
The Otherworldly Monarch

[Ding...] [The Masters' System Booting...] [Host Identification in Progress...] [Host Identification Completed...] [Host Name: Tyson Blaze] [Current World: Aceheim] [Current Kingdom: Altaria] [Active Quest: Duel to Survive] [Main Quest: Conquer the city of Ostia] [Class: Unknown] [Birth Sign: Unknown] [Affiliated Titles: None] Tyson Blaze, A high school student finds himself mysteriously summoned in another world called Aceheim which was in a different dimension. This world is inhabited by several species of Monsters, Demons and Other Creatures. This world consisted of only one continent called Yulia which was divided into Eleven Estates and each estate was ruled by a Lord. But, Constant wars between the Lords to gain control over the land of Yulia ended in causing instability and Havoc in Aceheim. Thus, the Ultimate Rulers known as Grand Masters chose 33 People from different corners of the multiverse to fight several death matches in a tournament called, 'The Tournament of Heavens'. From the 33 Contenders only Eleven would survive and other would die in the tournament. These Eleven contenders will be granted mysterious powers from the Eleven Grand Masters making them Kings. Then, the eleven kings must conquer the eleven estates of Yulia to end the long waged wars between the Lords thus, restoring stability and Peace in Aceheim. Tyson Blaze is among the chosen 33 Contenders who would be battling in The Tournament of Heavens. He must survive and become one of the Eleven Contenders so that he can conquer the Estates. Tyson must battle through the end and find a way back to his world. He must sacrifice what he loves and take what he hates the most. Wars, Bloodshed, Conspiracies, and Betrayal awaits him and the path he will choose would decide his fate. In this War of hunger for Power, Riches and Throne, Will he be able to become the Ultimate Monarch and restore the prosperity of Yulia Or will he be tricked and get destroyed by others in the wars between the Eleven Estates of Yulia? Chapter Length: 2000 Words Release Rate: 3 Chapters Per Week [Can be Changed according to the opinions of the Audience] Release Schedule: 4:30 PM GMT Releasing Days: Friday, Saturday and Sunday [May vary as per situations]

ArthusWalker · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

The Imprisonment

"Come out kid, it's your turn" the guards called out while opening the metal gate of the dark cell.

Tyson walked out of the cell without uttering a single word. The cell became his home and he was living in it for the past two days. Two days ago, when he became the first contender to reach the hundredth floor, he was happy.

Although his memories of past lives were lost, it seemed to him that there was a hope, a goal which he must attain which clearly stated two words, ' Survive and Conquer'.

Floor 100, Two days ago,

Tyson walked out of the cave to find himself in a place that seemed like heaven. The ground beneath him was flat with round edges, that of a large round plate. The patches of trimmed grass were glinting brightly in the sunlight.

His gaze fell upon the outstretched horizon and a rainbow which glowed brightly as the daylight struck it, spreading it's seven colors in all directions. It all felt like a beautiful dream, a dream that became his worst nightmare.

Two people completely dressed in a shiny armor came toward him and stood in front of him. Both the Guards were glaring at him viciously while their hands held the hilt of their sheathed swords which hung tightly at their left and right torso.

"You are coming with us." said one of the guards in a hoarse tone.

"Where... Where you want to take me?" questioned Tyson.

"It's an order from one of the Grand Masters to capture and imprison you." answered another guard.

"But Why so, What have I done?" protested Tyson.

"You are one of the contenders and we have received orders from... "

"Why are we arguing with this puny little kid, let's just do our job." interrupted the guard.

"Ah, I see that you are determined enough to imprison me. Let's just sign a deal." Tyson said mockingly.

"Deal! What deal!?"

"Well, Let's duel. It would be a one on one and if I won then you would take me to the Grand Masters," explained Tyson.

"But, What if you lose?" questioned the guard.

"If I lose then, Imprison me and take me wherever you like," answered Tyson.

"This kid is all pumped up, Sorra. Wanna duel?" one of the guards asked another.

"I would rather watch him lose than duel with a kid. You should take him on, Bryan" commented Sorra.

"umm... it's fine with me. Lemme teach ya a lesson, kid." challenge Bryan as he unsheathed both his swords.

"Hmm... Let the duel begin!" Cried Tyson and unsheathed his blades.

Tyson started running and soon dashed toward Bryan. While Bryan slashed his swords mercilessly preventing Tyson to come near him.

Tyson drew an arc as he swung both his blades back and forth. Sounds of metal crashing against metal filled the air around the place.

Tyson ducked as one of Bryan's swords tried to strike at his neck cutting the thin layer of air around him. Bryan tried to hack the stomach of Tyson but he blocked the attack by crossing both his blades. The strike was very hard as it drove Tyson forcefully backward.

Falling to his knees, Tyson tried to stand up with the support of his blades. His legs felt weak and his whole body trembled. All this time, Bryan stood there and watched Tyson getting up.

