
The Peasants System(Hiatus)

This book has been Dropped. I apologize for the inconvenience. I put a lot of effort into this story and had big plans for it but Its progress has been lackluster. I have been reviewing it as well as one of my more successful stories and have found some of the flaws that this story had. I'm working on a new story that will hopefully be a better read overall and will hopefully be released by the end of October 2022. --- Drew Pence had always had a rough life. From the moment his brother was born he was thrown to the side and was treated as a stepping stone for their 'Golden Son'. But even though his family had made his life a living hell he still believed they had his back. That if all else failed, they would be there for him. But he was wrong. He got stabbed and after waking in the hospital his family was nowhere to be found. They had ditched him. So he made a deal with a stranger. Go to a place where you can receive true freedom... and in return, all you owe him is a single favor. And that was how Drew found himself in the world of Lune, a land of Myth and Magic, Gods and Demons, and Peasants and Kings. Drew awakes with a hangover in a body older and stronger than he had ever known back and earth. Though he quickly finds that he lacks something everyone else has. Magic. But as time goes by, he finds that gaining magic is the least of his difficulties. Will he tough out this hostile world with his unique [Mana Reaper] skill? Or will he perish like all the others who were born a Peasant? Only time can tell what fate awaits Drew. --- Hey guys, if you reading this after reading one of my previous works I just wanted to give you an explanation of what caused me to move on. I had a lot of health issues that popped up suddenly and found that I didn't have the energy or focus to write much and after around 3-4 months I felt that I had lost connection with the book and found it harder to write. After some deliberation, I decided to move on and work on this story instead which has been brewing in my head for a few years now. I hope you enjoy it!

maddaug · แฟนตาซี
50 Chs

A Short Lesson and Filthy Rich

"Like I said... It's hard to explain," Drew said sheepishly.

"I... See," Kull said while lowering his head.

'Your training for the near future has been determined,'

'Time magic seems much more formidable than I had thought it to be. With your high level in Dark Hand, I should be able to teach you the first level of Shadow Strike and Assassination within the hour,'

'Though I will not continue to train you in Assassination, for now, that will come with time,'

"Sounds good to me!"

"I didn't know gaining skills was this easy,"

'They usually aren't... But I am highly skilled with these skills and you seem to possess a frightening potential in the field,'

'Then let us begin,'


The scroll Kull had been using to talk to Drew up until now had changed quickly to a large board of sorts so that Kull could depict the information Drew would need to know.

'I see...' Drew found himself lost in thought.

'Shadow Strike is indeed a direct extension of the Stealth Skill,'

'It isn't a magical skill but more of a skill based on concealment and using your enemy's confusion to capitalize on damage,'

'Training in this skill focuses on positioning while stealthed and methods of attack from the shadows,'

'Not only does it increase my damage, but it also increases my general stealth abilities by a small amount. The position training needed for it helps you get into your enemy's blind spots to further conceal yourself,'

[The User has learned the Basic Assassin Skill [Shadow Strike: Lv: 1]]

'His teaching really is beneficial...' Drew thought as the notification popped up.

Kull coughed lightly to get Drew's attention before continuing with his lesson.


The Assassination Skill was similar to Shadow Strike on a basic level but after Kull explained even a little bit of the depths of Assassination Drew could easily see the complexity of the skill.

'Assassination... A truly strong skill,' Drew thought as he looked over the diagrams drawn upon the massive scroll.

'It isn't just a technique-based skill like Shadow Strike... It does use positioning and stealth to increase its power but in its essence, it is a 'Demon' Skill,'

"What is a Demon Skill?" Drew asked as the words were written down quickly.

Kull faltered for a second before nodding and replying.

'They are the skills that the Demons created during their life and after they became what they are now,'

'The Assassination skill is a skill created by a Demon known as 'The Murderer','

'He is the creator of the Assassin field as well as many other deadly paths,'

'And since Assassination is a Demon Skill... It means that it has a deeper meaning within it compared to normal skills,'

'The Deeper meaning of Assassination seems to be related to Killing Intent,'

'The Assassination Skill is filled with the intent to kill your target, while Shadow Strike is more of a physical movement,'

'It's hard to explain, especially since I don't fully understand it myself,'

"Interesting..." Drew muttered as his thoughts drifted.

