
The Phantom Within Us

She's never been pressured. She never had a sense of responsibility. Now, she's torn by these two. Destroying her and moulding the new Sola Iliff. *** Sypnosis: "You're enough and I'm here." Sola Iliff has a life anyone would appreciate to live with: abundant wealth, loving parents and true friends. She's smart, athletic, and has a beauty that everyone adores. Soon, a twin will also add to her warm family. Everything is satisfying and perfect for her. Too bad, just like any other story, mishaps happen one after another. Her father died, the twins were given birth causing her mother into a coma and their company was now in turmoil. Can a 15-year-old girl who has never been pressured and doesn't have a sense of responsibility manage a company, be the top student in school as she has always been, and act as a parent to the newborn siblings? Throughout this adversity, her childhood friend finally came back after a year when all of these unfortunate events happened. Can they get through with the transition of their life together until the end? *** Kind of cool drama, yep, a very different genre than I would like. But this is cool so all is well. Let's begin with the ideal tragic life I would love to live and experience.

krAdchii · วัยรุ่น
9 Chs


Chapter 8 | Overview of Us


Seeing her sleeping peacefully was like a chance to see a resting fallen angel with broken wings. I wiped the little tear on the corner of her eye. My dear Sola, I deeply apologized.

She fainted. It was no wonder. She had school, the company, then when she met me, it was a roller coaster of emotions. Every aspect of her was exhausted.

How can I protect this girl that seemed so fragile yet so resilient?

Then again, who was I to think this way? How hypocrite of you Rhys. You took advantage of her weakness.

Nonetheless, I was over the moon. We were a couple now. We were going to be engaged. I could stay beside her and that was my right. Everyone would know. No one would say otherwise.

More than that, I touched her mature body. She was so stunning. My precious girl.

Her beauty was a class of her own. I gently traced her heart-shaped face from her amorous brows, small proud nose to her tempting rosy lips. I stole a light kiss to not disturb her deep slumber.

Not good, I remembered her sultry expressions. Her enchanting misty amber eyes were beckoning for me, I was captivated. I knew since I had a consciousness that I could do anything so that I was the only one her eyes would seek.

The room was quiet yet her melodious lustful moans were still vibrating in my ears. My boner remained upright. I guessed if I would not do something, this would retain throughout the night being beside her.

I caressed her hair away from her forehead. I walked to the bathroom to take care of this eager little brother. I felt helpless.

I planned to make Sola aid me with this but there she went. Be magnanimous Rhys. Simply don't forget this time with the interest.

She was only sixteen but had that foxy body. What did she eat while we were separated? Puberty hit her hard, wasn't it? Or was it the genes?

"F*ck!" Her skin was so smooth. I could hold her ample breasts perfectly with my hands. We were really meant to be, weren't we?

Everything about her was so irresistible. The way her body reacted to my touch and my coaxing was overwhelming. She was so wet. She was wet for me, wasn't she?

I rubbed my dick harder. I could see my precum oozing out. I huffed her name. My girl. Mine.

I recalled her private part. She had a golden thin bush. Her mound was so plump and cute. I wanted to enter her then and there.

Thankfully I retained a bit of my sanity. What an achievement limiting myself. I dreamed of her every night. She was the only one I could only think of every time. I wished to be with her a second sooner.

The first time I thrust my finger in was remarkable. My virgin sweetheart. When could I finally defile her pure body?

Simply imagining her quivering under me made me trembling with anticipation. I was excited to corrupt her as she did to me. The thought aroused me so much enough to make me come. My lover.

I groaned her name as I come. I was still hard but this would do. My tendency to look and embrace her kicked in. I took a quick cold shower and wore pants leaving me topless.

I knew I was obsessed with her but my necessity for her was intolerable. I didn't mind either way. She was the definition of my existence and way of life.

Thankfully I could somehow control myself as long as I could see her. I leaned on the window while staring at her. The midnight chill helped me to restrain my desires.

I supposed it was essential to plan out the engagement. Sola had her hands full with the school and company. I guessed I would take care of our family to ease her.

I messaged my secretary to handle the transfer of Aunt-Ma and the twins. The garden required to renovate too. It would be more pleasant for her to have them around in our home.

"Son? Did you meet Sola? How is she? Is she happy to see you? She didn't blame us, did she? Is she eating properly? She's overworking herself, isn't she?"

I called Mom to tell her about the engagement but she bombarded me with questions. I could not even cut in to answer her. Well, we were nervous about how would Sola greet us after what happened and the bustling past year.

Mom stopped asking. She finally noticed that I was not talking. "Mom, Sola is weary. Even if she doesn't overwork, she's handling many things.

I think I made her happy though. We're officially going out now. We talked about our engagement. We thought of having a private arrangement first for the family.

When will you and Dad be available?"

I didn't hear a response. Weird. "Mom?"

"Kyaaa!!! You're so great, son. I'm so proud of you! Yeheyyy. Sola will be really my daughter.

You know we will always be available for Sola. We will clear our schedules. Give us at least three days.

Yes! Yes! We can do this. Wait for us. Take utmost care of Sola, okay? Don't you dare bother her and make her stressed.

I'm so excited. I need to manage everything here and be done as soon as possible. Bye."

The call ended. Well, they really were not concerned for me. I liked it too that they loved Sola than me. My parents were keen supportive.

I laid beside Sola. I brought her head on my shoulder and embraced her. My dearest girl. I hoped you're having a blissful dream.

Your birth was a dream come true for me. Many people searched for their someone for a long time. I was so lucky to be alive beside you.

"I'll make you happy, okay? We can do this together. Please don't be too melancholic.

No one wants to make you sad. Being crestfallen doesn't suit you at all. You are our sun. You are my one. My only beloved."

New Chapter (づ ◕‿◕ )づ

1st chapter with Rhys POV ( ^ 0 ^ )

Edited chapters from Chapter 1 (๑˘︶˘๑)

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