
Old Family Member

Nishant and Manasvi sat in their college classroom, their minds wandered back to the events of the past few days. Ashi's sudden collapse, her miraculous recovery, and the strange presence that seemed to have taken over her body. They couldn't help but feel worried and anxious about what might happen next.

Meanwhile, Kali had been away on a personal mission, determined to find answers to the mystery that had taken over Ashi's life. She had been gone for two days, leaving Nishant and Manasvi to fend for themselves. But they knew that Kali was the best person for the job, and they trusted her to find a solution.

As they waited for Kali's return, Nishant and Manasvi decided to do some research of their own. They scoured the internet for any information that might help them understand what was happening to Ashi. But they found nothing that could explain the strange events that had taken place.

Finally, after two long days, Kali returned and went straight to the college. She looked exhausted, but also triumphant. She had found what she was looking for. She approached Nishant and Manasvi, a glint in her eye.

"I found it," she said, breathlessly. "The reason why this is happening to Ashi."

Nishant and Manasvi leaned in, eager to hear what Kali had discovered. She explained that she had been researching ancient texts and legends, looking for any information about spirits that could possess human bodies.

"I found a reference to a powerful spirit that was said to inhabit the bodies of those who were near death," Kali said. "It's said that this spirit can give them a second chance at life, but at a cost."

"What cost?" Manasvi asked, her voice trembling.

Kali took a deep breath. "The spirit requires the host to provide it with evil deeds, sadness, chaos, pain and souls. Every full moon and eclipse, it required soul which means an occult process of sacrificing a life the host must offer up a soul to the spirit. And if they fail to do so, the spirit will not claim them but make their soul a part of itself, instead. Which means even if Ashi died under the possession of that spirit, she'll still be around and never leave this place she'll stuck with that thing for eternity and eventually end up feeding on other people's lives."

Nishant and Manasvi exchanged worried glances. "What are we going to do?" Nishant asked.

Kali looked at them both, with determination in her eyes. "We're going to find a way to break the curse," she said. "We're not going to let that spirit take Ashi's soul, Also It seems like This all is not just as simple as some other regular exorcist spirits which we used to hear in stories of out grand parents, neither see in a movie."

Kali Asked Nishant and Manasvi with surprise, "We're not able to find that building again once you guys took that stone from there, right. Did you have that stone right now with you? "

Manasvi said "I can bring it for you but after my class, you have to wait for at least 1 hour It is in my bag, I've not kept it away for once since Ashi died that day I am too worried for this thing to get into some new hands."

Saying that Manasvi left the two of them and headed straight to her Class.


Kali and Nishant were sitting in the college canteen, sipping their coffee while Manasvi was busy with her classes. Kali was lost in her thoughts, trying to find some clue or hint about the spirit that possessed Ashi. Nishant noticed her silence and asked, "Kali, what are you thinking?"

Kali looked up at Nishant, and with a sigh, she said, "I'm still trying to understand how the spirit managed to possess Ashi. It doesn't make sense to me."

Nishant took a sip of his coffee and said, "Maybe we are missing something. Remember that ancient stone that Ashi found on the trip, after that only she started to get sick and her health weakens"

Kali's eyes lit up, "Yes, I remember. What about it? you mentioned that she was alright before that day."

Nishant continued, "Think about it, Ashi was completely fine before she found that stone. It was only after she touched it that she started feeling sick and eventually fell unconscious. According to the information you gathered the spirit needs a host who is near death or dying, and that's why it possessed Ashi. But she wasn't even dying at first place, It was that thing which made her weak, which made her vulnerable. That means the spirit didn't need a weak body to posses as it can posses anyone and make them weak itself. It seems like this thing needs something like a consent of the host to hold onto. something like a broken will. I don't think it is a sprit which posses people who are completely sick and about to die, it is more like It makes them feel they are gonna die and blackmail/threat them in making a deal in exchange of their life which is quite a 90% chance that the dying person will agree."

Kali's face lit up with realization and her eyes opened wide, "You're right! That could be it. The spirit needs a host but not who is about to die but someone with a strong will to live, and that's why it made a deal with Ashi to give it souls on every full moon and eclipse. It's trying to sustain itself as long as possible."

Nishant nodded, "Exactly. We need to find more information about that stone and the spirit. Who knows, we might find a way to get rid of it for good."

Kali smiled, "That's a good idea. I have some more research to do considering your point of view, if it is somehow tied to the consent of host. I believe it would going to be far more dangerous than some normal possession so I think I'll be needing some expert help, and I know just the person who can help me."

Nishant looked at her curiously, "Who is it?"

Kali stood up from her seat and said, "An old family member whom I left years ago before going to Euthopia, I don't even know if he'll help me or just scream on me, lives in the Himalayas. I have to visit him for some personal work too, but I'll also ask him about this."

Nishant smiled, "That's great. Let's hope we find some answers."

As they walked out of the canteen, Kali felt a sense of hope. Maybe they could find a way to save Ashi and rid her of the spirit once and for all.