It didn't take long for Drew to learn the skill after Kull explained his thoughts on the meaning of the skill, and the system notification soon popped up once more.

[The User has learned the Advanced Assassin Skill [Assassination: Lv: 1]]

'Advanced indeed... If I hadn't gotten my skills upgraded then I wouldn't have had a chance to learn such a skill,' Drew thought while remembering the training in the Eternal Meadow.

'I have a pretty good idea of what the two skills do... I understand what people were saying about being able to know what their skills did innately now. It seems like my mind and body are growing accustomed to Lune,'

'But I better make sure there isn't anything secret about the skills,'

'System, Show me the skill descriptions,' He commanded.



[Shadow Strike: Lv: 1]: Shadow Strike is a basic assassin skill that focuses on using the shadows to your advantage. This skill gives you a slight bonus to stealth and a decent bonus to damage from attacks you make while hidden. The first Shadow Strike you make against an opponent during combat will cause them to be disoriented for a few seconds.


[Assassination: Lv: 1]: Assassination is a Demon Skill made by the Ex-Life god, Lyrin, the Demon of Murder. It is a skill with the sole purpose of ending your target's life and is the main skill of Assassins. It is considered an Advanced Skill. You may only make one strike empowered by this skill per combat. You must be concealed or unsuspected by the target to activate this skill. The first attack you make on the target that meets these conditions will be greatly strengthened. The attack will gain a massive increase in its physical damage, A moderate increase in Armor Penetration, Will cause the target struck by this skill to become frightened by the user, Will cause the target to gain the 'Bleeding' condition, and will greatly frighten those surrounding the target and user.


"It's incredible... Kull, you are truly a Master Assassin," Drew said with reverence in his eyes.

Kull shifted his head to the side to avoid Drew's eyes but nodded in response.

The large scroll erased the diagrams and detailed notes on the two skills and warped into a much smaller scroll. It floated towards Drew and the quill began to write once more.

'It is what I was born to do,'

'It is a few hours before nightfall. Is there anything you need or wish to accomplish before we end Sebastian's life?'

Drew frowned at the curt writing but didn't comment on it.

'Seems I touched a sore spot, which is understandable,'

'But is there anything I want to get done...'

"Yes. I have some spare gold and I think it would be useful for me to purchase some potions for emergencies," Drew said with some thought.

'Hmm...' The quill wrote slowly.

'As I have told you, I am a talented Alchemist. I have plenty of potions on my person that I could gift you if potions are what you require,'

'And if there is something that you require that I do not possess, I have plenty of gold to purchase what you need,'

'I don't keep many coins on me when I go out of New Court but it should be enough for what you want,'

'Will 200 gold suffice?' The quill asked hesitantly.

Drew felt the air leave his lungs as he read the amount of gold listed over and over again.

"U-Uh... Uh... Uh," He stuttered as he felt his brain fry.

'I apologize if it is not enough! I truly did not mean to be useless to my Kin!' The quill wrote quickly as Kull lowered his head in shame.

"No!" Drew almost shouted.

Kull raised his head in surprise from Drew's volume and he almost stumbled back into the wall of the room they were in.

"200 gold?! That's more gold than I have seen in my entire life,"

"How can you say that it isn't enough?!"

"I could buy so, so much with that!"

'Alright, I understand,' Kull wrote as he raised his hand gently to quiet Drew's voice.

"Sorry... I just can't imagine that much money being 'Pocket Change' to someone," Drew said with a sigh.

Kull merely shrugged in response and seemed to be at a loss for words.

'200 gold... Is quite insignificant. I understand you have been living a peasant life, but you must understand that there is a large gap in wealth and power between the social classes. A few gold coins to a peasant would be enough to purchase a house or fund their farm for years. But for even someone of the Civilian class, a few gold coins is nothing,' The quill wrote.

