
the plague

hi my name is Kasen Howard, the five generation in the military, my uncles are both generals in the navy, my father and mother are military ingentelliance for the presindant , and my grandfather was in the airforce. Where you probably went to regular school, i went to miltary school, where you probably went on vacations , i didn' t my parents don' t believe in vacations, and where you probably had eggs and bacon for breakfast man that sounds good, i had wheat cakes, it not so bad. this is my story how the world dies. She is on the Alamogordo installing the cinders in the engine room, " okay let' s give it a go , couple of new recuites just arrived on the base. " welcome to camp Ford, i am general Cooper, this is , where is Kasen and Jamie? Asked. Roger, "(you two do know this is the day we have new bodies coming right?) Asked. Tyler, " (what is your point Tyler excatly?) Jamie kick start the engines, the cinders powered up. " yes, ( everyone the Alamogordo is power up and ready, yes we know. this is far more imortmant ,) said. Kasen, they all walk up to the huge ship. " good job sergeant, now we have new bodies to train, Sergeant Howard, they walked off the ship, " thank you sir, welcome to the fort, i am sergeant Howard, she is Liuetant Bower, private Reed, Major Reed, you going to tell me what do we need this for? Asked. Kasen, "