
Ideal Life IX

Four Years Ago.

Four years ago, Rachel had caught a fleeting glimpse of what an ideal life could be. She had embarked on a quest to trace the enigmatic sword that she had lost in an accident. Yet, every lead she followed ended in a frustrating dead end. It was during this time that she and Hyon Hyung decided to embark on a little adventure, hoping to uncover the mysteries that surrounded their happenstance.

As they journeyed, they encountered familiar faces from their original timeline, each person now living a life drastically different from what they remembered. One such revelation occurs when Rachel and Hyon attend Cheok Jungyeon's marriage. To Rachel's astonishment, the bride is none other than Jin Seyeon, the Divine Archer of their own timeline.

Rachel, wide-eyed, whispers to Hyon, "Jin Seyeon? The Divine Archer is getting married? This world is full of surprises."

Hyon grins, "Seems like things have taken an unexpected turn. But that's not the only shocker."

The surprises continue as Rachel discovers that Yi Yeonjun, the ultimate villain in their own timeline, is leading a peaceful life as a construction worker with a wife and two kids. Rachel, struggling to process these revelations, meets up with Kim Hajin, who is now happily immersed in writing web novels full time. There are lot of changes— thus the ideal life of other people is presented to her.

Amidst the beauty of this altered world, Rachel turns to Hyon with a mixture of awe and envy. "This place is too beautiful, Hyon. I can't help but be envious. Maybe we could stay here, live a life like this."

Hyon, however, shakes his head, a somber expression on his face. "Rachel, as tempting as it is, we can't stay. This world is not ours. We have our own timeline to return to, our own battles to face."

Rachel sighs, torn between the allure of this idyllic world and the responsibility she carries. "I know, but it's so hard to let go. Everything here is just perfect."

Hyon places a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Our path is elsewhere, Rachel. Let's gather what we can from this adventure and bring it back with us. Maybe, in our own timeline, we can make our world a little more like this one."

With a reluctant nod, Rachel agrees, though the temptation lingers in her eyes. The beauty of the alternate reality may be enticing, but their true home awaits, with all its imperfections and challenges.

Come another day, and Hyon and Rachel find themselves on an airplane, soaring through the skies on a mission to search for a version of Rachel in this unfamiliar world. The hum of the engines provides a backdrop to their hushed conversation.

"I can't shake this feeling, Hyon," Rachel admits, her gaze fixed on the passing clouds outside the window. "I know the answer deep down, but I'm still hopeful."

Hyon, seated beside her, leans back in his seat, adjusting his glasses. "Don't get your hopes up too high, Rachel. Remember, alternate realities can be vastly different."

As the plane cruises through the sky, Rachel's anticipation builds. Then, as they delve into the internet, reality hits her hard. Rachel has already known, still they continue travelling on foreign soil.

"She's not here," Rachel murmurs, scrolling through the search results on her tablet. "I don't exist in this timeline." They are still on the airplane, their destination remaining the same.

Hyon, always analytical, nods. "It was evident from the start. In a world where information is at our fingertips, your absence speaks volumes. Just like the Queen of England being easy to find, that should also be the case for you."

Rachel sighs, a mix of disappointment and contemplation. "If I don't exist, then what about Kim Suho? He came from another planet, for crying out loud. Surely, he can't exist here either."

Hyon's expression darkens as he replies, "You're probably right. The absence of one extraordinary being implies the absence of others."

Feeling a need to break the somber mood, Rachel's eyes light up. "But what about Lancaster? Maybe he exists here. We should look for him."

Hyon, intrigued by the sudden spark in Rachel's eyes, indulges her curiosity. "Lancaster, huh? Let's see if he's a part of this timeline. Well, that's actually the reason for this trip, right? To check on Lancaster?"

Rachel nods demurely as her eyes land on the window,

As they dig into the investigation of Lancaster, both Hyon and Rachel find a brief respite from the heaviness of their primary mission – the search for Lionheart. Hyon had hoped to use Lionheart's power for their Interdimensional Router, a plan now on hold due to unforeseen obstacles.

"I needed Lionheart to power our router," Hyon confesses, a hint of disappointment in his voice. Rachel, understanding the stakes, nods in empathy.

"Yeah, and now we're both left in the dark," she adds. "But if Lancaster exists in this timeline, maybe we can find a way to pick up the pieces. "

Hyon, despite the uncertainty, can't help but appreciate Rachel's determination. "Let's take a short break from Lionheart and focus on Lancaster. Who knows, maybe Lancaster harbors a clue or two"

Sadly, it appears that Lancaster has no clues to give.

