army to defeat it's enemies, will one day return. At the Prince's annual birthday after the Souls storm the Castle it is revealed that Sampson is the lost son and therefore tasked with defeating the army. First he must learn how to be a fighter, having the arrogant Prince. What starts of as a tumultuous relationship quickly turns into friendship. But with Sampson starting to think of the Prince as more than a friend he may have more than the army of souls to worry about.

yumiyoung · แฟนตาซี
31 Chs

chapter 18

Onyx was the last of them to wake. Sampson and Linshanth had already been up for a few hours training by the time he finally stirred. Sampson secretly hoped he might never wake up, it would have been the end of years of torment for so many servants if he did. The thought of how many people that would benefit from his death had Sampson almost directing his sword to his throat but in front of the Prince he would never get away with such actions.

Neither had brought up the kiss from last night. Linshanth was drunk and so didn't remember and Sampson wasn't brash enough to bring it up. He wasn't even sure what he would say about it. There were no rules about cavorting with men and that was because it was so uncommon you would think you would never see such a thing in your lifetime. He would take the kiss to his grave and never mention it to a soul.

It wasn't long after Onyx woke up that the rest of the knights party arrived. The Queen and King had come in a white carriage drawn by four horses, two black and two white. The knights arranged themselves in a row, 6 on each side as the King and Queen came out of the carriage. The King was dressed in his official navy blue robes with gold outlining. He wore a golden chain around his neck and dressed emerald and ruby rings on each of his fingers. His crown stood proudly at the stop of his head. He should have looked high and might but Sampson thought even with all the finery he was dressed with he still have a scruffy appearance about him.

His hair stuck out from his crown in large brown tufts and his face looked unwashed. There were remanence of crumbs on his face from the bread and cheese he likely consumed in the morning. He took to Linshanth first whilst Sampson waited further back. His hands were shaking. They all expected him to destroy the souls and he had no idea how he was supposed to do such a thing. He barely knew how to perform magic.

The Queen was the next to step out of the carriage. She, like the King wore lots of jewellery but she wore a pained look on her face like the jewellery she wore was too much for a heavy burden for her to wear but had too much pride to ever say such a thing. She was escorted by a maiden, Suzy, who also happened to one of the King's concubines.

Suzy walked behind her out of respect but everyone knew the King favoured her over the Queen. Her stomach was round and growing, evidence of the baby she was going to birth for the King. Suzy had only been brought to the Kingdom two years ago, being the maiden to another Queen who died.

The King took a fancy to her when she visited and bought her when she was pulled from her previous position. Sampson figured he must be keeping her locked away, otherwise she would have already fled if she knew what happened to the King's last concubine who had a baby.

He had them both killed, the maiden and her baby boy. There could only be one son of Toombak and despite being illegitimate the baby would hold succession to the throne if anything happened to Linshanth.

The Queen wouldn't let such a thing happen and it would bring shame to Toombak if the child of a maid were to one day rule as King. Sampson had heard the story from Perity who's only vice was having a sharp tongue and a head full of stories.

She was smaller than Minnie with small features and a sulking bottom lip. Her hand occasionally found her way to her stomach as she walked but otherwise she kept them clasped in front of her. It wasn't usual a king would bring a concubine with him, especially on trips like this. But being as the girl was heavily pregnant he couldn't leave it to chance that she would give birth and find a way to run away with the baby.

The Queen stopped a few paces behind the King, who continued to converse with Linshanth. Sampson kept his head bowed in that whole time, sneaking occasional glances when he thought no one was looking. Whatever the King and Linshanth spoke about it was heated with the King snapping words with such venom his face started to redden.

Eventually Linshanth grew bored of the conversation, stepping away from the King with a bow and tugging Sampson's forearm and pulling him away from the arriving party. "Where are we going?". "Be quiet and keep up", Linshanth remarked. He dragged Sampson down the mountain where he had encountered the souls the day previously. They had moved a mile towards them, gradually making their way up the mountain. But with their heavy weapons and such a steep hill they struggled to make it any length at all.

"Why are we here?". "My father wants you to be ready here". "What about the other King's and Queen's?". "It is better that you don't interact with them. They'll only bribe you to join their Kingdom. You have a powerful gift Sampson which makes you a target". "If it makes me a target why invite all of the King's and Queens here. Isn't it better they never see what I can do?", Sampson asked, scratching his head in confusion. "My father won't miss a chance to show how powerful Toombak has become. Once he shows he can control the souls no one would ever dare challenge our kingdom again".

