
What went wrong

As Kali spent more time in that dimension, she got to know more about Rudra, Kastura, and Srini. She saw how talented and good they were at what they did, and how they used their powers for the benefit of the people.

Kastura was not only the leader of the village, but he was also a great philosopher and teacher. He taught the people about the importance of compassion, wisdom, and courage. He was always willing to listen to their problems and help them find solutions.

Rudra was a powerful sorcerer and healer. He had the ability to tap into people's emotions and bring out the best in them. He used this power to heal people's physical and emotional wounds, and to guide them towards a path of greater good.

Srini was a wise and kind woman who was the pillar of the family. She was a skilled healer and a great cook, and she used her talents to help others. She taught Rudra everything he knew about healing and magic.

Kali was amazed by the depth of their knowledge and the purity of their hearts. She felt privileged to have witnessed their ways of life and wanted to learn more from them.

She focused out and snapped back into the current realm, She was still inside the train, and feels like nothing changed. She checked the view and her watch. It doesn't even passed a single second since the time she entered into that dimension millions of year ago.

Kali spent more than a week in that era but not even a second passed here. She started to look out of the window, and then stare at mountain views, the sun started to set and the horizon looks amazing a, seller passing in the train was selling some snacks and Kali remembered how she used to have these snacks while travelling when she was a kid. It's been decades since she ate those 'Chana Masala' (A snack made with black gram, with sprinkled lemon and spices with finely chopped tomatoes and onion) in a train car. She stopped the seller and took one plate of it and started enjoying the moment.

She started thinking about the events she just experienced, staring out into the horizon as she pondered over the events that had transpired. She couldn't help but wonder where things had gone wrong with the stone. It was clear that it had some kind of power, but how did that power become corrupted?

She thought about the sacrifices that Rudra and Kastura had made all those years ago. They believed that they were doing something good for their village, but somewhere along the way, things had gone terribly wrong. The stone that was supposed to bring prosperity and goodness had become something evil and destructive.

Kali wondered if it was the nature of power itself that corrupted, or was it the intentions of those who wielded it? She thought about the ancient texts that spoke of powerful beings who had become consumed by their own power, leading to their downfall.

Perhaps the stone was simply too powerful for any mortal to handle, and it had corrupted anyone who had attempted to harness it. Or perhaps, it was the intentions of those who had used the stone that had caused it to become evil.

Kali knew that she needed to find the answers to these questions. She couldn't let the stone continue to wreak havoc, and she was determined to find a way to cleanse it of its corruption.

Kali hold back the stone and focused again to enter in that realm, she closed her eyes and let her inner soul draw and aligned with that stone's frequency. This time she was dedicated to know the complete truth about how this thing got all dark and blemished.

She opens her eyes and found herself in the middle of a forest, there were sound of a waterfall flowing somewhere nearby, she had trouble seeing things as it is complete dark and only possible visibility was by the moon light. She start walking towards the sound leading towards that waterfall. Kali stumbled upon a group of people frantically searching for someone in the darkness of the forest. She could hear the desperation in their voices and see the worry etched on their faces.

As she approached near then them she could hear them talking, one of the men asking his fellow members that he had lost his daughter, and not able to find her from this evening. They all started searching for her with fire stick torch in their hands.

After few hours, of searching Suddenly, they heard a faint sound in the distance, and they all ran towards it. As they approached, they saw a young girl lying on the ground, dead, and in brutal condition. Kali looked at the girl closely she was around 19 years old and was in brutal condition, The girl's face was full of scars, her cheeks were red and blood spilling out of her mouth and ears, there were nothing covering the girl's body she was completely naked. Her whole body was bruised with scars and marks of hands on her body It was obvious that the girl got brutally raped and hit by someone, twice her size. The hand prints on her thighs and on her waist are so big.

Kali was terrified to see such cruelty, even in these times. Her eyes become watery and her facial expressions were filled with sadness and remorse though not even close to what she witnessed. The girl's father goes devastated and started shouting and crying seeing his child dead. Others started searching if they could find the person who did that, to their loved one. The father started to cry even louder and louder, there were no match for that man's sorrow.

A person went straight to call, Kastura and Rudra and inform them about the incident. The man found Kastura just outside his home , It looked like Kastura was in some hurry but, Listening to the information share by that man, Kastura opened the door of his home and called Rudra and Srini to join him on the way towards the forest where people have found that girl.

Kastura and his family rushed towards the site of that unfortunate event. When they saw the body of that girl and the condition all of them was shocked. Srini hurried and covered the body of the girl with a piece of cloth she had with her . Kali was also thoughtless and was only noticing all the events happening before her eyes.

