
The one that rules over Heaven and Earth

What if you were to live in a world where you could die anytime, where death is always in front of you. What will you do to survive in this world? this is the story of two best-freinds that fought due to their own beliefs, the ones who shall rule over the universe

Spider_lily · สงคราม
11 Chs

Golden Arrow

The sun raised from the horizon and later on lighted the whole land brightly. It's been a week since Ares has departed from the kingdom and only few know this information.

In the Kingdom of Yuran.

On the side of the road two silhouettes could be seen walking side by side, one was chubby and the other one is a skinny figure wearing a pair of glasses.

"♪And now the end is near, so I face the final curtain♪" sang the chubby one in a deep voice.

The boy next to him listened happily while swaying his head left and right.

"♪My friend, I'll say it clear, I'll state my case, of which im certain, I've lived, a life thats ful-" Jin stopped when he saw a bright red flashed in the sky.

"A red flash?!" Sceus exclaimed solemnly.

"What's that?" Jin asked.

"It's a warning, a bad one at that!" Sceus briefly explained.

"Let's go to the academy, hurry!" Sceus said in a slight panic, They then ran towards the academy and later on arrived at the front gate of the building.

There was no guards, which made the two's brows to crease.

They went to the training field and there they saw many other students, some looked afraid, excited, annoyed and other kinds of emotions shown in their faces.

Isabella was there, along with the other teachers, trying to calm the students who are panicking in the field.

They walked towards isabella and Sceus asked,"whats happening?"

"We're being attacked by demons but don't worry the generals and captains are on their way." She explained softly.

"How did demons appeared in our kingdom?" Jin asked.

"I don't know also, portals just randomly pop out but this portal is quite massive compare than usual." She answered lowly.

"And your telling us not to worry?" A student nearby who heard Isabella as she shouted.

They had a frown on their faces, Jin on the other hand is worried for Ares who he believe is now in prison.

"Teacher what about those in pri-"


Before Jin could finish his sentence, a huge explosion rang out in the vicinity of the academy, large chunks of rocks jetted all over the area.

"We're going to die!!"

"Fuck! I don't wanna die a virgin!!"

"♪oh lord, why have you forsaken me♪"


All sorts of shouts were heard from the students who ran randomly on the field, they all looked like a headless chicken running without a definite direction.

"Are all the students in this academy this retarded?" A student who's standing still looked at the students with disdain.

He has a dark hair that looks like to be darker than the night itself, sharp piercing scarlet eyes, a height standing of five foot ten tall.

Jin looked at that figure standing still amidst the frenzy running of the students. He looked at the sky to be precise his looking at the northern direction where the explosion occured.

Jin ran towards the north and the student standing still followed.

"J-Jin? Wait for me!" Sceus said as he followed Jin as well.

"What's that kids name?" Asked Jin to his side where Sceus is running beside him.

"That's Riese, it is said that he is the incarnation of the God of War, Ares. From the aura and mentality he shows many people began to call him "Battle maniac". He once fought alongside soldiers to battle demons, and when they saw his performance and battle prowess, they call him the "God of War" from that moment on." Sceus explained while looking at Riese who was just a few meters behind them.

"Sounds very exaggerated to me." Jin commented.

"What? Who do you think you are, huh?" Riese who heard his remarks shouted.

"Do you think, your on the same level as me to say those words?" Catching up to the two, he continued.

Jin looked at him and saw arrogance on Riese's countenance which made him frown.

Riese then increased his speed, leaving the two behind.

After a while ten or so minutes they arrived at the front of the gates of the kingdom due to all the soldiers fighting upfront, no guards was there to stop them. A few thousand meters away from the walls they saw a massive red portal, it could be said that the portal is bigger than their academy.

From afar they saw Vincent casting a huge magic circle and attacked a demon who has a similar features to a gorilla, the difference is that this demon has hundred times the size compared than normal. On its temples, it has a goatish horn that spiralled backwards.

The soldiers not so far away from the demonic gorilla, is killing the smaller demons, every minute a demon will fall onto the ground and a soldier will follow.

They also saw Riese slaughtering demons on the side with only his bare hands, there was a maniacal smile that hung on his face that has a stain of his enemies blood dripping down, enjoying the killing he was doing.

"Jin, i think it's better to get back ti the academy!" Sceus on the side said as he looked at the battle commencing from afar, fear could be seen in his eyes.

"So that's what a demon looks like." Jin said with a shaking voice as he clutch his chest, for some unknown reason, he felt immense anger as he looked at the demons.


"Valerie, cast a binding spell!" Vincent shouted.

"Frostbite!" Valerie shouted while her hand is raised, a blue magic circle that has runes engraved into it appered.


Beneath the giant a thick layer of frost could be seen growing from his foot climbing up towards his torso and later on the whole body of the gorilla is now encaged in ice.

"Pierce!" Vincent shouted as he threw his spear towards the head of the gorilla, with a speed faster than an eye could follow. The spear pierced the head of the gorilla.


The spear landed on the ground where many demons was running to engage in battle, was blown away and some were even killed, dismembering their body due to the great impact of the spear.

Riese looked at the direction of the portal and there he saw another creature emerging out of the red portal. The creature this time was not big but rather a small one, the same size as an adult human.

Valerie far away from the portal has a terrified look, while Vincent on the other hand has a deep frown on his face. Riese sat atop on the pyramid he created from the corpses of the demons he slaughtered.

He looked at the new arrived demon with a smile but in his eyes, a glint of fear is evident. There's no doubt that a demon with a humanoid body is stronger than the norm, even the giant gorilla the two siblings had defeated is no match to the new arrived demon Infront of them.