"If that's true then why would he want to kill me? Surely that makes me an asset to the Kingdom". "You're a puppet Sampson and my father's holding your strings. The souls have singlehandedly wiped out all kingdoms in our enemy territory. He does not want to get rid of them. That is why once you have performed he will kill you".

"I don't understand. If it wasn't for me, Toombak would have perished already". Linshanth rubbed at his temples. "Toombak is protected from the souls". "Protected how?", Sampson gasped. "I will explain everything when we return but for now you must stay close by my side". "Linshanth if the King truly wanted me dead he would have killed me already. How can you still think he wants me dead?".

"Because he asked me to kill you before we get back to the castle". Sampson's blood run cold as he watched Linshanth's cold features. He waited for a hint of a smile or a gleaming eye to tell him that he was making it up but he found nothing of the sort. "You're not an asset to Toombak, you're threat. The sooner you realise that the better". There was nothing back Sampson could say and with the minutes that ticked by his chest began to feel tighter and tighter.

He began to absentmindedly take steps away from the Prince who was looking back at the top of the hill. They had heard a number of carriages arrive in the time they had spent at the bottom of the hill and it was looking like the Kings and Queens were starting to gather. Sampson looked around, the only thing he could see was desolate grassland and the souls. Linshanth and him were hidden behind the boulder that he had used before to avoid being detected by them.

Sampson barely made it three steps before the Poraine string was wrapped around his wrist, bounding him to the Prince. "How far do you think you'd get if you ran?". "You've just told me you're planning to kill me. I'm not an idiot enough to stay with you". Linshanth tugged Sampson forward which wasn't difficult given that he had bound the string tightly around both their wrists. Sampson didn't expect to be pulled so vigorously and his forehead bumped into Linshanth's chin.

"Watch where you're going", he growled. "You're the one that pulled me", Sampson remarked, rubbing at his forehead. "My father asked me to kill you, I never told you whether I said yes". "Did you?", Sampson asked. He was instantly on defence. At any point Linshanth could unsheathe his sword and stab him and there would be nothing Sampson could do to stop it. It was only wise that he got as far away from the Prince as he possibly could.

"After everything I've done for you, I'm surprised you have to ask". "Yes or no? Did you tell the King you would kill me or not?". Linshanth lowered his gaze, making him look even more vexed in the autumn light. "No, but I'm beginning to wish I did. It's my duty as Prince to rid the world of one less nuisance".

"How can I trust you?". Trust wasn't something Sampson gave away easily and he imagined it was the same for the Prince. They both lived in uncertain times, with people coming and going constantly in their lives. There was only two people in the world he trusted and that was Minnie and Perity. He wasn't sure he could find it within him to trust anymore people than that.

Linshanth, on the other hand could trust a number of people. He had the knights who had loyally fought for years at his sides. They were brothers before they were partners in the battlefield. "You can't. But I'm the only chance you've got if you want to stay alive so I would be wise with your next steps if I were you". Linshanth spat the last words out full of warning and not to be ignored.

Sampson wanted to hide himself away. Ever since becoming the lost son he had faced perils at every corner. He wasn't sure how much longer he could live with such an overbearing shadow hanging over him.

Onyx came down the hill whilst they waited. Sampson wasn't surprised to see his movements weren't staggered at all as he showed no evidence of the amount of alcohol he consumed the night before. It wasn't uncommon for the knights to get absentmindedly drunk and still be ready for duty early the next day.

Sampson turned his back to him the moment he heard Onyx's chirpy laugh. "Are you chaining the lost son to you now, Linshanth? If he's so much like a dog why don't you get him a lead, that way he can't run off", he laughed. Sampson pretended he didn't hear such vulgar things spoken about him so blatantly. "Why did you come down here?". "The King wants to speak to you". "Tell him I don't have time".

"You know he won't accept no for an answer". Linshanth growled under his breath but otherwise undid the Poraine string around both their wrists. "Onyx watch him", Linshanth snapped before carrying on his way. "If he tries to run can I cut his legs off?", he called after Linshanth. Whether the Prince heard it or not he didn't choose to reply.

As soon as the Linshanth was far enough away that devious smile fell from Onyx's face replaced by a menacing glare. "It seems you've not only bewitched the King and Queen but now the Prince. As if I would ever believe a servant could hold such capabilities, especially one as incompetent as you". He knew Onyx was only trying to rile him up for his own satisfaction and get pay back for losing the battle between them.

