
The Orpha


AndrehDukmak · สมจริง
6 Chs

Chapter (6)

☆In this section we explain what the end was and what happened☆


☆Life is not dirty but the people inside are dirty☆

This morning, the clock rang at 6 in the morning to wake up the child to go to school

the child went to his father's room to wake him up to make breakfast for him and drive him to the school, they sat at the breakfast table and the child started crying.

☆Conversation (Dad And son)

The father said to him: What is wrong with you, baby

The child replied: I want to go to check on my mother

The man replied: In two days we will take her out of the hospital


☆Sad Moments☆

While they were sitting a phone came to the father from the hospital and they told him that the woman had died and that someone had killed her The man and the child began to cry severely.

Sadly, the police came to investigate the case and who killed the woman, but the police did not find evidence, so the chief investigator said that the investigation should be repeated from the beginning and the new.

Upon daring research he noticed the presence of knots on the ground, similar to the one that is placed on the neck of the child.



Two months after the accident, the child went to school and while at school a woman came wearing the same necklace as the child's neck , and when the woman saw the child, she began to cry so much, the child approached this woman and wiped her tears, then told her why u crying.

And she said to him: I will tell you soon

It came one o'clock in the afternoon the child's father came to pick him up from school while they were on the road

The child said: Today a strange event happened in the school, A woman came and hugged me and asked me about the collar that I put on my neck, as if she knew me.

The man answered: What is her name , and why did she ask you all these questions ??

The child replied: I don't know, Dad

The man doubted this woman

The next morning the child went to school

the time of the opportunity the woman came to see the child, the man saw her and watched in it, and when she left school it was still

He watched her, and kept watching her until he knew where she was .

Two days later, the man went to the woman's house

The man rang the bell

(The woman answered: Yes, who is it?)

The man said, "I am the man of the father of the child that you went to see today."

Fear started on the woman's face, and she said: " the child?. I don't know what you are talking about.

Then the man grabbed the knife and threatened the woman

She said to him: I will tell you about everything

two years ago from now, i were pregnant with the child that you raised and considered him like your son, we were very poor, so my husband expelled the child to the orphanage of children, and I had no knowledge because when I woke up from the operation they told me that your child died, after that time I remembered that my mother said I bought u a nacklace

for you and the child, and when I saw the child, I knew that he was my son.

And about for who kills ur wife

(Is my husband cuz he loved her)

but she was not crawling so he killed her, and he gave himself to the policeman, so I hope that you tell the child the whole story.



The man got angry at the woman's words, so he had to accept the situation

The man went to the house and called his son and told him the whole story

After 5 years: the man and the woman got married and raised the child together

The child grew up and studied an engineer, becoming one of the best and raising the head of his family and they are proud of him.


Thank u guys for reading i hope u like it.

I give my spicial thanks to:  Lejan Turija

For this beautiful cover i hope we work together in other story

