
Ideal Life III

The morning sun beams down on Rachel as she revs up her motorbike, Evandel snugly nestled in front, hands gripping the handle. The engine hums as they weave through the streets.

"Hey, Evandel, you excited for today?" Rachel calls out over the wind.

"Yeah! I wanna paint today! Can we, mom?" Evandel's voice dances with enthusiasm.

"Absolutely! But remember, be good, okay? No fights, just hugs and kisses," Rachel reminds her, her eyes fixed on the road ahead. "And while I like to paint with you, I still have work."

Evandel nods, her little face determined. "I promise, Mom! I'll be the best! Let's paint when you are home!"

"That's my girl," Rachel says, her tone warm with pride as they approach the Sunshine Kindergarten. She slows down, guiding the bike to a halt.

"We're here," Rachel announces, parking the bike. She helps Evandel off, straightening her backpack.

"Have fun, okay? Be strong," Rachel encourages, crouching down to Evandel's eye level.

"I will! Bye, mom!" Evandel beams, bouncing with excitement.

"Bye, Evandel!" Rachel grins, watching her skip toward the school gates before she rides off, a sense of joy lingering in the morning air.

The roar of Rachel's motorbike fades as she pulls up to the sleek, glass-walled high-rise building that houses Magi Tech Inc. She expertly parks, helmet in hand, exuding a quiet confidence. As she strides towards the entrance, employees in the lobby respectfully part ways, acknowledging her presence.

"Morning, Rachel!" a young intern calls out, her face lighting up.

"Good morning!" Rachel replies with a friendly nod, her eyes scanning the bustling lobby. The energy is palpable, and greetings follow her like a ripple in her wake.

"Boss, great to see you! Any updates on any major projects? My team is very eager for a big bonus payout, so pretty please." a colleague asks, falling into step beside her.

"Absolutely. We're making strides. We'll catch up after the morning meeting," Rachel responds, her gaze focused on the elevator.

As she steps into the lift, more employees greet her, some with a nod, others with a warm smile. The elevator doors slide shut, and she rides up to her domain. The office floor is abuzz with activity, and as Rachel walks through the hallway and walk to her own secluded workspace, heads turn, and smiles follow.

"Morning, Rachel!" someone from the design team calls out.

"Good morning! How's the new concept coming along?" Rachel inquires, genuinely interested.

"It's shaping up nicely. I'll send you the latest draft," they assure her, a sense of pride in their voice.

Rachel reaches her corner office, adorned with glass walls and a panoramic view of the city below. She settles into her chair, glancing at the skyline, reflecting on the journey of the past four years.

Magi Tech Inc. has become a testament to her determination and the brilliance of Hyon Hyung's innovations. The company has thrived, pushing technological boundaries, and today, as Rachel begins another day at the helm, she knows the journey is far from over.

In the expansive realm of Magi Tech Inc., Hyon Hyung, the brilliant mind behind the company's technological feats is the company's secret weapon. The task of building the Interdimensional Router looks like a godly challenge, while takes most time, he still can spare some to design tech innovation. To an outsider, however, especially to those well-versed in the intricacies of IT, the mere thought of his inputs seems almost otherworldly.

Hyon makes it all sound deceptively too easy. "Just a matter of pushing the specs by 5% on the best products out there," he quips one time as if he's discussing the weather rather than venturing into uncharted technological territories.

Rachel, the pragmatic force behind Magi Tech Inc., knows better. As she navigates the bustling corridors of the office, overseeing marketing strategies, refining documents, and meticulously managing the hiring process, she realizes that Hyon's nonchalant demeanor belies the true magnitude of the endeavor.

The hired IT personnel, a group of skilled professionals huddled in a conference room, pour over Hyon's blueprints. Their furrowed brows and intense discussions echo the complexity of the task at hand. Rachel, though not a tech genius herself, understands the significance of what Hyon is attempting.

"He's pushing boundaries we never dreamed of," murmurs one of the IT experts, eyes glued to the blueprint projected on the screen.