Sampson could ignore his own feelings and keep up a façade with most people but he had witnessed first hand the extent of Onyx's torturous methods that he liked to subject the servants to. He could find a way to be civil with the Prince even if it was hard at times. He would never come to such agreement with him.

"This servant who won the battle between us. Maybe it is you who is the idiot", Sampson muttered. "You cheated?", Onyx demanded, pointing a threatening figure. "I didn't cheat". "You used your magic I saw you. Your eyes…". "What about my eyes?", Sampson questioned. He had forgotten to look on Onyx's face when he had won the battle, he looked almost afraid. He had seen that look too on Deiniol after he had used his magic to make every object in his room float.

Onyx prised his lips shut for once and refused to answer. "What about my eyes?", Sampson demanded. "They're hailing you as a deity. The Lost son that has come to save us from the army of the souls as if you're anything special", Onyx scoffed. "You're nothing more than a demon".

"What nonsense are you spouting? Quit name calling and tell me what it is you want to say", Sampson urged. It was clear there was something Onyx knew that he wasn't telling him, just like the Prince who was keeping his cards close to his chest. "Don't you know the reason the Vahda tribe was so mercilessly killed? Or has Linshanth not told you that yet?".

"What are you talking about? They were killed by the army of souls after their chief condemned the tribe to be killed", Sampson spat. It was the story he had grown up hearing since birth. There wasn't a single person in all the 14 Kingdoms that hadn't heard of the Vahda tribe and the wicked chief who wanted to destroy all of the 14 kingdoms and have everyone bow down to him. The King On killed him on the battlefield ridding him from the earth.

"If that's true, how are you still alive?". "I was saved", Sampson commented defensively. The more heated he got, the bigger the mischievous smile on Onyx's face grew. It made it so Sampson wasn't sure whether he was unforgivingly teasing him or if there was some truth to his words. With someone as slippery as Onyx you could never be sure what he was telling you was genuine or if he spoke for his own gain.

"What's wrong with my eyes?", Sampson asked again. Onyx wouldn't have brought it up if there wasn't something he wanted to say. "Don't you know what you look like demon, when you perform magic?".

"Quit calling me that", Sampson demanded. He could feel his skin heating up with every word that Onyx spoke. He wanted to snap his neck into pieces and hack away at his limbs until there was nothing left at him. He had never hated a person more than how much he hated Onyx, even Master Duncan who was relentless with his punishments didn't have as much blood on his hands as he did.

"If you think Linshanth wants to keep you close to him because he cares you're mistaken. He would never care for a servant like you". Sampson was about to lunge at him, he was squeezing his fisted hands so tight he could feel his fingernails digging into his skin.

"I am no longer a servant", Sampson bit back. He was so angry he felt dizzy. "You'll always be a servant. You can change your clothes and your position. But you'll always be a servant and that's what they all see when they look at you. You think all these people are here to see you? You're nothing but a show pony", Onyx hissed. That was the last straw for Sampson. He was about to jump on him and squeeze his neck until he begged for air when the back of Onyx's head was pushed and he almost stumbled to the ground.

"I said to watch him not taunt him". "We were just having a conversation Linshanth. The servant knows I'm only joking". "Sampson. You know he is no longer a servant Onyx. Don't make you beat you until you remember", Linshanth threatened.

Onyx pretended to cower, putting his head down and mumbling an apology before he began walking back up the hill. Sampson had seen the knights fight against each other but it was all for show. Their powerful brotherhood prevented them from ever killing each other or causing serious threat. That's why no matter how threatening Linshanth was, his threats were idle and Onyx knew it.

They were close which meant everything Onyx said was most likely true. Why would the Prince as powerful as he was ever care for Sampson. He was nothing more than a servant and he always would be. No matter what power he possessed that would never change.

"What did he say to you?". "Nothing", Sampson murmured. He turned his head away from the Prince and instead chose to look at the souls. They were still trying to get up the mountain, but with the heavy load of their weapons they were no further along then when they first started. It was strange, a soul that weighed nothing because it was only air should have been able to get up the mountain and yet it was an impossible task.

Seeing them try so hard with such sullen expression made them seem almost pitiful. He felt sorry for the people they had once been until the chief of the Vahda tribe had decided to wake them up from their eternal sleep. Looking at them now, he promised that he would find a way to return them to the earth.

"Many of the Kings and Queens have arrived, you will have to start soon". "I don't understand what I have to do", Sampson mumbled. "As you did before. Make the souls bow to you, give them simple instructions to follow. They're here to see that you can control the souls and that the Lost son of Vahda really does exist". It sounded awfully like Sampson was there to perform in front of them, showing him his tricks as a way to prove his worth.

