
Chapter 15

"E-E-Edward-sama! P-P-Please s-s-stop! T-T-T-This is e-e-enough a-a-already!"

"Eh? Is that so, Lysette-sama?"

"… *Weakly nods*"

"If you say so, what about you Nanako?"

"… I-I-I-I a-a-agree w-w-with L-L-Lysette-sama…"

"Really? Got it, then I'll stop"

After a rather long kissing session by Edward, the two girls after having lost count of how many times they were kissed by Edward, after saying the line taught to them by Camilla, they would finally manage to gather enough courage to ask him to stop as their embarrassment had reached an all-time high.

" " "…" " "

With their kissing session forcibly ended, the three stood silent, Lysette and Nanako because of their embarrassment, while Edward was having a post-kissing clarity as he began to realize that he may have gone a bit overboard with his newly found kink of having his two fiancées wear maid clothes and say lines like that.

"…" <I need to run away before they get angry… And I also going for my next task>

With such a thought, Edward quickly planned his escape with Lysette and Nanako still suffering from the confused status condition. He was completely able to convince the two.

"Lysette-sama, Nanako, my next assignments will be mostly organizing and checking some documents, so I won't need much help. Instead, Lysette-sama, you should follow and do the same assignments that Nanako needs to do today, I'm sure it'll be… Very illuminating for you"


"Now if you two excuse me, I really need to get going, but before that…"



Before Edward left, he decided to increase his chances of escape by giving Lysette and Nanako one final kiss on the lips before quickly leaving the area without giving his fiancées any chance to react and follow after him. As they were both left stunned with steam coming out from their heads.

" "… … …" " <I really love him!> >

That was the only thing they could think of after Edward's overly excessive show of affection. It would be after a few minutes the two would be able to calm down just enough for them to start thinking about other stuff.

"… … … L-Lysette-sama?"

"… Y-Yes… Nanako-san?"

"… S-Shall w-we s-s-start t-today's t-tasks?"


"G-Great! T-Then l-let's u-us g-go g-get t-the c-c-cleaning materials…"

*Weakly nods*

With that, the two wobbly walked in the opposite direction from where Edward went with Nanako leading the way, and as they walked, they slowly calmed themselves down further and further until they were back to acting like usual. Once they picked the necessary cleaning tools, Nanako led Lysette to an empty room, which was filled with chairs and desks neatly organized in rows, very similar to a classroom.

"Lysette-sama I'm sorry if this sounds rude, but do you know how to clean?"

"… I do not?…"

"… Thank you for being honest, Lysette-sama. Now for the cleaning… First of all, I usually start by wiping the windows, then I open them to let fresh air inside and to avoid causing too much dust from lifting, which can cause some annoying coughs.

Since we are in two, would you mind cleaning the windows and opening them after doing so, while I clean the desks and chairs?"

"I do not mind, Nanako"

"Great! So for cleaning the windows, and a lot of other things, you first soak a cloth in this bucked with soap and then squeeze it to remove the excess water, with it you'll wipe the windows, which you immediately follow up by wiping that same window with a dry but clean cloth. If you can't reach a place, there's a stool right over there, so use and climb it up if needed"

"Got it!"

"Mm! *Nods* Then shall we get started?"


And so, the two girls began cleaning the manor's classroom, Lysette cleaned the windows as she was told to, while Nanako cleaned the desks and chairs. However, as she did so, Lysette quickly noticed that it wasn't as easy as she thought when she heard Nanako's instructions.

The action of having to raise her arms high and move them to wipe the taller areas of the windows, followed by her going down the stool and crouching down to soak the cloth again then squeezing it, which required a bit of strength from her hands, was more tiring than she expected, even for someone like who who would occasionally train her sword skills, she could feel her arms and hands getting tired.

After cleaning the third window from all the big six windows of the room, Lysette turned her head to look at Nanako, who to her surprise had long finished cleaning the desks, and was now sweeping the floor with a broom. Seeing such a thing, made Lysette go back on wiping the windows at a faster, but more tiring, pace so that she wouldn't disturb Nanako.

Then after finishing cleaning the fifth window, Lysette opened it feeling a bit refreshed at the fact that now only one window remained. But then, she noticed something outside, this room gave a perfect view of the stables, where the horses were kept, and there she saw someone she knew and loved.

"… Eh? N-Nanako-san?"

"Hm? What is it, Lysette-sama?"

"W-Why Is E-Edward-sama t-taking c-care of t-the horses w-with e-e-everyone e-else?"

