
The Peasants System(Hiatus)

This book has been Dropped. I apologize for the inconvenience. I put a lot of effort into this story and had big plans for it but Its progress has been lackluster. I have been reviewing it as well as one of my more successful stories and have found some of the flaws that this story had. I'm working on a new story that will hopefully be a better read overall and will hopefully be released by the end of October 2022. --- Drew Pence had always had a rough life. From the moment his brother was born he was thrown to the side and was treated as a stepping stone for their 'Golden Son'. But even though his family had made his life a living hell he still believed they had his back. That if all else failed, they would be there for him. But he was wrong. He got stabbed and after waking in the hospital his family was nowhere to be found. They had ditched him. So he made a deal with a stranger. Go to a place where you can receive true freedom... and in return, all you owe him is a single favor. And that was how Drew found himself in the world of Lune, a land of Myth and Magic, Gods and Demons, and Peasants and Kings. Drew awakes with a hangover in a body older and stronger than he had ever known back and earth. Though he quickly finds that he lacks something everyone else has. Magic. But as time goes by, he finds that gaining magic is the least of his difficulties. Will he tough out this hostile world with his unique [Mana Reaper] skill? Or will he perish like all the others who were born a Peasant? Only time can tell what fate awaits Drew. --- Hey guys, if you reading this after reading one of my previous works I just wanted to give you an explanation of what caused me to move on. I had a lot of health issues that popped up suddenly and found that I didn't have the energy or focus to write much and after around 3-4 months I felt that I had lost connection with the book and found it harder to write. After some deliberation, I decided to move on and work on this story instead which has been brewing in my head for a few years now. I hope you enjoy it!

maddaug · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

True System Power... and Difficulties

The black void filled Drew's existence once more before a sudden burst of green energy and sunlight enveloped the space in a matter of seconds.

'I was worried that it would be back to the void this time!' Drew thought in relief as he found himself in the Eternal Meadow once more.

'It hasn't even been a day since I upgraded the system last... Meeting Kull seemed to be the biggest blessing I have come crossed yet,'

'He taught me the Dark Hand skill... and then provided me with enough money to purchase the items to level up the system... without him, I would be much further behind,'

'I almost feel like I'm cheating by using his generosity,'


[System Upgrade Page!]:

Current System Upgrade Points: 3

Current Advanced System Upgrade Points: 1

[Current Available System Upgrades:]


[Map System Function:] Upgrades the System to be able to sense ambient mana in the user's surroundings, allowing the system to map out a general area, creating a map the user can use. Future upgrades are [Improved Map Function] and [Life Sense Function].


[Data Compilation Function:] Allows the system to combine relative information and has the possibility to create skills or spells if the information is enough. Increases the System's ability to calculate and analyze large amounts of information in a shorter amount of time. Future Upgrades are [Mass Analyze].


[Mock Skill: Ultimate Analysis:] The System imitates a skill that the user has come across. This skill is known as Ultimate Analysis, it is a skill developed and owned by Masondriss Toldir. It will greatly increase the System's analysis capabilities and will allow the user to instantly see through most illusions and analysis protections.


[User Index:] Allows the User to access the System's User Index. This allows the user to have the ability to get basic information on a creature, item, or magical effect. This information is typically not something the System can conclude naturally. Future Upgrades are [Improved Index].


[Skill Point System Function:] Allows the user to convert 25 Energy points into a single skill point that will allow the user to upgrade a skill by one level.


[Affinity Point System Function:] Allows the user to convert 50 Energy points into a single Affinity point that will allow the user to upgrade an affinity by one level.


[Divination Resistance:] The User gains resistance to any divination skills lower than level 7. In addition, your thoughts may never be read and your name never found through any means that are magical.


[System Mana Control Function:] The System will gain the ability to help the User Guide and use mana. This will increase the User's learning speed of magic and increase the efficiency of use.


[Advanced System Upgrades Available:]


[Inventory Function:] Unlocks a System Sub-Space to be used for storage. The size depends on your overall strength and System Level. This Inventory cannot be stolen from or accessed by anyone but the User.


[Class Function:] Classes are a rare and unique ability in the world of Lune that very few gain access to. This Function allows the user to access the Class ability. You may choose one relative class based on your skills and will gain two unique class skills from the chosen class. You also learn all things within that class twice as fast.


[Unlimited Skill Index:] This allows the user to understand any skill that an opponent uses as well as know how to train any of your known skills. Improves the user's comprehension of skills as a whole.


"Holy Shit!" Drew shouted as endless possibilities appeared before him.

"8 Normal upgrades and 3 Advanced?!"

"That is simply insane!"

[Please select your upgrades]

"Alright, Alright," Drew said while calming himself down.

"There are only three new normal upgrades... which is a lot but still an understandable amount,"

"The new standard upgrades are Divination Protection, Mana Control, and that strange mock skill..."

Drew read through the new skills intently and weighed his options.

"I have 3 upgrade points. That should be enough for what I want to do,"

"I choose Mock Skill: Ultimate Analysis first," Drew commanded.


[No new functions are available after choosing that upgrade]


"Data Compilation Function will be my second choice,"


[A new function is now available: Mass Analyze]



[Mass Analyze:] Upgrades the system's Analyze feature to be able to target large creatures and items as well as a large increase in available targets. Future upgrades are [Skill Merge].