Rachel, always the realist, acknowledges the Herculean effort required to bring Hyon's vision to fruition. For her, it's not just about increasing specs; it's about turning those specs into a marketable reality. As she juggles the myriad responsibilities that come with running a company, she recognizes that the success of Magi Tech Inc. relies not just on innovation but also on the meticulous groundwork she tirelessly lays – marketing campaigns, comprehensive documents, hiring the right people, and everything in between.

While Hyon may be the architect of the technological marvels, Rachel, with her feet firmly grounded in the practicalities of business, understands that building something truly groundbreaking requires a delicate dance between vision and execution.

Rachel steps into her office, the door closing behind her with a soft thud. The minimalist design of the room contrasts with the opulence of the building's exterior. The large desk at the center is neat, adorned only with a computer and a few carefully placed documents. The view from the window reveals a city bustling with life.

Beth, Rachel's secretary, glances up from her stack of files and offers a warm smile. "Good morning, Rachel. You're right on time."

"Morning, Beth," Rachel replies, returning the smile. "What's on the agenda today?"

Beth hands over a handful of files, each meticulously labeled. "Your schedule is packed. You've got a 10 a.m. meeting with the Chae Group, followed by a lunch appointment at 12:30 with Mr. Shin from Shin Group."

Rachel nods, scanning the files in her hands. "Anything else I should be aware of?"

Beth flips through her own set of documents. "Afternoon is relatively light. A couple of supervisory meetings and some clerical work. Oh, and the report from the finance department is due by 4 p.m."

Rachel leans back in her chair, processing the information. "Alright, thanks, Beth. Let's make sure everything is in order for the Chae and Shin meetings. Any updates on their end?"

Beth consults her notes. "They confirmed the locations and topics. Chae Group wants to discuss a collaboration of sorts, and Mr. Shin has some proposals regarding a joint venture."

"Good," Rachel says, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Anything else I need to know?"

Beth shakes her head. "That's the highlight of the day. The rest is routine stuff."

"Perfect," Rachel says, standing up and heading towards the door. "Let's get started, then. I want everything prepared for those meetings. And, Beth, remind me to grab a quick coffee before the Chae meeting. It's going to be a busy day."

Beth chuckles, "Already on it, Rachel. Your coffee will be waiting for you."

As Rachel steps out of her office, the day ahead unfolds, a mix of routine tasks and crucial meetings that will shape the trajectory of her week.

Top of Form

Rachel enters the office on Monday morning, greeted by Beth's friendly smile.

"How was your weekend, Beth?" she asks.

"Perfect! Hubby treated us to the water park, and we ate after that! How about you, miss? How was your weekend?"

"Nothing special, we just… brought Evandel to the Church," Rachel replies.

"R-really?" Beth raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, and it is awfully boring, though the sermon is entertaining in its own way."

"Entertaining? Eh?" Beth looks intrigued.

Rachel immerses herself in the routine of her workday, surrounded by stacks of files that demand her attention. The soft hum of the office is accompanied by the rhythmic tapping of her fingers on the keyboard. Each document she reviews carries the weight of decisions and approvals, and she methodically places her signature on them, sealing their fate.

As she works through the paperwork, a fleeting memory of yesterday's visit to the church lingers in her mind. It was a departure from her usual activities, a trip born out of curiosity rather than obligation. The echoes of the solemn sermon and the hushed prayers create a stark contrast to the bustling efficiency of her office.

Having successfully navigated the clerical labyrinth, Rachel shifts her focus to another facet of her responsibilities. The impending launch of the new VR goggles demands her attention. She rises from her desk and heads towards the marketing department, her presence a surprise to those absorbed in their tasks.

The air in the marketing department is charged with anticipation as the team prepares for the product launch. Rachel observes their efforts, noting the subtle excitement and tension in the room. The VR technology of this timeline, she muses, is a far cry from what she knows. The limitations are evident, a result of the scarcity of unique resources in this world.

She engages in discussions with the team, offering insights and guidance. Despite the inferior technology, Rachel sees potential and possibilities.

Beth interrupts Rachel's focus on her work, "Miss, your meeting with Chae Group is nearing."

"I see. Where to?" Rachel inquires, looking up from her desk.