Kastura signaled Rudra to help the father and he himself started to do some kind of tantrum, It looked like he was trying to find someone or something. His both hands were above his head wide spread and contacting the nature, after few seconds he speak.

"There's no one nearby, It is same as what happened few weeks ago. This girl was under some kind of powerful spell."

Srini, picked up the girl and start walking towards the village. Kastura looked a little disturbed, yet he tried to calm everyone down. Rudra was consulting the girl's father and using his power he reduced the amount of sorrow inside him. Rudra sucked the pain and unpleasant feeling of loss from that person's heart and made him realize that death was not the end.

Though Rudra know that disabling someone to show grief towards their loved ones is not a natural and kind thing to do, he did it so that the other member of the family can survive a better life.

When they reach back the village it is almost sunrise, the sun beams were hitting the horizon finely. Srini and other people of the village helped the girl's family to fulfill the rituals of the cremation.

When the cremation is done, Kali found Kastur and Srini arguing over something. Srini was very terrified and angry at the same time.

"How could you let this happen, people are dying. You have to stop this anyhow", Srini said to Kastura.

"This is not in my hand, I tried you know very well this is not my doing", Katura replied.

"You think, It'll make me and other people out there feel any better. Once they all know what had happened in the past is repeating again. It's been 20 years now Kastura, why is it all happening again.", Srini asked in a worried tone.

"I have no answer to your question, both of thought that we'd suppressed that part of mine, and I don't do that I'd never done that." Kastura was tensed and sat on the floor with his back aligned to the wall.

"I saw you in the night, your heartbeat was so loud and you were sweating. It is not suppressed any longer something must have broken it. You never loose your calm when you are under control Kastura. It's been 20 years since these rapes and murders are again in action and you know that it is because when you loose control over him.", Srini said in an aggressive voice.

"Srini, You don't have to be so obvious about it. If someone heard us there'll be no home for us again for years and you remembered what happened when the last time you false mouthed me when I was like this right.", Kastura looked changed and there was a sense of warning in his voice he was seriously looking into Srini's eyes trying to threatening her.

Kali was shocked to see this and She was witnessing a terrible look on a very powerful person's face. Srini on the other hand started shaking looking into Kastura's eyes. He was clearly doing something to her, with his eyes.

her legs trembled and mouth muffled, She bit her lower lip and put her hand between her shivering legs. Srini started urinating right there, it is like she had no control over her body, she was embarrassed and humiliated. Kali felt so disgusted witnessing something that terrible she felt like hitting Kastura with something but she is not really physically present in that realm.

"It is you, Isn't it you supressed Kastura. But How? You were supposed to be vanished from the existence.", Srini said in a trembling voice she was having some kind of pain inside her body while speaking.

"Oh I was always there, inside my brother's body, We were living peacefully for years until a low blood like you found my brother and pushed me inside a corner of his soul", Kastura stood up grabbed Srini's neck and pulled her up then he kept on speaking.

Kali was so damn scared and praying for Srini.

"You thought I'll never come back again, It was me who looked at all of you all those years powerless because of your spell, me and Kastura was happy, we were twins, I died because of you, then not only that you trapped my soul inside Kastura. You know how painful it is when he touches you, makes you naked and loves you. I was the one who liked you. Suppressing me and my lust inside Kastura for 20 years, Do you even know what kind of pain it brings".

He left Srini, She fell down on the floor and start coughing heavenly.

"Do not worry my dear Srini, This time I'm going nowhere and you have to see and witness my way of living in the world till your last breath. I'll make your little village an example of hell for all the living creatures", Kastura said.

Srini, collected herself and stood up, Hearing some footsteps coming closer. It was Rudra as the footstep came closer Kastura became normal and Srini too, Acted like nothing was happening. Rudra entered and saw her mother was somewhat devastated. He rushed towards her as asked if she is okay.

"I'm ok just not well, I'll take care Rudra do not worry". Srini replied.

"Your mother got terrified by the incident son, We've to do better in order to maintain balance in our village, come with me we've to go to the river side mountain and bring some herbs for your mother as well."

Rudra instantly followed Kastura and Srini started weeping and fell on the floor.

Witnessing all these Kali was completely horrified, she focused back and brought herself to the present moment , as soon as she came back she was in tears. She wiped her tears and it was traumatic experience for her, to see something like this.

Kali had no idea what she just saw but she was clear about one thing which is, that Kastura's older brother's soul was residing under his body. Whos was not a nice guy at all.

Kastura and him was completely opposite to each other, she also got to know by the conversation that, he was killed and suppressed by Srini somehow.

But still she was left with a lot of questions.