Bell! where are you going? Hhhmm... Don't we still have the next class, right?" I keep calling Isabella. Because she is the only best friend I ever had right now.
I immediately walked out of the building with a wry face expression and my feelings were a little upset because Isabella did not want to listen to my words.
"Did you call me, ras? I want to go for a coffee break to the cafeteria. I want to buy coffee first. You see, my head hurts a lot. Oh my God, my head is pounding hard. I need my dose of caffeine for the new lecturer after this. I heard about his killer style" Isabella said as she looked at me and she continued her speech again.
"Ahh yes, later too, don't we have an invitation to attend an afternoon tea! In the lobby of building C to welcome our new lecturer? Hhhmm... That's true, isn't it?" Isabella asked and now, while walking to the cafeteria on the campus.
she wanted to buy one cup of coffee that she wanted to enjoy right now. Incidentally, the location of the canteen, not far from building C.
As I walked with her and asked her again, "Continue. you will know that he is a new lecturer and you are also afraid. But why would you want to drink coffee now? Don't you know that our time is not much?" in a slightly annoyed tone.
I felt very confused by Isabella's behavior that it looked like she wanted to make trouble. She is hearing about my grumble. Isabella stopped her steps and looked at me with a huge smile without saying anything else.
Seeing that, I just let out a long sigh and said, "Huh! You coffee enthusiast! Because you still continue to be stubborn. I'm giving up. I will go with you and if I get into trouble than I will drag you with me," I said while terrorizing my stubborn friend's head. The two laughed and walked to the canteen where they were at their current destination.
Isabella Diryokusuma is my best friend since high school in Jakarta. Our parents decided to send us to continue our studies in Sydney, Australia, in the hope that we could quickly complete our studies and return home.
My name is Raden Ajeng Larasati Dwipuspitasari. My father is a descendant of the blood from the royal noble Family of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat, although papa lives and works in Jakarta. I only know all the Javanese culture from my mother, so I am not a pure Javanese even though my name is having my royal title. Luckily I am the only child in my family. Suddenly my phone rang and my mother's name appeared on the phone screen.