
Exploring the system

Byron was revelling in shock as he looked at what was displayed before his eyes, his eyes suddenly lit up and began to investigate the options of the system, the first option he decided on was the store.




'Ding' 'Congratulations for opening the store, you have received: 100 path coins and 3 lottery tickets'

"Damn, this is great, i wonder what i can buy"

(hello user, the available items in the store are items and powers that help you properly utilise paths, and since there are paths for everything you can buy any item in this universe and any other universe)

"Wow, really, anything, even from an anime?!"

(Yes, the store contains anything and everything, that you can afford)

"awesome, what is the cheapest thing in the store?"

(Rice seed:10=1 system point)

(Wheat seed:10=1 system point)

(Corn seed:=10=1 system point)


"eh, just basic grains huh, well i guess that makes sense, then whats the most expensive thing in the store?"

[ERROR](you do not have the required understandings in paths to view these items)

(To unlock either understand 3 paths to over 60% or pay 1,000,000 system points)

"Shit! I only got 1 point for killing that fire breathing ant, to be able to get the more expensive items i'll need to kill a million of them!"

'Ding' (user will receive more points for killing more powerful enemy's and a deeper understanding into paths)

"damn, what is the strongest enemy in the world?"

(the strongest enemy on users current planet is the in the 'sovereign' realm)

"Okay, what is the strongest entity in the universe?"

(Currently the strongest entity in the universe is in 'god enslaving' realm)

"how much stronger is that than me currently?"

(the 'god enslaving' realm is currently 25 major realms or 100 minor realms above your current realm)

Sorry for taking so long to release a second chapter i,ll try to keep it consistent but don't blame me if theirs a bit of a delay.

MuzzaStarcreators' thoughts