
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · แฟนตาซี
62 Chs

Preparations (2)

"I'm back"

After returning home, I immediately headed for my room after saying hi to my mom.

Sitting down on my bed I instantly started analyzing the item.


[(S-) Glomer's Gloves LVL 1]

(Description): A ancient magician's gloves that grows together with it's owner, as the gloves become stronger so do the magician's stats (Magic and Strength) and it helps the owner control their mana for an easier time using spells.

-(Evolving Item): It grows together with its owner, and allows an increase in stats depending on the LVL of the item. As it grows it also allows the user to have better control of mana, making spells easier to use.

-(Master): It chooses one master and the item cannot be taken off.

-(Visual): The item may become invisible or maintain it's visual depending on its master's wishes


There was no denying it, it was way too much of a godly item, and I'm quite surprised it has never been mentioned in the story, but even so, I tried to remember an item similar to this in the novel. Fortunately, nothing came up so my guess is that this item was never discovered.

While I was concerned about not being able to take them off once I put them on, I didn't really care as I was able to hide them whenever I wanted.

After putting them on, I felt a sudden increase in my power or inner energy that is called mana, it was almost as if a soothing energy was traveling across my body.

So without a second thought, I immediately went to check my status.


[Name: Keith Devans]

[Overall Rank: G]

[Strength: G- (Potential: F-)]

[Agility: G- (Potential: F+)]

[Endurance: G- (Potential: G+)]

[Magic: G- to G+ (Potential: A+)]

[Inteligence: D+ (Potential: S+)]

[Luck: C+ (Potential: Unchangeable)]

[Charm: D (Potential: Unknown)]


-[(S-) Glomer's Gloves LVL 1 (Permanent)]


I noticed two things after checking my status, one was that my magic increased from G- to G+ which is an incredible level of growth for any stat, I also noticed the new tab called [Artifacts], which would most likely list my equipment from here on out.

I also decided to check Glomer's Gloves to see if there was any change and two things caught my eyes, one being that my name now appeared in the name, [(S-)Glomer's Gloves LVL 1(Owner: Keith Devans)].

But that was just a minor change, the thing that really caught my eye was that the gloves now had an experience bar in the description.


[0% //------------------------------------------ 100%]


Although it is a nice change, I'm still unsure on how to level up this item, but before anything I believe it was best for me to start practicing magic as well as have a morning jog and do some push-ups, to help me both get a better sense of mana and how to control it and also raise my physical stats, that are extremely low, even for a 10-year-old child.

Currently, it was my second day on this world, and I still had 29 days before the start of the academy, before going there I wanted to get an item called [Mhingseng], which is an overpowered item that the rival of the protagonist, Aso, takes to increase his stats and at one point beat the protagonist up during a duel.

The item increases the stats of anyone who eats it for 1 subrank to 3 if you are quite low ranked, since my overall rank is G, I should be able to increase all my stats by either 2 or 3 subranks, which would put me in the top of everyone at the first year but other than that Item, there are barely any in the third district that would have such an effect in so little time, so I had no other option than to get it.

With that in mind, I decided to start training my body every morning with a jog to increase my endurance which is pretty much tackiness and stamina, and also some push-ups to increase my strength.

I also had some books that I reread to have a better understanding of mana and also trained my mana like how it was written in the novel, which would be to try to pull all your mana to your heart and then release it, which should help you circulate it around your body.

So every morning from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, I trained my body, even pushing the limits of this child-like body, sometimes even throwing up my mom's breakfast and passing out because of exhaustion.

It may seem dumb and not a good way to build up muscle but I was just a high schooler in my past life, and I had never even gone to a gym so this was pretty much unknown to me.

from 2 pm to 9 pm, I would use it for researching magic or either training my mana inside my body, that is if I haven't passed out from the previous workout.

I repeated that process and from the 29 days I had left, I spent 14 days doing this sort of training, and even now my whole body is sore and I feel drowsy at every moment.

But after these 2 weeks, the results were quite depressing.


[Strength: G- (Potential: F-)]

[Agility: G- (Potential: F+)]

[Endurance: G- (Potential: G+)]

[Magic: G+ to F- (Potential: A+)]

[Inteligence: D+ (Potential: S+)]

[Luck: C+ (Potential: Unchangeable)]

[Charm: D (Potential: Unknown)]


My magic increased from G+ to F- but it was then that I remembered that the closer you are to your potential, the slower that stat will grow, so it made sense why my training didn't bring any improvement over my stats.

Now after thinking about it, I should have given up on raising those stats in the first place and just focused on magic and using spells, so I decided that for the next week I would be training using spells.

During the first 3 days of this training, I was able to create a fireball, but not launch it at my desired target, while the control of my mana was easy, probably due to my gloves, it was still hard to use the spell correctly.

Even so, every day I trained by emptying my mana on forming fireballs and trying to launch them. It was only after 2 more days that I learned how to launch the fireball at my enemy but it required me to use both hands.

In my right hand, I created a fireball using my mana and with my left hand, I snapped my fingers to be able to launch them. Apparently, you need some sort of activation indicator for the magic to be sent against the enemy, it was then that I understood why all the magicians in the novel screamed their attack names.

But being the introvert that I am, I decided that snapping my fingers, not only would it not tell my enemy what spell I'm using but it would also look cooler than just screaming the name of the spell.

However I wanted to look even cooler when releasing my spells so I thought I focused on creating fireballs without the need to use my hands, so instead of using my right hand to create spells and my left hand to snap my fingers, I would create fireballs in the thin air and use my right hand to launch the fireballs by snapping my fingers.

This step actually wasn't so hard and it only took me a day to be able to create the fireball mid-air, which was quite nice. Not only that, but my magic stat had raised from F- to F, but the level of my gloves still hasn't increased one bit.

But with everything done, I believed it was time to finally get my items, I actually had two dungeons that I plan on attacking to be able to increase my stats and potential.

One dungeon is the one that contains the [Mhingseng] and another one that holds an item called [Elixir of Growth], as the name suggests it is an item that can increase the potential of someone, which is an item I'm in dire need for.

While the [Elixir of Growth] is a great item, it only increases the potential to C, for every potential that doesn't reach that rank, so it is an incredible item for someone like me who lacks the stats. This is an item that one of Aso's underlings would get, but considering he dies during one of the attacks of demon contractors at the start of the second year, I don't believe that taking the item will affect the story at all.

So with that, I had 8 days or to be more exact 6, as 2 days would be used for traveling all the way to the academy.

I told my mom of my journey but she was way too protective and only after begging her to let me go that she allowed me to go and she even went as far as to pack me a lot of food for the journey because in the past Keith would not go outside for anything other than attending school, she was quite worried and also Keith has a small body.