
Chapter-52 Grebbers [Part-3]

The horde of grebbers, now more frenzied than before lunged forward, driven by a mix of fury and lust instinct, towards Alia, their gnarled claws and razor-sharp teeth clacking with every disgusting sound they made.

But upon seeing another fireball coming towards them, the creatures lustful eyes were replaced with caution and fear.

Fortunately for them, Alia's second fireball attack, had not been made to target any grebber but one of the two trees towards which the horde was nearing. 

As the Teir-1 spell landed on the lush tree, it caught fire easily and began to burn ragingly. The now-burning tree filled the area in its vicinity with light, like a torch in the dark it lit the surrounding making everything visible. 

With the increased visibility, all four could now see better than before, adding to their advantages against the grebbers. 