"Ah!… (I knew he was lying about only having paperwork to do)"

"Huh? Did you say something Lysette-sama?"

"Not really!… Ahem… So, about Edward-sama taking care of the horses, Lysette-sama…"

When Nanako began talking about Edward, she made a troubled face as she wasn't sure how to explain to Lysette the fact that Edward did many things around his family manor.

"The truth is that Edward-sama is responsible for doing or assisting in many of the daily necessities of the manor…"

"… … … Eh?"

"You see, Lysette-sama… Edward-sama is not only responsible for helping Lord Oliver with his paperwork, but he's also responsible for taking care of the horses as you can see, organizing the library, helping the chef in making meals for everyone, assisting the Head Maid Camilla-san and the Head Butler Elliot-san in teaching the other interns, helping the gardener keep the plants in healthy, and sometimes he even helps cleaning the manor itself, all of which causes him to wake up before everyone else… Though we've been trying to have him stop doing that, or else he won't leave many other tasks for everyone else to do, nor give himself enough rest…"


Lysette initially responded to Nanako's answer with silence, before shouting from surprise while her face went pale. After all, never once did she imagine that Edward did so many things in his daily life, and just like during the breakfast, she felt horrible at the fact that she never thanked Edward for the snacks she always ate during her visits. Lysette began feeling even more horrible and guilty as she thought that she was only making herself even more of a burden to Edward's already jam-packed schedule.

"Erm… Lysette-sama? Are you feeling alright?"



"W-Was I b-being a-a b-b-bother a-a-all t-t-those t-t-times I-I v-v-v-visited E-E-Edward-sama h-here?"

"!? No, you aren't Lysette-sama! In fact, we're really thankful that you come to visit Edward-sama so often because that's one of the only ways he'll stop working and rest a little!"

"… R-Really?"


Thanks to Nanako's desperate and honest response, Lysette was able to calm down and stop herself from self-deprecating even further, but her guilty feelings remained. Then as she began thinking more calmly, Lysette started to feel concerned at why Edward had lied to her earlier about what he was gonna do.

"Nanako-san… Why did Edward lie by saying that he only had paperwork to do?"

"He said that because he didn't want us to get dirt, that's probably also why he said for you to accompany me… And he also most likely didn't want to concern you by saying that all he did was paperwork"

"… I see…"

A small smile formed on Lysette's face as she realized why Edward lied about what he was going to do, yet she couldn't help but also feel a bit angry at Edward lying to her like that.

"Nanako-san, what do you say of us going after Edward-sama once we finish here?"

"And give him a punishment for lying to us?"

"Yes, that is correct"

"Hm *Makes a thinking face*… *Nods* I'm with you on that idea, Lysette-sama"

The two smiled in a friendly manner to each other as they went back to cleaning the room.


While the two girls looked pretty satisfied with what they were planning, Edward on the other hand, felt a horrifying chill run down his spine, causing his hands to stop moving as concern and worry filled his mind.

"What wrong, Sir Edward?"

One of the interns who was also responsible for taking care of the horses, noticed that Edward had frozen with his eyes open in a concerned way.

"… It's nothing, I just felt a cold breeze going inside my clothes, and it startled me"

"Ah! I see, I know how that feels"

After giving the intern a satisfactory response, Edward went back to taking care of the horse in silence, but inside, he was screaming.

"…" <This is bad! THIS IS REALLY BAD! That chill was definitely caused by Lysette and Nanako plotting something! Oh god, I really made them angry with that escape from earlier… It's alright! Everything fine! As long as don't cross paths them, they'll calm down after some time!>

Edward correctly guessed who was the one that caused his chill, but he also mistakenly guessed that Lysette and Nanako wouldn't go after him.




Some time had passed since then, and now Edward was helping in taking care of the back garden by trimming some of the plants and watering them, he kept doing so until he arrived at the central area where the gazebo was located, and right beside the gazebo, he saw the small flower bed made by Nanako with the flowers he gave to her as birthday gifts.

"They're growing healthy, huh? Usually, these types of flowers made into bouquets don't last this long. Maybe Nanako has some really good green thumbs… Well, I think these flowers could do with some watering"

Saying such things to himself, Edward began watering Nanako's flowers, as he felt two intense gazes staring right toward him which he was doing his best to ignore. However, all it did was make Edward feel the presence of two people slowly approaching him until he could feel two distinct soft feelings, one on each arm that was also being tightly hugged in a way that he wouldn't be able to escape.


