
The Novel's Shadow

After dying, I opened my eyes to a new world, the world of a novel. With a new identity of a side character called Keith Devans, I will work in the shadows and help the protagonist whenever it is needed. Even with such a dream, the world of the novel is still dangerous for a side character like me so using the knowledge of the novel and obtaining some skills and talents I will become one of the strongest. Or so I hoped.

Onjou · แฟนตาซี
62 Chs

End (2)

Leo then let out a sigh and asked the chairman, "What do we do with him?"

But before the chairman could answer, I stated, "I can always make a strong spy into an ally"

Everyone looked at me in surprise but Bres, who still had some comradeship with Lashar, got angry and glared at me while releasing his killing intent, but since I was (S+) ranked right now, I was able to resist it.

"Now, hear me out before getting angry will you", I said while smiling.

"How can I not be angry right now, after hearing you say that, kid!"

"Now now calm down, you see, before the Union had 4 (SS) ranked in your army, but it was more like a 3 (SS) ranked and one (A) ranked, don't you think?"

"That doesn't mat-"

"Hear him out, Bres", Said Leo, who also understood what I meant.

And after glaring at me and Leo for a while he finally allowed me to speak.

*Cough Cough

"Continuing with what I said, previously the Union was similarly matched against the demons, but now together with me and him as a summon, we would have 5 (SS) ranked against 3 (SS) ranked if we don't count the demon king, which will not participate in this war"

I could see that Lashar was begging me for his life, just by looking at his face but I didn't really care.

Bres was still against it, but Leo and the chairman who were quite tired of fighting this war agreed that it would best to transform Lashar into a summon.

Iris was slightly against it, but after reminding her that many lives could be lost further down this war, she finally decided to accept the actions of transforming him into a summon.

Bres was still against it, but I reminded him, that the demons had slaves and were probably dying by the seconds, I did this because in the novel Bres and most other giants couldn't accept injustice.

Giants were more like protectors and muscle brains that fought for justice and after appealing to his sense of justice he finally accepted.

I took out Baggy and did the same process as always.

Bres closed his eyes as he was displeased with the situation but Leo and the chairman stared at him and were probably thinking about how much information the dragoon had given the demons, while Iris just covered her face at the sight.

After the transformation, Baggy who was extremely happy was floating all around the room, but I stopped him and put him inside the dimensional space.

It was then that I felt a great pain in my muscle just like that time during the wizard incident.

'AH, I marked every demon and their helpers as revenge targets didn't I', I thought to myself and then decided to check the growth after killing an (SS) ranked.



[Name: Keith Devans]

[Overall Rank: S]

[Strength: S- to S+ (Potential: Unknown)]

[Agility: S+ to SS- (Potential: Unknown)]

[Endurance: S- to S+ (Potential: Unknown)]

[Magic: S+ to SS (Potential: Unknown)]

[Inteligence: SS- to SS (Potential: Unknown)]

[Luck: C+ (Potential: Unchangeable)]

[Charm: E- (Potential: Unknown)]


My rank didn't increase to (SS) but this is probably due to my mana control.

Although after the massacre of the wizard I was able to increase the level of [(S-)Glomer's Gloves] to 8, this time it didn't increase, meaning that my mana control also didn't increase.

Although the pain was bearable, it didn't take long before my legs gave out, and I fell to the ground.

Iris and Leo came to support me and after telling them that I was fine and it was just an aftereffect of my skill, they finally stopped questioning my health and took me to my tent.

Leo then left, and Iris stayed and began to ask me, many things relating to liches, now that she remembered about me having one.

I explained many things to her but decided to call it off early because tomorrow the demons would be most likely to attack.


It was already the next day, and we currently were having a meeting inside the HQ.

I explained to them, the location of the camp in more detail, including the barriers created by the magicians and more.

"Now, are you sure they will attack today?", Leo asked.

"Yeah...a slight chance of them not attacking, but if that is the case, we should probably bombard them instead"


"Yes, Lashar is an (SS) ranked magician, it was just that he was hiding behind the curtain of not having enough mana control, but it is impossible to be an (SS) ranked, without having mana control if you have the talents for being a magician"

"I see"

After discussing other things relating to the demon's army, we finally stepped outside and an alarm resounded throughout the whole camp, informing everyone to get ready for an attack.

The typical pyramid was in place and I then summoned Baggy and every single one of his summons appeared.

Lashar, 4 undead magicians, 1 undead lord, 9 undead warriors, and an alchemist.

I ordered Baggy to only attack the demons and even after a while passed, the demons didn't appear.

I then told Iris to chain my alchemist as he was useless in battle and she did so, now we had an infinite amount of heals for everyone.

I looked over to Leo and he finally ordered the troops to advance and so we did.

After marching for a while we finally stopped in the middle of the battlefield, but there was still no sign of any demons. So I ordered Lashar, who was now a (SS) undead archmage, to blow the cliff off.

He started to chant a spell, and soon a huge fireball appeared in the sky, it was the size of a large football stadium, it took around 10 minutes to form but that didn't matter.

It was then that a huge ice wall appeared around the whole demon camp.


"Oh, so they are there", I said, in a surprised tone.

I considered the fact that they had retreated after hearing about Lashar being killed by another spy, but this was indeed surprising.

The fireball was then launched towards the ice wall and a huge explosion occurred that pushed most of our troops back, and even sent our (D) and (C) rankers flying into the air due to the shock wave.

The light created from the explosion was quite blinding but as soon as it disappeared, the ice wall was gone and the previous cliff looked as if someone had taken a bite off of it.


Some rocks started to fall, but now I understood the power of an (SS) ranked magician.

The Union troops started to cheer, at the sight and after a command from Leo, we continued to advance, but it was not long before the demons started to appear.

I could see the 3 dukes, but I resisted my desire to rush against Amadeus.

The other squadrons started to engage in battle, but the (SS) ranked all remained still.

"You rat human bastard, how dare you go against your master!", Shrieked Amadeus.

Yuki and Botis were both glaring at me, but after having the demonic energy sucked out from me by Iris, I wasn't as impulsive as before.

"Quiet down, bastard, today is the day where I kill every single one of you", I declared while harboring my killing intent.

Amadeus then turned invisible and Botis started to prepare his spell.



[Revenge has been activated, all stats are increasing as an enemy worthy of the user's revenge has appeared]

[Error! User's stats can't increase over (SS+)]

[All stats have been increased to (SS+)]

[Revenge function, fear, has been activated]

[Targets Amadeus, Yuki-Onna, and Botis, are now under the effect of fear]

The moment the skill was activated, I could see that Yuki and Botis, both had a look of fear in their eyes, but it didn't last long as they recomposed soon enough.

Now, I still needed to know where Amadeus was, so I decided to use another function of the skill.

[Tracking revenge target, Amadeus]

[Target of revenge, Amadeus, 500 meters away]

I felt like a predator right now, I wanted to hunt every single one of these bastards right now.

But, eliminating Botis, came first. This was because, after eliminating Botis, our troops would be able to advance as his poison was the main reason as to why the Union wasn't able to attack the demons just like right now. Although Yuki also played a major part, together with the acting of Lashar.

I looked at Leo, and after noticing my gaze, he instantly put an arrow in his bow and pointed it toward Botis.

I stamped the ground with all my strength, creating a huge crack, and the moment Leo shot his arrow, I rushed towards Botis, leaving behind a strong gust of wind.

But in that small moment, Yuki created an ice wall that protected Botis and stopped Leo's arrow. Though thanks to my (SS+) strength, I was able to blow the wall away.

"To you left!", Leo screamed.

[Target of revenge, Amadeus, 1 meter away]