"Not entirely useful at the moment, though the future upgrade for it is intriguing,"

"What would Skill Merge be able to do exactly?"

[It should be able to merge two compatible skills into a singular skill, which would increase that skills ability]

"It is as I thought,"

"As for my last upgrade..." Drew thought with a wandering expression.

"Skill Point Function,"


[No new skills unlocked]

[Please choose your advanced system upgrade]


"So the options are Inventory Function, Class Function, and an Unlimited Skill Index,"

"An Inventory Function would help me in numerous scenarios and seems like a solid ability overall,"

"I could hide my valuables to prevent losing them to the hands of the strong or thieves,"

"I could also sneak into areas with weapons unnoticed,"

"But I think the other two skills are much stronger in general," Drew said as his eyes drifted to the last two skills.

"Class Function seems to be similar to choosing a combat stance in a way,"

"And the System's description doesn't say I can't use skills outside of that class, so I believe it only has positives,"

"Unlimited Skill Index is incredibly strong as well,"

"It would let me know what skills my opponents are using and would also give me the comprehension to counter them,"

"So... What to choose?"

Drew closed his eyes and focused on the options in front of him. They were all great options and choosing between them seemed impossible.

'Become... A Mana... Demon,' A cold whisper trickled in the back of his mind. It was weaker than usual, almost as if reaching him in this space was more draining than on the outside world.

Drew opened his eyes with resolution and commanded the system of his final upgrade.

"I choose the Class Function,"

[Choice Confirmed]

[1 new advanced upgrade has been unlocked for future purchases. [Duo-Classer]]

[Please choose your class]

A list filled with hundreds of names appeared before Drew and a feeling of dread began to creep into the back of his stomach.

"This is a lot..." He said sadly.

"Any suggestions system?"

[Using Analysis Skills]

[Collecting Data...]

[Compiling Data...]

[Using Ultimate Analysis...]

[Three options have been found that seem to be very suitable for the user]

"What are they?" Drew said curiously.

[The Classes are as follows]:


[Anti-Magic Striker]: Class Type: Melee/Control/Speed. Skill Tree Focus: Anti-Magic, Mage Slayer, Duelist, Precision, and Slayer. Unique Skills: [Counter] and [Protection Against Magic].

[Shadow Burn]: Class Type: Stealth/Melee/Magic. Skill Tree Focus: Repentance, Assassin, Rogue, Enduring, and Black Fire. Unique Skills: [Shadow Eruption] and [Black Fire Savant].

[Mana Demon]: Class Type: Magic/Stealth/Berserker. Skill Tree Focus: Demon, Assassin, Anti-Magic, Mage Slayer, and Chaos Mana. Unique Skills: [Leyline Rampage], [Demon Kin], and [Mana Kin].


"These don't seem like anything I've heard of before..."

"I've heard a little bit about Skill Trees but these classes and unique skills... I've never heard of anything like them before,"

"Anti-Magic Striker is effectively a hard lean into my Mana Reaper skill. I would bet that [Counter] is a skill similar to my Dispel spell, though it may have additional abilities, and [Protection Against Magic] might be some sort of transferable buff that boosts my targets magic resistance, though that is just a guess,"

"Shadow Burn is a bit more interesting... I've never heard of the Repentance, Enduring, or Black Fire skill trees. And although the class seems to be similar to an Assassin, I have a feeling that it is much more... enduring than them,"

"[Shadow Eruption] sounds like a powerful ability, though I have nothing to back that up,"

"[Black Fire Savant] seems strange and I can't think of anything special that it would be. I've never heard of 'Black Fire', so I hardly think I could know what a Savant of the Tree would look like,"

"Now, Mana Demon," Drew whispered as the name sent shivers down his spine.

"Demon and Chaos Mana Skill trees... I've never heard of those either,"

"Magic, Stealth, and Berserker?" Drew questioned as he saw the conflicting areas.


"And this is the only one out of the three suggested that has 3 Unique skills,"

"Even though the system directly stated that the class I chose would only have 2,"

"Why is that, System?"


[Mana Demon is not a System Sanctioned Class...]

[Reason for appearance is unknown...]

[Would the User like the System to eradicate [Mana Demon] Class?]

"No!" Drew yelped.

"I think I should go with this one... something about it just calls to me,"


[The System will not go against the User's wish if it can help so]

[WARNING: The System has reached the max level for this Tier!]

[To advance the System's Tier rating, you must sacrifice a Saint level Item or higher to the System. You may also use powerful energy sources to accomplish the same feat if there is enough of it]

[In addition, after the System Tier Upgrades, System Energy will no longer be used to upgrade the System. Instead of energy, you will need to kill formidable foes to help the System go past its boundaries]

[Are there any questions before the System goes into Upgrade Mode?]


"This just isn't cool," Drew sighed as he looked at the new info.

"I've seen a single Legendary item during my stay in this world... I've never even heard of a Saint-level Item before,"

"And killing powerful enemies to upgrade you is gonna be a lot harder than using my friend's pockets,"

"Fine," He shook his head and stopped being frustrated. There is no stopping it now.

"How long will you be in Upgrade Mode?"


[50 Years of In Sub-Space time]


"I can't do that," Drew said as his body felt heavy at the thought of spending 50 years in this forsaken place.

[Trying to find the User a solution...]

[A possible solution has been found. Would the host like to hear the solution?]
