
The Otherside - Journery of the Quadbrid

All the myths and legends of old are all real. The otherside of society is full of the supernatural. The Grandson of 4 of the most powerful creatures in japan embarks on his journey of growth to become the most powerful creature in the world.

KiwibroG · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 12 - Grandma meddles

I wake up and rub my eyes realizing I fell asleep while being doted on by Grandma. I check my phone and discover it has been about 2 hours since I went to sleep meaning it will be time for dinner soon.

Rolling over and realizing Grandma is no longer there I get up and head down to the first florr of the castle to look for her.

I come to the sitting room after hearing a bunch of women talking and enter casually to find my Grandma having a conversation with my four fiance candidates. The women all look towards the door, Grandma looks at me with a gentle smile while the rest give me bewildered looks as if they have seen a ghost. Realizing the reason for this being that I am still in my Kitsune form, I smile wryly, now I have to explain the situation with my forms.

"Hello ladies it seems you have some questions about my form yes"

"Darling you haven't told them yet?" Giving me a questioning glance as my Grandmother asks me this question.

Giving her a complicated look I reply. "Grandma you must realize I cant fully trust these women yet right, maybe not the Kitsune because they worship you but my other Grandparents have enemy's within their own race how can I grantee they aren't spies. I mean they can hurt you directly but hurting me will certainly work will it not?"

Letting out a sign and replying in kind. "Dear I didn't think of that sorry, but how about we check them now I can do a soul scan and we can ask them questions to check their sincerity."

"Well that would be reassuring please do, ladies to do agree to the soul scan?"

They all nod in unison not making any verbal remarks, probably realizing how serious this situation is.

"Good lets begin." Grandma says as a gold magic circle activates in her eyes. This will determine their sincerity by scanning the soul while asking questions. Once fully activated Grandma begins asking questions.

"Please answer with a simple yes or no at the same time. Do you have any intention of harming Tsuki Ryoshi?"


"Good next question. Do you wish to become Tsuki Ryoshi's wives?"


"Good final question. In a situation where you have become Tsuki Ryoshi's wives are you willing to give up all prior connections and fully support your husband for eternity?"


"Good, you all pass with flying colors, although I determine there is little to no trust between you all which is a given at this stage you are all sincere with your reasons for being here. I am please. Now Tsuki dear you can explain the situation with you different forms with no concerns."

"Okay Grandma, ladies listening closely." I say after getting Lucy to pour me a cup of tea and taking a seat opposite the four ladies. "As you know I am a quarter of the four races of my Grandparents. But to be more specific I am pure blood of all of them at the same time. This brings me to my forms. I have a form for each race and my default human appearance you have seen earlier. Each form has its own energy core that can only be activated whilst in the corresponding form. While this makes it easier for power management the downside is each form has a different personality which is characteristically appropriate for each race. Well they are only slightly different but its easier to explain it this way. Any questions?"

They all shake their heads saying no. Taking in the information that has just been told to them I decide to wait and finish my tea. During this time George enters the room and bows then informs me dinner is ready. We all decide to move to the dining room.

Upon entering the dinning room. The table is set up with six different meals. Its seems Grandma and my self are having the same meal which consist of curry and rice while I have blood for my drink Grandma has some sort of fruit juice. The rest of the ladies have different meals altogether.

Illya simply has two different kinds of blood. Yasuko has some simple fresh fish sushi. Aelia has plate full of various types of meat seemingly served raw and Nessarya has a Caesar salad and red wine. It seems all these women have very different tastes. I really need to get those chefs here fast this may be to much for George and Lucy to handle.

"By the way Grandma how long will you be staying here. Surely you cant be away for too long?"

"Hmm I will stay for a few days I've left the elders to take care of any small matters while I am away. We still need to discuss the matter you called me about this morning too dear."

"Okay, I assume you will be staying with me then?"

"Yes dear I wouldn't have it any other way."

Finishing dinner and getting ready to retire to my chambers I remember about the basement and decide to inform the ladies about it.

"Ladies I forgot to mention earlier but I have inspected the basement, the first magic circle on the left as you enter will bring you to the training room I have made it accessible for you all so feel free to use it as you please. Also do not use the other magic circle, at the moment they are only accessible by myself, you will end up with a shock if you try to use them."

"Oh George how did we fair with the witches?"

"Yes master, I have made contact and lodged our job and contract we should hear back from them in 2 days at the most."

"Excellent and the chefs made any progress yet?"

"Yes master, we have 10 candidates so far we are running a background check currently then we can conduct interviews soon."

"Good work inform me of the progress tomorrow."

"Yes master."

Finishing up with my chat with George, Grandma has now finished her meal and we head up to my chambers for the evening. Seems more pampering is inevitable I can see the glint of a predator in Grandmas eyes.