"And what about after? How can I go back to the castle knowing the King wants me dead?". "I've sorted it. Just focus on what you have to do". Sampson looked at him sceptically. It didn't seem too difficult, all he had to do was give them simple commands and they would do what they asked him to do.

"Don't touch them whatever you do?". "Why? Will I get visions like last time if I do?". "What you choose to do after the Kings and Queens have left is your choice. But in front of them you must only show them that you can control the souls, nothing else". For now Sampson would listen, only because he could see there was something that Linshanth was keeping from him. He was happy to be a puppet pulled by invisible strings as long as he was the one to sever those ties once this was over.

A large horn blasted from at the top of the hill and the Kings and Queen began to approach the edge. There were only 8 pairs of Kings and Queen. The King of Sun Valley was on his own, his wife had died giving birth to their youngest child and he'd never remarried.

They were too far away for Sampson to see what expressions they were wearing but he could hazard a guess. Their faces would be grim and painted green with jealousy. It was another event of the Toombak's showing how they held so much power over the other Kingdoms who struggled to compete.

"That is the horn for you to start. Go into the middle where the souls can see you". "Wait Linshanth before I do. I want to ask you something". His jaw tightened. "Quickly, tell me what is it? They're waiting". "Onyx said something about my eyes when I do magic. Do you know what he's talking about?".

"Didn't I say not to listen to what he says? He is trying to play with your head". The Prince was angry with the question which only confirmed Sampson's suspicions that there was truth to Onyx's taunting. "What happens to my eyes Linshanth?". Before he could respond a second horn sounded. "We can discuss this later". He pushed Sampson out from behind the boulder giving him no choice but to face the souls.

The moment they saw that their leader had returned they began making their way slowly towards him. Sampson walked slowly with purpose knowing every movement he made from that moment on was being watched by a hundred pair of eyes. It didn't take long for the souls to surround it him. It seemed having him there put a spring in their step and they moved quicker. They screeched like before as they approached him but he no longer found the calling, harrowing. There was something comforting in the way they surrounded him, like they were the ones that could protect him from the crowd that only wished him harm at the top of the mountain.

"Don't be alarmed that there are so many people to see you today", Sampson spoke, only loud enough for the souls to hear. "They only want to see that you listen to me".

Most people thought of souls as mindless beings but the longer he spent in their presence, the more he felt that they were no different to the people he had around him. They were trapped on this earth, with no escape from their human bodies. He knew they could feel because of the expression they wore in their faces. When he first saw them he thought it was a perfect disguise to scare their enemies, you would only have to be close enough to see the real expression they hid behind their pained eyes.

Sampson was stuck with what to ask them, they surrounded him waiting for an instruction. When he had controlled them before he hadn't even realised he was doing it. He turned around to where Linshanth was watching. He wore a scowl on his features but he imitated a bow for Sampson to follow.

"Bow", he muttered as forcefully as his shaking voice could muster. The souls bowed collectively and he heard an array of giggles and cheers from the crowd that was watching that only angered him. When they had bowed for long enough and the cheering sound slowly began to quieten he gave them another instruction.

"Move to the tree and come back", Sampson muttered pointing at the tree at the start of the forest path. The souls were slow in their movements but not as slow as they had been. He felt like he was treating them like children.

When they returned his asked them to bow again and along with the cheers came a round of applause. Despite them being so far away, noise travelled down far from the bottom of the mountain. He could hear the vulgar things they were saying about him and the souls and it was enough to make his blood burst.

Kings and Queens thought they were above everyone else and it was true in terms of status. Sampson had spent his whole life bowing down to such patriarchs and bending over backwards seeing them all up there, enjoying the show made him want set the mountain on fire and watch them burn alight.

He could feel anger pulsing through him like it was mixed with his blood. He had never desired for revenge or to get even with the people that had wronged him but in this moment he had never wanted anything more. He wanted to crush their bones until it was nothing but dust and taste their blood.

There was on soul who carried a bow as a weapon, slung over his shoulder that was half flesh and bone. "You. Shoot an arrow at a King". The command came out before he even realised what he had done. The soul, being compliant to his master took the bow in his hands and pointed it upwards. The Kings and Queens who thought this was for sure clapped again, marvelling at how obedient the soul was.

The soul let go of the arrow and it went sailing through the air, hitting the chest of the lone king, piercing right through his heart. Sampson watched in horror as an array of screams were heard as he realised what he had done.