1 The beginning of the end

Warning! This content is not for the weak and frail- gore and blood will be mentioned!, 18+

"Crying and begging doesn't help, you know?"

a malicious voice sounded. Laughter filled the dark cold room in which I was chained up.

Despair fell over me and made my limps go numb. Snot und Tears were mixed on my face. I tried everything I could do to make them stop, but in the end I was destined to die a fool's death.

I couldn't control my body which was tortured so bad that I kept shaking non-stop.

My life rushed over my eyes and I asked myself again and again. 'What did I do to deserve this? Was loving someone so wrong? Was trusting my friends a mistake? Is it expected for blood to betray? Shouldn't blood be thicker than water?'

My thoughts were disturbed by another round of torture. Hot water was splashed over me the second my mind came back to reality. A burning sensation was all over my body. When I got used to the pain, they spilled immediately icy cold water over me and whipped me again and again.

So far this was not the worst torture I experienced by them. Sadly they were creative little bastards who could win an award for being so creative. The insects who crawl in the night all over my body and eat bits of its off my flesh, the mother insects who bread inside my arteries and venes, the birth of the laves, all the pain and the feeling of having thousands of insects inside you moving is by far the worst of it.

In one way or another I was very thankful and almost on the brink of tears that they were only active in the night.

During these long hours, the only salvation was the sunrise.

When I was lucky, I could rest a few minutes before these bastards came to seek pleasure in the pain of others.

'They' were a group of four people. Each one of them was as bad as the other.

What differentiated them was just the way they tortured.

The first one was someone who liked to rip my nails apart, the one who broke my every bone. The one who whipped me after throwing hot and cold water over me. The guy who I thought as family, my repulsive uncle, William.

The Second was the the first bitch I ever trusted in my whole life, Cassandra, the one who buys men to rape me all over and kills them during the act.

The third was named Charles, my step brother, who I turned down once when we were little children. He liked to torture me psychologically. He would show me videos of my life and tell me that every person I ever met was bribed by him and everything happening to me was staged. The people would always talk shit about me but smile infornt of me. The friendly old woman who owned a dog till my very first time. He showed me everything and even when I close my eyes I still hear everything. He also used to swear at me to force me to say that I am just a nothing, stupid shit, someone unimportant, worth nothing.

The worst was still number four, the last of them, my ex boyfriend and first love, Ryan.

He tortured me in the worst and sweetest way possible. He was a doctor so he mended my wounds and treated me preciously and friendly. Once I thought he was forced and pleaded him to escape with me but then Charles told me that Cassandra and Ryan have always been in love with each other and only I never knew about it. That's when I realized that Ryan treated my injuries so they could torture me longer. The feeling of recieving care in all the wrong ways, so bitter cruel...

"My darling niece, why so thoughtful? U need to enjoy~" - William said.

So repulsive, disgusting- I wanted to throw up but they only gave me a meal every fourth day, when Ryan came. He made me eat so that I could have enough breath to take the pain.

"You need to stay strong", he would say, "Stay strong for me, my love".

´My love dafuq! What you do is as bad as them! Why Ryan, why????´ I thought but all I could bring up were tears and endless despair.

My precious people, my family, my friends, my love- why are you all torturing me?

"W..Why?"- I forced myself to speak. I asked several times but I never got an answer.

"You have what we desire. We need your magic but for that we have to break your mind. I know that you possess the Phoenix stigma. We could have just asked you but we wanted to have our fun. So where is it?" - Cassandra asked.

"We worked so hard for it. Over 20 years of preparation. Now is the time!"- William shouted.

I taught to myself 'Why giving it to them now after all they made me go through? My grandmother from my mother's side gave it to me. She made me inherit it. My blood made the stigma fuse with me. My grandma died because of this. I can't give it to them. I am gonna die anyways.'

My mind broke down and I started to laugh.

"Isn't it amusing? I trusted you so much but you betrayed me.."

"Stop with the same bullshit!" Ryan shouted. His mask finally revealed.

Blood coughing I spoke " Since I am gonna die anyways, the last thing I would do is to tell you anything. Go to hell, karma will come to you."

Before they could react, I was already bitting my tongue and dying.

Darkness came over me and I thought, ' I should have done that earlier. Now I am free'.

In my imagination there was light in the end of the darkness.
