

***Days passed by Felix and I weren't in touch for almost two weeks***

I turned towards the side to sleep with a relaxing smile, in hopes that the good dream I was having earlier would continue but the sounds of a birds chirping wakes me up

With squinting eyes I lazily dragged my hand and finally managed to reach my phone

"Guess it's another normal day" I woke up to no good morning text and the first thing i saw was a new Instagram picture of Felix with a girl.

I had no choice but to wake up

Something was brewing deep down. Not just my lingering feelings but something looming under my chest.

Some strange mixed feelings..

Something strange indeed

I was mildly shocked but I quickly sat straight and zoomed the picture. I stared at her. And then, I started comparing myself with her. I bit my lips while looking down at my tightly clasped hands.

I hated this feelings!!!

She had that perfect curvy body, attractive features and they seems to be pretty close.

Let's just say if he had to choose from the two of us, he would clearly choose her. I shouldn't even be an option.

This sucked. I was feeling jealous. Why ?

Just like me, anyone else can have a crush on him. This is wrong, I told myself I shouldn't be feeling this way.

Finally I mustered all my courage to fake a smile but something inside me seems to be missing.

Why were I so afraid to lose him when he's not even mine?
