
The Pampering CEO [Secretly married to the CEO]

Before their marriage, the CEO, who is portrayed as a rogue and dominant figure, tells his wife that their marriage is just a paper contract and that they have nothing to do with each other in private. However, after their marriage, he helps her whenever she’s in trouble and protects her from bullies. The wife, Susan, keeps the agreement to conceal the fact that they are married, but the CEO announces to the world that she is his wife. As the story progresses, Susan is faced with various challenges, including being bullied and needing protection from her husband. Despite their agreement, the CEO’s actions show that he has deep feelings for Susan, and she begins to realize that he has loved her for a long time. Will she succeed in doing so? How will the CEO react to this change of situation? Will he finally realize his mistake? To find this all out you will have to read the full novel.

Laxman_sedai · สมัยใหม่
100 Chs

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

"What's the matter?" Lu Qianyu looked over.

I saw a person who made her hate it!

"Lidya Su!" Filia Chen said with gritted teeth.

"Do you know her?" Lu Qianyu was a little surprised.

In her opinion, Filia Chen should not know Lidya Su.

"Nothing, I have seen a few times. She has something to do with Jamel Xiao." Filia Chen said casually, but the light in his eyes could not help but gloomy.

Lu Qianyu happened to be abroad when the affairs between James and Lidya Su were raging. Therefore, she did not know that James and Lidya Su had a relationship.

Filia Chen did not intend to tell her about this.

"Oh." Lu Qianyu replied, but there was a hint of doubt in his heart.

Looking at Filia Chen's performance, it's not like he has only met Lidya Su a few times.

However, she didn't want to care about this, Lu Qianyu squinted her eyes; "Just now, is there a man next to Lidya Su?"

"Indeed." The corners of Filia Chen's mouth were slightly bent, and his expression mocked: "Sure enough, she is a ridiculous woman."

"Go, let's go and see." Lu Qianyu has stood up.

Filia Chen naturally would not refuse.

When they left the dessert shop, they followed secretly.

Lu Qianyu followed behind and watched, his eyes fluctuating constantly.

Lidya Su and this man look very intimate.

She not only held the man's hand, but also gave him a bright smile from time to time. Compared to her always a little cowardly around Jamel Xiao, this is simply a difference.

Lu Qianyu followed all the way, watching Lidya Su take Su Yue into a men's clothing store, and then tried Su Yue's coat.

Lu Qianyu took out his phone and quickly took a few photos.

"What are you doing?" Filia Chen asked in a low voice.

A subtle glow flashed through Lu Qianyu's eyes: "Isn't Lidya Su Jamel Xiao's woman? I sent this photo to Jamel Xiao to see if Jamel Xiao will protect her."

When Lu Qianyu said this, Filia Chen also reacted, and she smirked and laughed: "Yes, it should be sent to Jamel Xiao, so that he can see how this woman used his money to raise Xiaobaiface."

Filia Chen has already thought of the consequences of Lidya Su.

No man can bear such humiliation, so Lidya Su is absolutely dead.

Without Jamel Xiao to protect her, didn't she let herself be rounded?

Lidya Su, your good day will soon come to an end.

Lu Qianyu found the angle, quickly took a good photo, and sent it to Jamel Xiao.

She deliberately picked the angles where Lidya Su and Su Yue seemed the most intimate, and promised to make Jamel Xiao angry at first sight.


The information flashed.

When Jamel Xiao opened it, his expression became subtle.

Inside are several intimate photos of Lidya Su and Su Yue.

A faint jealousy came in my heart, hum, this woman has never been so close to him.

It is irritating.

Glancing at the sender, Jamel Xiao's smile deepened at the corner of his mouth.

Lu Qianyu, interesting, what does this woman want to do?

However, no matter what she wants to do, she can't see Lidya Su all day long because she is worried, so she can broadcast it live.

Jamel Xiao calmly put the phone aside.

Lu Qianyu waited and waited, but did not wait for Jamel Xiao's reply. She turned around and said to Filia Chen: "Jamel Xiao must be out of anger now. I even took the name of this menswear store specially, he estimated I'll rush over immediately."

"It makes sense." Filia Chen also nodded.

"Go, let's continue to follow them and take more photos. It's better to take more intimate photos so that this woman will not deny you." Lu Qianyu said.

"Good." Filia Chen nodded involuntarily.

She couldn't wait to see this woman was unlucky.

"Brother, there seems to be no clothes suitable for you in the store just now. Let's change another one." Lidya Su didn't know she was being followed. She pulled Su Yue and went shopping in a happy mood.

After visiting several stores in a row, I finally bought a suitable coat.

Immediately afterwards, Lidya Su took Su Yue away from the Commercial Street and took him to the amusement park.

Lu Qianyu and Filia Chen followed sneakily.

The two of them had a great time taking pictures.

In the playground, Lidya Su and Su Yue have more intimate moments!