Beth responds, "The Chae Group has made reservations in a rather high-class restaurant."

Rachel nods decisively, "Let's go."

Beth leads the way, and together they make their way to a sleek company car waiting outside. The door opens smoothly, and they settle into the plush interior. The driver takes them through the city, heading towards the said restaurant. The hum of the engine and the passing scenery create a brief interlude before the upcoming meeting with Chae Group.

The restaurant exudes an unmistakable air of sophistication, a testament to its high-class status. Impeccably dressed waiters glide effortlessly through the room, attending to the needs of the discerning clientele. The architecture and decorations speak of opulence, reflecting the Chae Group's financial prowess as they've reserved the entire establishment for their meeting.

Rachel, however, remains unfazed by the luxurious surroundings. Having experienced far grander venues in her past endeavors, the extravagant display doesn't stir any awe in her. She enters with an air of quiet confidence, acknowledging the grandeur without letting it overshadow her purpose.

In the center of the restaurant, a single table awaits, and a charming man, roughly her age with brown hair, rises as Rachel approaches. His demeanor exudes a blend of professionalism and warmth. She acknowledges him with a nod, and they exchange pleasantries as she takes her seat.

As Rachel settles into her chair, a waiter appears with precision, presenting a selection of carefully crafted appetizers. The presentation is meticulous, a dance of culinary artistry. The dishes are placed before Rachel, and she maintains her composed demeanor, ready to engage in discussions that transcend the culinary delights before her.

Joochul extends a hand, "My name is Chae Joochul. As you know Koreans, their surname and first name are reversed if compared to Western names." There's cordiality in his English, but a subtle arrogance lingers in his eyes.

Rachel reciprocates the greeting, "Joochul-ssi, I am flattered by your warm welcome, but I am just as comfortable speaking in your tongue." She seamlessly switches to Korean, her fluency evident.

Joochul's demeanor shifts, and he responds in Korean, "This is unexpected, ha-ha-ha… From my research, we are fairly certain your company is a foreign entity considering most of your employees are either foreigners or… half Koreans."

Rachel remains composed, cutting to the chase, "I see… We might as well not dance around it. What do you want?"

Joochul leans back, his smile widening, "I want the dissolution of Magi Tech Inc. Many local businesses are being damaged by the rise of your company, and in the spirit of patriotism, I cannot let your company grow any further."

Rachel raises an eyebrow, "But I am as much a Korean as another person though?"

Joochul's smile doesn't waver, "That's not what others are saying though…"

Rachel adds with barbs in her words, "And… I heard from my secretary it is collaboration you want… Now, this is new… Did the meaning of collaboration suddenly change?"

Rachel asserts herself, "In this world, English has been a powerful medium in that it allows you to talk easily to various multinational companies. My people are specially well-versed in persuading and presenting what it can give its abroad partners. I am fully aware that Shin Group is hurting their sales since my company started snatching abroad deals left and right. Is that my problem?"

Joochul leans in, a word of warning in his tone, "A word of warning, you are in foreign territory."

Rachel shakes her head, "No, I am not. You are. The Magi Tech is everything to me and my family. I raised it with my… husband to the way it is now…"

Joochul, seemingly unfazed, responds, "I see, so you have a husband… You are quite secured with your private life, to the point that I cannot find anything substantial about you. The mysterious Magi Tech, huh? I'd love to gobble up this company one day…"

Joochul leans back, a hint of frustration in his voice, "You seem like someone who won't listen to reason, but I will still try. Sell me Magi Tech, and be gone. Name me your price."

Rachel remains firm, "No thanks."

Joochul stands up, gesturing for the waiter, "I tried." He addresses the waiter, "The bill."

The waiter hesitates, "Apologies, but the lady has decided to pay it herself."

Joochul frowns, "If I want to pay, I will pay. It is me who made this arrangement, so of course, you will have to charge me, right?"

The waiter offers another apology, "Apologies."

Rachel interjects, "In the duration we have been talking, I had already bought this place… I actually liked the place. I think I'd like to bring my husband and daughter to this place during weekends." She stands up, smiling, "I told you, it is you who are in my territory, Joochul-ssi."