Rachel and Hyon stand in a world where the threads of destiny have woven a different tale for those who traverse its realms. In this iteration, Lancaster's family remains intact, and Rachel can't help but feel a mix of gratitude and sorrow as she gazes at this version of him. The burden he carried in her world, the sacrifice that cost him his family, is absent here.

With a thankful yet melancholic emotion in her eyes, Rachel turns to Hyon. "It's time to return to Korea," she says, her voice carrying the weight of unspoken memories.

Thus the two returns to the place where they began.

As Rachel's feet touch the familiar soil once more, a thought lingers in her mind. Does Hyon have the same curiosity about meeting his alternate self in this world? "Hey, Hyon… How about let's try hitting up the other version of you?" The question is met with a grimace from Hyon.

"I already did," he confesses, his tone carrying the weight of something unspoken. Rachel frowns, curiosity etched on her face. "Since when?" she asks.

Hyon, with a somber expression, reveals a piece of his past. "I've always been curious about what became of me. The last memory I have before transmigrating is my death." It's a revelation that catches Rachel off guard, the first time she's heard such a detail from Hyon Hyung, Kim Hajin, or Kim Suho about their past lives in their original worlds.

Intrigued, Rachel requests, "Take me to the other Hyon."

Hyon complies, leading Rachel to a cemetery. They stand before a grave marked with the name, birth date, and date of death of the one and only Hyon Hyung. Hyon, perhaps to lighten the mood, jokingly mentions, "Died from a truck." Rachel, however, doesn't find it amusing.

"This isn't a laughing matter," she tells him, her kindness radiating through her expression. She empathizes with the weight of Hyon's past. He falls into a momentary silence, immersed in the gravity of his own history, while Rachel stands there, offering her understanding and support.

Rachel blinks, finding herself still seated in the familiar office. The holographic mini-computer floats in the air, its glow casting a soft hue across the room. With a wave of her hand, Rachel dismisses the hologram, drawing Evandel's attention away from her smartphone.

"Hey, sweetie," Rachel calls, smiling at her daughter. "It is time to go."

Evandel glances up briefly, her fingers tapping on the smartphone screen. "Where's dad, mom?"

"We're going to see him soon, darling," Rachel reassures her, rising from her chair. She walks toward a bend in the office, Evandel trailing behind.

As they venture deeper, they reach a vault. Rachel opens it, revealing an assortment of artifacts scattered within. While devoid of any magical power here, Rachel theorizes that these items will transform once she returns them to their original timeline. She begins collecting them into a sack, the metallic clinks echoing in the room.

"Mom, what are these?" Evandel asks, peering into the vault.

"They're special things, sweetheart," Rachel explains, her eyes scanning the artifacts. "We need them for our journey."

The sack filled, Rachel beckons for Evandel to follow. "Come on, it's time for us to go."

Evandel looks up from her smartphone, curiosity evident in her eyes. Together, mother and daughter leave the office, the door closing behind them as they embark on their next objective: to escape and reunite with Daddy.

Though Rachel knows deep in her heart, it will definitely be more complicated than just reuniting with Hyon Hyung.

Rachel's motorbike roars through the bustling streets of Seoul, Evandel securely harnessed against her. They arrive at an obscured building, and Rachel, with determination in her eyes, heads in a specific direction.

Inside, she knocks on a nondescript door, calling for Yoo Jinhyuk. The door swings open, revealing Yoo Jinhyuk, Jinhyung's younger brother. He greets her with a grin, suggesting, "Need someone investigated? Rival company? Maybe your own husband?"

Rachel, all business, shakes her head. "No time for jokes, Jinhyuk. I've come for the data my husband asked for."

Jinhyuk's eyes light up with intrigue as he eyes little Evandel. "Well, well, what brings you here? The contract for the requested data isn't up yet."

Rachel drops a sturdy plastic bag at his doorstep, its weight unmistakable. "This should cover it," she says, her tone serious. "It's filled with gold."

Yoo Jinhyuk, taken aback, stares at the bag. "Gold? Are you serious?"

Rachel nods, her expression unwavering. "Dead serious. Now, give me what I came for."

As Yoo Jinhyuk opens the bag, the gleam of gold spills out, and Rachel's determined gaze remains fixed on him. "Give it."

Without any more delay, Yoo Jinhyuk returns to his room, a small USB clutched in his hand. The door clicks shut behind him. "I've got the data," Jinhyuk says, extending the USB towards Rachel.

She looks at it, then at him, a subtle nod of appreciation. "Good work, Jinhyuk." She takes the USB and skillfully tucks it into a secure compartment beneath her vest.

Jinhyuk watches her, a sincere smile on his face. "It's always my greatest pleasure working with you, Rachel."

Rachel's gaze flickers to him briefly, a fleeting acknowledgment in her eyes. Without another word, she heads towards the door, her daughter trailing behind.