" "…" "

"… How can I help you two, Lysette-sama, Nanako?"

"Edward-sama, you must be punished for lying to me earlier"

"… I see…" <F-F-F-F-Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu- I'm dead! They really are angry at me!>

"…" <Nanako-san >

"…" <Yes, Lysette-sama?>

<Erm… What do we now?>

<Hm? Didn't you plan on punishing Edward-sama?>

<I did… But I don't know how to punish him, and… … can't bring myself harm him>

<Ah! I see… also can't think of how to punish him as well…>



As Edward was screaming inside his mind, the two girls hugging his arms were in silence as they didn't know what to do. They did agree on punishing Edward for his rather innocent lie, but they never thought about how to do so, so all they could do was stand there while hugging his arms as they thought of what to do next. Then as Lysette looked down to think, she noticed the flowers that Edward was watering and recognized a few of them. Specifically, Lysette had noticed the flowers that Edward had gifted to Nanako on her last birthday almost a year ago.

"Nanako-san, did you plant all of the flowers you received from Edward-sama?"

"Yes, I did! And I've been taking care of them starting from this one, which was the first gift I ever received from Edward-sama!"

"*Nods* They look very beautiful"

As Lysette looked at the flowers, she remembered how Edward had also given her flowers for the first anniversary of their engagement, and how she wanted to plant them in her home back garden, but due to a certain event she refused to remember, she was unable to plant the flowers or even look at them. And as she kept looking at the flower bed made by Nanako, she couldn't help but feel a bit competitive.


"Y-Yes, Lysette-sama?"

"For my birthday present, could you also give me flowers? Just as you do with Nanako"

"… Eh? A-Are you sure t-that's enough f-for you, Lysette-sama?"

"Yes, just the flowers are more than enough for me"

"Well, if you say so…" <Wheeeeeew! Thank god, she didn't ask for something really expensive!… … Huh? Weren't they supposed to be punishing me?>

As Edward began talking to himself inside his mind, Lysette looked at Nanako before calling her.


"Yes, Lysette-sama?"

"I will not lose to you when it comes to my flowers"

"… Mm! *Nods* Lysette-sama, I'm sure they'll look beautiful as well"

"Thank you… … … Also, Nananko-san, would it be possible for you to come to my birthday party as well?"


Hearing Lysette's request, Nanako made a confused face as she didn't know how to answer. For one, she was aware that she lacked knowledge of the many etiquette rules, and for the other reason, it was because she didn't have any dress suitable for going to a noble's party.

"What's wrong, Nanako?"

"N-Nothing! I just… I just can't accept your request, Lysette-sama. Because I don't have the necessary knowledge to not embarrass you or Edward-sama due to my lack of manners and… I don't have a dress fitting for a noble party"

"… I understand…"

Lysette pondered about what Nanako just said, and she quickly came up with an idea for both of her problems.

"Nanako, about your manners, all you need to do is simple, if anyone comes to talk to you, just smile, bow down respectably, and hide behind Edward-sama. So make sure to always be by his side"

"Huh? I-Is that really gonna work?"

"Yes, even more so because you are Edward-sama's second fiancée. So the other guests cannot just go talk to you without passing through Edward first"

"I-I see"

"And about your dress… I will handle that problem for you Nanako-san"

"You will?"

"Yes! Think of it as my repayment for lending me this uniform of yours"


Nanako didn't understand what Lysette meant by that, nor whether she would even be able to pass as a minor noble, but she still decided to trust in Lysette's words. Then as the two finished talking with each other, Edward who remained silent all this time in hopes they would accidentally forget about him for a moment and let go of his arms, finally decided to speak again after his hopes and dreams were dashed away by the fact that Lysette and Nanako only tightened their hugs, instead of loosening them.

"Hm… Lysette-sama, Nanako… Could you let go of my arms, please? I have other tasks that I need to do"

"We cannot"

"We can't"

"Eeeeeeehhh? Why not?"

"… … … Erm… Because… Because… … … Ah! Because this is your punishment for lying to us and fleeing so that you could do your tasks without us!"

"… Yeah! Lysette-sama is right! We're supposed to always be by your side as your fiancées!"

"… … … Right…"

Edward wasn't convinced by them, but he still accepted their excuse. Since he didn't dislike the soft feelings on his arms, and also because his next task could still be done with both of his arms taken by his fiancées.

"Well, then you two don't mind taking a walk with me around the city like this, right?"

" "… Eh?" "

When the two girls heard Edward's question, they both made confused expressions at what he meant by that.




