
Chapter 1: Old Evocation

" Oh Mom! I am fine...yeah.....oh okay...Hmm, actually I AM on the way to mall, will try to call you later. Bye....!", I hung up the call. Uff! My parents, especially my mom, is very over-protective about me. Even though at times it irritates me a lot....but still there are only some people who really care about my presence in this world! Raised up in a middle class family, all this comes naturally.

Today, I am so excited as I am on my way to meet a very important friend in Oribit mall. I actually feel as if we met in previous life...it was such a long time back!

Jumping between London and America has become an habit in the past three years. After I left India for further studies in London, I became more exhausted by frequently traveling to America because of the new branch felicitation. Here I am again this time for a business meeting which is overlooked by this friend. I really hope he left his mischief side behind for this at least! Even though its just a five days trip (believe me this is the longest till now), I am going to enjoy it. Why? 'Cause my best friend Raelyn is coming to America for a research, I am so cheerful today...but God, why is my sixth sense screaming for a devil's luck?

"Hey, Where are you?", I called Ron. " I am on the Food Court, waiting at Mac D."

"Its good you came early, I will come up now", I hung up the call just to see the message pop up from my co worker, Jordan. I quickly reviewed my emails. He has send me the required pdf to complete my power point presentation for tomorrow's big day. 'Thanks a ton Jordy', I typed back....smiling happily at my great achievement.

Ouch!.. I slammed hard on a.....chest? I fell on my back hurting my ass badly. That hurts man! My phone and my purse fell right near me. "Are you fine, mam? Are you hurt?", I looked up to see the person who talked like a 'person' to me. He was a man in this thirties, neatly dressed in a black suit, his warm smile made me forget my injury for a minute. I felt the sudden chills on my spines ...wanting me eat me alive at this right moment! "I am really sorry, I didn't mean to. Its just...", I said picking myself up, along with my fallen belongings. How embarrassing!

"Girls like you..... just want attention. Got enough I think,'', I turned to view the arrogant bastard who dares to speak like that in front of me. My eyes fixed itself in that position not wanting to let go of the handsome, hot man in front of me. Did I bump into him? I could not believe that adonis really existed in this world....but I think I should start believing it now!

"Thinking of asking my number? All girls are the same!", his smirk wanted me to just slap his face hard. I came back to my lost senses. He is not an adorable Adonis, but an arrogant jerk! ''Bumping into me was just a pretense to touch me, wasn't it?", he smirked widened. I closed my knuckles tightly, practicing the only thing which tried to control my hot tempered mind. The man near him stood as a stone. Uncle, you have not raised your son well! I intensified my stare at him. He wore a costly black suit which really fitted his perfect body with a newly released watch in his left wrist. His hair was night black, all messy but made him look really ready for dinner. I wished to see his eyes but those damn sunglasses....that strong aura told me a lot bout him. He is surely a person who should not be messed. Though his eyes were covered, I know that they are actually scanning my lack of fashion.

"What? Can't take your eyes of me?", he snapped his fingers in front of me. I glared at him. Control Jas, Control! He came closer, lifting my chin to his dangerously close face. "Girls like you can never get my attention...such a pitiful act". People gathered around us, wanting to witness the drama he is starting....but in this drama, I will be the queen! I had never let anyone embarrass me in my whole life!

"Take your filthy hands off me, mister", I pushed his hand away from my chin. He is going overboard. "Looks like you just don't want a sorry....you want something more...", I walked closer to him. The others surrounding us gasped as if I am walking into a lion's den, but I am not afraid. It is a mess I would love to 'mess' with!. "I am sorry. You know, You are actually not of my type", I whispered in his ear.

"You....", his shoulders tightened.

" You kept saying that I am interested in you.....I purposely bumped into you, wasn't it?", I moved away from him. I am going to embarrasses you further.," But what if I say.... that... you took advantage of me as I was not concentrating on you....just to hear me speak to you, you did not have to do so much! Man, update yourself to the real world", I smirked. The man beside him giggled. He took off his sunglasses in anger. His red eyes stared at me, ready to burn me with fire....they were like green forest set to burn.....with orange sparks ready to turn anyone into pure smoke!," How dare you speak to me like that!", he is fuming. Jerk, the show has just began!

"Yes, I dare. I can even sue you for harassment charges....but I can not do that... ...'Cause...", I stared straight at him, meeting his eyes, "You are not worth my time". Our eyes locked, just to increase the blood pressure of the people nearby. I hope they had taken their prescribed medicines. "I have to go, you know...." I broke the tense and walked away from him, " Sorry, you have to find another one tonight. I am not free." I waved my hand lazily at him and squeezed myself past the crowd.

He was still there, watching me move away from him. By the way he acted, it feels like I really embarrassed him. That is how I repay to the ones who treat me like you. His high mighty image is gone. From the corner of my eyes I saw him walk away followed closely by that man.... of course leaving heavy smokes behind. "Jerk", I sighed. He totally ruined my mood, making me go crazy. It reminded me of all the times I was shamed, desperately hoping that a prince will come to save me one day...but only afterwards I realized that there is no one who will stand for me, except for myself.

Those ugly memories flashed again. I suddenly remembered Uncle Luke, my father's best friend. He and Aunt Ruth were the most gracious people who helped me and my family. My mom never failed to remind me, 'Don't forget these three people in your life....the one you love, the one who help you in bad time and the ones who created the bad times...they always will lift you up'. My mom was right...she always was!

" Hey Jas...here'', Ron's voice brought me back to the present. I smiled at him as I took a seat in front of him.

''How are you Jas? How can you forget ME? Such an important friend of yours?'', I laughed. Yes, he is an important friend, who supported me in my every crimes in college. '' Don't give too much importance to yourself stupid. Work comes first..''.

"Oh really?", He edged forward, blinking his eyes like a girl. He clearly knows that I value friends and family over everything...even my work. Still trying to tease me? No chance! I hit him hard with my purse on his hands, making him jerk it away.

"You should know your limits, Ron. That was really disgusting"

"But, I thought it was cute. Girls do...."

"Some of them! Not all", I glared at him. He is making me hard to control my fists!

''Yeah...Yeah. You are different. Actually, you can change it to most of them,...That would be better!", He was nodding his head. This stupid only knows to spout nonsense.

"You look edgy...Is everything alright?'', Ron finally noticed my mood.

'' Yes , seems like I invited trouble on my way here''.

''What?'', he jumped from his seat.

''Nothing, I am really hungry.....and I have presentation to prepare. Can you please order something rather than blabbering? I am not on a hunger strike today''

Ron giggled. "You are surely something Jas. I have already ordered for us. Hold your mice for a second... Waiter....", Ron called out at last!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Its my first time writing a book....so I really hope you all will enjoy my stories!

Two chapters will be updated on every Sunday. Enjoy!!!

JasFrost123creators' thoughts