

She had enough of people judging her, mistreating her, and insulting her. She is now ready to write her only destiny and her only existence, instead of letting others write for her. Now nobody can stop her.

NightKiss · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs


"These pain you feel are the messenger. Listen to them."


My eyes flutter open as the rays of the sun felt on me. I woke up to see I am still in the same place, in the same phase I lost my consciousness last night. My whole body was in discomfort.

My head felt like someone is nailing a hammer continually on it. I feel so vulnerable. I slowly try to get up using the fence as my aid.

I went inside the bedroom where my husband was still sleeping. The clock at his side of the dressing table was showing 6:38 am, look like I woke up today late.

I moaned tiredly.

I usually wake up at 5 a.m cause I have to prepare breakfast and wake him by 6 a.m for his morning jogging then wake up kids at 7 a.m.

But today I feel of doing nothing and my whole body indirectly indicates the clue 'can't take it anymore'. I took a deep breath as I make my way towards the bathroom.

I draw myself a warm bath and get in the tub. As I drain myself into the water closed my eyes as my mind fly back into the past.


Finally, I am free from 12th. Today was the last paper of the 12th board exam.

Oh, how happy I am feeling only I know. Not only me but all those whose its last exam paper of 12th is happy. I can see it on all the student's faces who are coming out of the classrooms as me.

I nodded with a smile on my face to all my friends who wished or smiled at me. Let me introduce myself, my name is Danika Deshmukh.

As you hear, I just gave my 12th exam or you could say my high school exam. I am 17 years old very soon to be, within 1 month, I will be 18, an adult.

My parents, they weren't in the picture. My parents died when I was very young, two-year-old only. So I don't know much about them, only the thinks others enlighten me with.

I live with my grandparents, my late father's biological parents. They are very old fashioned, discipline, religious and very strict. Some point of time, I never really felt like they loved or cared about me.

They believe that since I am a girl, I won't carry their name. But it's different from their grandsons, from my uncle. So as soon as I turn 18, I plan to move away from them. I have made up my mind to do a part-time job to support myself and continue to study further.

So, I have to first find a decent part-time job before I find a place to live in, just then I will get to do B. Com (bachelors of commerce). I want to be a banker in future as I was told that my father was a bank supervisor before his death. I feel like crying after talking about my father, I wish if I should do some magic and being my parents alive.

I relaxed myself continue to walk out of the classroom. Everyone was talking in groups, wishing each other for good future, some were promising to be in touch wherever they go. Everyone was been indifferent just wanted to go back to their home quickly.

I too want to talk to them, give them my wishes, get their wishes like any normal students, but I don't have that liberty as I have to go back home as soon as possible as I have house chore to do.

I came here to give the exam after making breakfasts and lunches only, now I have to go for remaining chores like laundry, dishwashing and cleaning.

I reached near grandparents house in the laundry like 20 minutes. I could never call it home cause it never felt. They're my grandparents and my uncle-aunt feel like home.

Sometimes I wonder what would it like me if my parents were alive. I sigh as I reach the main gate of the house to see a never let me big and expensive car parked in front of it.

Oh God! Great! There's a guest inside the house. It would be fun to have guests over. Note my sarcasm.

Guest in the house means more people in the house, which only means more workload for me.

~~~~~~Flashback over~~~~~~