"Come on Kid, stand up! I was just warmed up." cried Bryan as he saw Tyson struggling to get up.

"He is down, Bryan. Just finish him up and get going," said Sorra.

"Yeah sure. I would love to."

"Not yet, I am not yet lost." yelled Tyson between breaths and rushed toward Bryan.

Bryan deflected the continuous strikes of Tyson as he swung his blades back and forth forming an arc. Tyson, On the other hand, tried to strike both his swords continuously but his armor was heavy which slowed his movements.

"What happened kid, Why so slow?" teased Bryan as he successfully deflected yet another attack.

Tyson stopped for a moment and dropped his blades and tried to activate the system which was guiding him throughout the Labyrinth.

"System Activate, Tell me what to do," Tyson called out in his thoughts.

Suddenly, a metallic voice rung in his mind. A smile appeared on his face as he tried to hear the voice of the system.

[Side Quest]

Objective: Defeat the Guard Bryan in a duel.

Rewards: Resist the imprisonment and would a get chance for an audience with the Grand Masters.

[This Quest is currently active]

Key: To win you must defeat Bryan.

"Hmph... Not much of a help. I must handle this my way." thought Tyson while he picked up his dropped weapons.

Tyson felt a gush of adrenaline as he dashed toward the standing guard. Bryan slashed at Tyson but, he ducked in time and hit Bryan on the stomach with the hilt of his blade, making him fall to the ground.

"It looks like that I won this long duel," said Tyson as he turned back and walked away.

"It's not over. Not yet kid, Not until I show you something." Bryan yelled and stood upright.

He then grabbed the top of his armor and ripped it apart revealing a well-toned body. His body was covered with muscles at the right parts making him a strong and able-bodied person.

Bryan stretched his arms and legs wide and leaped off in the air and landed in front of Tyson. Caught by surprise Tyson tried to lung at Bryan but, in a swift motion, he dodged the strikes.

Swaying his body, Bryan hit the vital joints of Tyson with his two nimble but strong fingers.

Tyson froze at the place where he stood. He tried moving his arms but, his body was unable to move at all. It took him a few moments to understand that his body movements are blocked by the guard through the means of Martial Arts.

"What you did to me!?" Tyson yelled forcing each and every word out of his mouth while his whole body ached.

"Nothing much, just hit your vital joints to block your movements," Bryan said calmly.

"But... But, this is cheating." cried Tyson.

"Everything is fair in Love and War kid."

"But, this was just a duel." protested Tyson.

"This was a duel for you but, for me, it was my reputation on stake."

"Stop quarreling both of you. Bryan, just finish him off," ordered Sorra.

"Okay, I get it Sorra," said Bryan and turned back to face Tyson.

"No, Please No. I don't want to be imprisoned," begged Tyson.

"I am sorry Kid, but it's my job. it was nice battling you." Bryan said quietly as he again hit Tyson but this time at his chest making him unconscious.

Tyson woke up to find himself in a bed carved from hard stone. All his memories swelled back to him and he immediately realized that he was imprisoned in a cell.

The cell was dark with a dimly lit candle that lay atop a tall pole. The gate was made up of metal bars and a small round window was carved in the wall to let the fresh air come in the cell.

Tyson cried and cried but, he found no one coming to his rescue. Only after some hours after his imprisonment did he was visited by Bryan and Sorra with a meal.

"You were unconscious for a day now," Bryan told him.

"Get ready for more action, Kid. You are about to face the other contenders and the tournament would begin by tomorrow," explained Sorra.

"It is the only way for your freedom and your entry to a new land. The land called 'Aceheim'." said Bryan.

"What is Aceheim?" Tyson questioned.

"Why do you think the Grand Masters are doing this?" asked Bryan.

"I don't know," replied Tyson.

"Well, This Tournament is to choose the eleven of the contenders to pass on the power of the Masters and they would become the rulers of the new Aceheim," explained Sorra.

"Aceheim is a faraway land which is divided into eleven estates and is ruled by eleven Lords. All the Lords are at War and thus the land has descended into an era of war. Now, The Grand Masters want to restore peace by overthrowing the corrupt Lords and letting the new lords called 'The Kings', sit on the throne of the eleven estates and re-establish the Aceheim to its former glory." explained Bryan.

"So, This is the tournament all about. Now, it is far more important for me to win this tournament and establish the peace," said Tyson.

"We know you would do it and we both are with you," assured Bryan.

"Now, you should sleep. We would be back tomorrow to get you to the battlegrounds."

"I guess so. Thank you guys," said Tyson as he lay on the stone bed and closed his eyes. Swooping off in a different world.

Hey there readers, Sorry for late but, here is the new chapter and the adventure of Tyson is continued...

I hope you all would like the chapter. Honestly saying, I was not able to think the next few chapter and what to write to excite everyone up. Please support me by commenting and Rating the Chapters which would make me to go and never stop again.

ArthusWalkercreators' thoughts