*Murmur* *murmur*


All around Edward, he could hear passersbys murmuring as they looked at him, some with envious eyes, others with proud eyes, and many with surprised or confused eyes, but none said anything to him. After all, they all knew Edward, and of his position as the lord's son. But this was just another normal inspection of the city's situation for him, because every time he did so, murmurings about him were bound to happen, so Edward looked very calm given his situation.

The same couldn't be said about Lysette and Nanako however, who were walking right beside him while hugging his arms and holding his hands. Just like him, they were silent, but not out of lack of anything to say, but rather out of sheer embarrassment of being seen clinging onto Edward by so many people as they walked down the commercial district.

"Oh-ho! If it isn't the young lord! And today, I see you're killing with the ladies! Ahahaha!"

Then one of the older shopkeepers, friendly called Edward with a loud and deep voice, but in a very friendly tone.

"It is good to see you too. But, I have to ask you not to call me a lady killer. These two are my fiancées, and I don't want them to get the wrong impression of me"

"Huh? They're your fiancées!? Ahahaha! You are a lady killer, young lord!"

Once again, the shopkeeper laughed loudly when Edward said that the two girls hugging him were his fiancées, but when the shopkeeper took another look at them, he recognized one of the girls, after all, she was always by Edward's side whenever they came for his inspections.

"Oh-ho? Is that Little Nanako that I'm seeing?"

"!?… Erm… G-Good day, t-t-o you as w-well, mister…"

"It's little Nanako! A-ha! So you finally started going out with your beloved master, huh?"

"!? I-I-It's n-n-not l-l-like t-t-that!"

"What do you mean, it's not like that? You're always talking about him when you come to buy stuff by yourself or with your siblings"

"That's true! Nanako-chan always praises Lord Edward whenever he's not here"

"Not only that, whenever they're together, Miss Nanako is always looking at Sir Edward"


One by one, the other shopkeepers began joining the conversation, mostly about how lovestruck Nanako was towards Edward, which in turn only made Nanako even more embarrassed and desperate. While Lysette on the other hand, was turned pale out of fear that something similar would happen to her if they didn't keep moving forward. So she tried to ask Edward to continue walking.

"E-Edward-sama, s-shall we g-get-"


But she was interrupted by a reddened and tearing Nanako, who was on the verge of dying from embarrassment.

"Sure, And what were you going to say, Lysette-sama?"

"… For us to keep going"


With that, the three went back on walking as Edward gave his farewells to the shopkeepers he was acquainted with, as they in return loudly wished for him and his fiancées to have a happy marriage, only worsening the embarrassment of Nanako and Lysette. Once they were out of the busiest part of the district which was the bazaar, the three were now walking around the area of the district dominated by worships and blacksmiths. Which had way fewer people on the street, and who were less talkative as well, giving Nanako a bit of respite

"… … … Haa… At least it can't get any worse than that"

Then just as Nanako had said that.

"Hm? Ah! Nanako-nee-san!"


One of Nanako's orphanage brothers, loudly called her name as he waved at her just as he was about to enter a blacksmith, whose owner had begged Edward to let the boy become his apprentice. Seeing him, made Nanako turn silent from surprise and despair. On the other hand, her brother looked at Nanako with initial confusion at why she didn't greet him back cheerfully as she usually did, and then he noticed it

"… *Gasp* Nanako-nne-san! Did you finally confess your feelings to Edward-sama!"

"… … … Edward-sama"

"… Yes?"

"C-Can we go home now?"

"… … … Sorry but no…"

"!" *Shock*

Hearing Edward's refusal, Nanako made a shocked face as all of her hope left her body, while Edward simply made a troubled face before greeting Nanako's foster brother.

"Good day, Max! How have you been doing?"

"! I've been doing great, Edward-sama! And thank you for taking care of me back then, and for still taking care of Nanako-nee-san!"

"That's great! And Thank you!"

Edward then felt a pretty strong grip on his arm from the side of Nanako.

"…Just a little more, and then we'll return, Nanako… Lysette-sama, what about you?"

"… … … Please, forgive me for wanting to punish you, Edward-sama…"

"…" <I forgot this was supposed to be a punishment for me>

Just like Nanako, Lysette also wanted her embarrassing suffering to end already. So without much other choice, Edward did his best to finish this task of his as soon as possible and then returned to the manor, where he had to spend a good amount of time soothing and pampering Nanako and Lysette in an attempt to calm them down. Which all failed, as all it did was make them feel even more embarrassed.
