
The Only Protagonist in Comprehensive Anime World

Author: 结成梨斗的系统 Synopsis: I think I will become Yuuki Rito with perverted luck, and I will be able to enjoy various benefits from now on. But this isn’t just the world of To Love Ru. There’s Toyogasaki Academy, Sobu High School, the legendary monster Gensokyo, lazy angels and good-natured demons. However, there is nothing special about the humans on earth today, they are all ordinary people. So Yuuki Rito became a Godslayer.

TranslatorFanfict · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
70 Chs

On purpose

The patriarch of the Yukinoshita family, the father of the Yukinoshita sisters, is a member of the county council.

The so-called counties in Japan are not county centers. In fact, they are equivalent to provinces, and the status of regional council members can be imagined.

However, although regional council members have a high status, they are not the local regional executive heads, and some are even held by businessmen, so they are not taken seriously.

The Yukinoshita family is a type of businessman who also serves as members of parliament, and they are a class of Japanese aristocrats, enjoying a series of privileges in economics, politics, honors, education, etc., which has continued from the beginning to the present, and besides Japan, many countries in the world also has its own special class.

It is rumored that the ancestors of this special class were once soldiers who fought on the front lines for humanity, against demons, youkai, gods, and other special existences, but most people only hear these as fairy tales.

It has been a long time since any special existence appeared in society, even the special circles themselves in various countries have become ordinary people, and some have even begun to feel that the history recorded in classical families is just a fabricated story.

Closer to the area, the person who was truly capable and above the council members was the governor, which was an area that even the Yukinoshita family couldn't hope to reach.

The Yukinoshita family was not descended from soldiers, nor was it a political family, they no longer relied on money to build relationships and build a reputation, and to become members of the regional council.

Compared with other prefectures, Chiba County, where Chiba City is located, is close to Tokyo and is considered the largest suburb of the Kyoto circle. Because many places are connected to the core circle of Tokyo, it is called a prelude to entering Tokyo. In fact, this is a suburban-rural area, so the rights and status of regional council members are even smaller.

The Yukinoshita family really wanted to marry into an influential family and yearned for a sense of security. Originally, at least one of the extraordinarily beautiful Yukinoshita Haruno and Yukinoshita Yukino was going to be a political bargaining chip, marrying into an influential family or above politics.

It's a pity that in the eyes of those people, except for the Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto local council members, the rest of the local council members are useless people, and there is no point wasting time on them.

Apart from that, Yukinoshita Haruno has shown great abilities. Although she has lost the possibility of going further in politics, it seems that she can go further in business, so the Yukinoshita family temporarily stops using Haruno's marriage. Now they are looking at her younger sister, Yukino which directly causes her to run away from home and live alone.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Haruno begins to usurp her father's power. It is very difficult for a woman to become a regional councilor. She didn't know about this. She hopes to become the true controller of the family business. She wanted to gain enough strength and protect her little sister and protect herself.

She was short on time, so she left in a hurry without even entering Rito's house.

Rito was stunned, although he didn't know Haruno's specific situation, but he guessed something, if necessary, help her.

Youkai and other special beings have fled to Gensokyo, and the earth itself has yet to enter the interstellar age. Earth is a remote area of the universe, and only a small number of aliens come here to live in seclusion. Then man began to doubt history and began to enjoy life.

After the last generation of strong humans died due to the natural limitations of lifespan, there were no successors. However, in relative terms, the conservatives were in decline, and human technology began to advance rapidly.

This was Rito's conclusion based on the information he had studied.

When Rito opened the door of the house, he suddenly saw Mikan sitting on the sofa and watching TV?

Isn't Lala usually the one sitting here?

"Rito, welcome back. Lala-san wants to cook today, so... Ehehe, I'll be lazy."

Mikan smiled happily, but Rito realized the seriousness of this problem.

"Well, I'm looking forward to it, let's go to the kitchen and have a look."

Even though Rito walked into the kitchen quickly, he didn't see anything like a huge octopus monster, he saw Lala cutting an indescribable dark object, the object had clearly been cut into pieces, but was still wriggling.

"Ah, Rito. Look at this, it's super expensive material, something that the Gheros star admires."

Lala greeted Rito excitedly, and Rito didn't hesitate to hit her on the head.

If before, Rito would still think that Lala really lacked common sense, and would come up with strange things from time to time, but with the incident of hacking the bank, he was sure that Lala was very smart.

How could someone who is so smart, has a strong learning ability, and can master tedious computer codes to such a terrifying degree of breaking through bank defenses in such a short time, how could she not have common sense.

"You're doing something wrong again."

"Who made Rito disappear for three days, and then ignore me when I came back!"

Lala actually did it on purpose, and she admitted it after being pointed out by Rito, and she quickly put away the things she had and then angrily accused him, as if it wasn't her fault, but Rito.

"Yeah, I was wrong."

So it was also intentional to confess to Sonoko beforehand?

Initially, Lala wanted Rito to accompany her, but unexpectedly, he became close to Sonoko, and the two of them didn't even go out on weekends, so Lala was very obedient when holding his cell phone afterwards.

Rito felt that he had neglected Lala too much, even only looking for her when needed, such as electronic protective equipment, and Amnestic-kun... He was the one who suddenly thought of Amnestic-kun.

"Lala, didn't you tell me that Amnestic is actually flawed?"

"Ah? Ahaha, how is that possible?"

Lala smiled awkwardly, even she knew it herself, and hurriedly made amends.

"Amnestic-kun definitely doesn't have any fatal flaws like that, and doesn't cause any harm to the human body."

"Yes, there is no such fatal flaw, but erasing memories is not permanent."

"No! It's just that there is a chance to recover it memory!"

Lala finally got herself into a dead end, she avoided Rito's gaze, and looked away uncomfortably.