The demon has a reddish skin and a huge horn just a few inches above its dark deep eyes. It has a muscular build its claws sharper than any blade with its nails dyed black, he stood for over six foot five.

"Fuck! Thats a high class demon!" Cursed a captain from the battlefield, when he saw the creature, he felt his knees shook from fear.

"Valerie!" Vincent shouted, Valerie looked at him and nodded. The duo rushed towards the demon and began their combined attacks.

Riese who was still sitting, took a very deep breath, before standing up his eyes slightly glowing red, a resolute look on his countenance. He then took a greatsword from the dead soldier near him, he dashed towards the humanoid demon and joined the duo.

"Hah!" Riese shouted as he slashed the greatsword towards the demons neck.

But too his great and fearful surprise, the greatsword broke into tiny pieces before it could even touch the demon's neck.

"Lance!" Valerie shouted, a great number of ice lances were shot towards the direction of the demon.

"Meteor!" Vincent howled, five massive ice meteors fall onti the demon.

A few seconds later.

"HAHAHA, I didn't know that humans only has this much power!" The demon laughed mockingly, his voice deeper than any well.

"Hmm?" The demon, for some reason, smell something odd so he looked towards the walls of the kingdom.

His eyes widened when he saw a bright golden gliw coming from afar.

Jin who's whole aura seemed to exude a majestic golden glow around his body, is holding a large bow made out of pure golden energy. As he pulled the string a golden arrow began to manifest infront of the pulled string.

Sceus on the side was still shocked, he didn't know that his friend is hiding a power that was on oar to that student called Riese!

"I smell holy light from him, a strong one." The demon spike with a deep frown on his countenance.

The trio looked at the direction where the demon was looking and a surprised look bloomed onto their faces when they saw Jin exuding a golden aura around him.

"He must die." The demon belowed coldly.

When the trio heard this they all looked at each other and nodded, they'll buy time for Jin to compress the energy into an arrow.


"Frost chain!"

The duo cast their binding spells in order to stop the mobility of the demon approaching Jin.

The demon's steps began to slow down as his body is being enveloped by a very thick layer of ice and a a huge chain made out of ice clung into his body very tightly like a snake.

The demon snorted and a scarlet flame enveloped his body, breaking the ice enshrouding him.

Riese clenched his hand into a fist and punched out. He has no choice but to help Jin even though he looked very insignificant to him before, if this demon was left alive him and the kingdom might perish fromt he demons might.

The demon catch the fist of Riese and grabbed him on the neck he looked at him with his dark eyes.

"You. Your one of the humans who slaughtered the armies I have sent into this world. Though it seems that theres another person who has the same smell as you, but it seems like Infront of him, your nothing but a mere ant." He spoked while still holding him by the neck while advancing towards Jin with slow easy steps, as if strolling around the park.

The attacks of Vincent and Valerie has no effect towards him his sturdy body made it possible to not be scratched by their attacks.

Enraged by his words, Riese punched the demon with all his might to the face. But his punches was like punching a hard and sturdy metal. The demon didn't even gained damage from it.

The demon raised him up and swiftly slammed his whole body into the solid ground, leaving a four meter wide crater with him as the center, the demon continue its advancement.

Far away, Jin has now a a giant arrown in his bow, a few seconds of focusing his aim, he took a deep breath, and ket the string go.


A sonic sleed sound was heard as the arrows speed was even faster than the demon had expected the soldiers didn't even saw the shadows of the arrown as it pierced towards the center chest if the demon, his heart was flawlessly hit.

"Shit!" The demon cursed, he didn't expect that the speed was this quick, he underestimated Jin's Arrow.


With now on his knees, he heaved for air, as the difficulty of breathing began ti grow.

Jin then dashed towards the demon and a couple of minutes later he arrived infront of the demon.

His eyes that glowed bright golden, stared at the pityful demon infront of him. He held his right hand up and a pure golden energy manifested into a sword.

"Filthy demon." He coldly stated before slashing the sword, decapitating the demon.

On the side Valerie and Vincent had a look of shock, a high class demon was defeated by a single arrow and a sword. They somehow felt ashamed, their title as a major general and colonel, was unfitting for them when they saw how the duo from another world showed their hidden abilities.

Jin then shifted the energy from the weapon as it later on turned into a huge bow again. From there, he shoot the remaining demons, while the two siblings joined forces once again and destroyed the huge portal, destroying the passage of the demons from the other side.

"Fuck!" Riese rose up, his face covered in his own blood, his hair was in a mess, he looked for the demon but he only saw it's body without its head and infront of it was a chubby figure shooting down demons with a look of indifferent in his countenance.

He gritted his teeth and withdraw from the battlefield, going back to the kingdom unnoticed. His body is in a mess, his bones and organs were severely damaged from the high class demons action earlier. His lonely back grew smaller and smaller as he move far away from the field.

"U-uh are you okay?" Sceus asked when Riese has gotten closer to him. Riese ignored him and continue on moving forward towards the kingdom, his steps staggering.

While walking he thought of the earlier words spoken by the high class demon, another person who has the same smell as him but Infront of him he's nothing but a mere ant. He gritted his teeth and swore to his heart, 'I'll get stronger and I will find this person, once I did I'll see how strong he truly is!'



The portal was finally destroyed by the duo, the portal's fall caused the remaining demons to panic as despair could be seen in their faces.

The soldiers began their killing spree as they hunt down the demons one by one.


A silhouette could be seen resting under a tree, his wearing a white long sleeved polo, and a black trousers along with black leather boots. He looked at the blue sky, no one knows what he was thinking.

"Ares! New mission from the lieutenant general!" Anna shouted to him from afar while waving a paper.

Ares only nodded at her and stood up, he took a one last look at the sky and then the tree before moving towards the tent set by his crew.