
Can You Keep A Deal?

In a room, lit up by the sun pouring in from the windows, sat a trio of men. Across from the men was a man dressed in blacks, with a yellow scarf slung around his shoulders.

"So, we'll ask you one more time..." A man began, as he took a look at a clipboard.

"Are you really with us this time?" He questioned.

"Or is this all a part of some elaborate scheme?" He looked up from the clipboard, with a glare.

The man sitting across from them chuckled.

"Listen, you can ask as many times as ya want," he began, relaxing himself in the chair, stretching his arms behind his head.

"I got nothin' to lose." He grinned, pushing his black rimmed glasses up his nose.

The trio of men exchanged cautious looks.

"You won't bail with a child in tow this time, will you?" One man questioned.

The man let out a hardy laugh.

"Heck no!" He laughed.

"Taking care of that one alone is hard enough as it is!" He said, wiping a tear from his eye.

"Well that certainly seems like a personal problem," one of the men scoffed.

The man gave a cheeky grin.

"Sure does, doesn't it?"

"Anyway," Another man began, as he cleared his throat.

"How is 246?" He asked.

"Eh," The man shrugged.

"She's still a bit jet lagged, but she'll deal." He said.

"You certainly care for her..." He replied, smiling.

"Focus, gentlemen!" One of the other of the two men roared.

The two exchanged looks, then chuckled.

"Well then, it seems we're done here..." The man with clipboard said, rising from his seat.

"Welcome back, Mr. Summers." He said, extending his hand.

"Don't mess up this time."

"Likewise!" Rick grinned, shaking his hand.

"Wait, crap...I meant no worries!" He laughed.

The man gave Rick a look, as he pulled his hand away.

"Yes, well." He coughed.

"Get on it, Summers." He said, in a dismissive tone.

"Sir, yes sir!" Rick cried, giving a hard nod.