'The average coin a peasant has is around 5 silver at most. As for Civilians... 20 gold would be about their entire fortune. Noble Scions have a few hundred gold at most, and True Nobles can have thousands if not tens of thousands of those simple gold coins,'

'Standard goods and weak magical items are cheap, but when it comes to things that are important for our growth, the price gap is substantial,'

'For instance, a single vial of healing potion costs 1 gold coin to purchase. For this amount, a peasant could support an entire year of production for their farm and even help them expand,'

'A regeneration potion costs 50 gold coins. That amount of wealth for a peasant is unbelievable. But these potions are important for our safety and allow us to go into more dangerous situations,'

'The dagger you have can be considered a real magic item, and the cost of it is around 300 gold if I were to guess,'

'The gap in cost is immense... but it is required,'

'If anyone could buy our daggers or the potions in all those stalls then chaos would fill the streets and those items would become even more scarce than they already are,'

Drew frowned at the explanation but couldn't do anything about it.

'It's like back on Earth... Some people live pay check to pay check while others are buying private jets and sports cars like candy,'


'But this could be a good opportunity...'

"This may be a selfish request... And please tell me if it is too much or if it bothers you even the slightest..." Drew began hesitantly.

"But would it be possible to purchase some magical items?"

"My unique skill Mana Reaper can consume them, and when it does so I can grow much stronger," He lied slightly.

'It is not even a slight inconvenience to me,' Kull wrote hurriedly.

'If it increases your strength, then anything would be worth it,'

'For you are my Kin, and your safety and dreams are something that I must protect and help you achieve at any cost,' He wrote while standing up straighter and staring at Drew again.

"Then I better not stand on ceremony. I know I can't repay you right now... but as you support and protect me, I will do the same for you when I gain the ability to do so," Drew said resolutely.

Kull nodded and after some minor talk, the two of them set off towards Black Street to look for some enchanted gear for Drew to sacrifice.

'You are still currently a part of the Guild. There has been no formal declaration or written documents of your severance, and because of this you still have access to the guild's Enchanter and Blacksmith due to your rank,' Words appeared before Drew that none of the people around him seemed to notice.

Drew nodded in response, the people of Black Street haggled endlessly but speaking of such things out loud could prove troubling.

He followed Kull into the Night's Hold and though Gill was indeed dead, a man still stood at the counter, ready to serve any patrons in need.

The Human Man was much taller than Gill was and his skin was a dark sun burnt brown that glowed warmly in the light radiating from the lanterns that lit the store.

He was handsome and looked more muscular than any person that Drew had seen thus far.

'Doesn't seem to be a rogue with all that moxie and muscle,' Drew noted as the man turned towards them with a large toothy grin.

"Welcome to The Night's Hold! How can I help you, kiddo?" He said while addressing Drew.

'He's oblivious to Kull's presence...'

"I'm looking for an enchanter. The Guild's Enchanter. And the Blacksmith if they aren't too far apart,"

"Uh- I see," The man stumbled over his words.

"Any proof of your rank? Only Dark Hands have access to those old guys,"

The man seemed to have regained his composure and his bright smile shined like there was no tomorrow.


'What did I have to prove my rank?'

'Perhaps my skill... Or my dagger?'

"I'm new to the Guild, so please excuse my inexperience. Will this suffice?" Drew asked as he made two shadow hands appear in the air in front of the man with a snap of his fingers.

"Y-Yes, that should do. Only Dark Hands can learn that skill, so it proves your rank easily,"

"Would this be your first time entering the Head Quarters here in Nickten?"

Drew nodded in reply.

"Then... Why don't I show you around?" The man said, trying to sound friendly.

"The names Rigus. I'm a fighter in the Guild," Rigus said while reaching his hand out for a shake.

"Hmm," Drew returned the handshake, but remained cold.

"I don't need your help finding my way around,"

"And my name is Drew Pence. I can't say it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance but I can say it was a waste of time talking to you," He said before walking to the back room of the store.

'Time to get the goods!' Drew thought with excitement as he completely ignored the Warrior who was stunned in disbelief.