3 Chapter Two: Can’t Run From Pain

"You Won" flashed on the screen in big while bold letters as Beverly let out a soft sigh being happy that she finally beat the game she has been playing for the past two days straight. Slowly standing up supporting herself on the desk due to sitting for almost 8 hours straight she tiredly walked out the room hearing the TV playing some kids show as she entered the kitchen waving at her brother as she opened the fridge pulling out some eggs. While she pulled out a pan she heard the phone ring she quickly put down the pan and ran to the phone "This is the Rodgers residence this is Beverly Speaking how may I help you" Beverly said in her best secretary voice-hearing a giggle on the other side "Hey Bevs, I have to tell you something but can we talk in person it's kind of important" Beverly's girlfriend Angelica said, " Oh yeah, sure will meet up near the pond on 59th street right" she replied her heart racing " Yup the pond as per usual and I love you, Goodbye Bevs" "Love you too, Goodbye Angel" Beverly hung up letting out a relieved sigh before forgetting to finish breakfast and running up the stairs to hers, and Freddie's shared bedroom grabbing her necklace, black shorts, her sweatshirt with a large rose on it, and some beat-up white converses. Once again running down the hallway Beverly entered the restroom right after being yelled at by her mother to slow down quickly taking a shower and running down the stairs again to only yell " BYE MOM BYE FREDDIE I'M HEADING OUT" while opening the door and heading out grabbing their bike and getting on they pedaled away.

The Blue Jay Pond on 59th street had always been a meeting place for Beverly and all her friend especially in summer they'd always strip down to their underwear and jump into the water, play games, and sometimes just come there to have picnics or talk in private without being jumped by one of their towns infamous bullies. Today the pond was being used as a meeting spot for the infamous gay couple of St Nor that attracted the attention of every bully in a 10-mile radius. Angelica Bowers stood to wait for her girlfriend to arrive once Beverly did arrive they hugged giving each other a kiss on the cheek before Angelica started to explain why she wanted to talk in person," Last night I had the strangest dream we were older in maybe our 30's and I was cradling you in my arms and I could almost feel how cold your skin was, as the dream progressed I realized that instead of eyes you had large roses growing out of your sockets that were covered in blood there was blood everywhere Bev I was so scared what if-" "No, there is no what if I won't let that happen even if we get in a fight I won't leave your side" Beverly said to her.
