
Chapter-4 Eight Summons [Part-2]

The handsome western man's brash utterance hung in the air, his realization of its inappropriateness evident in the sheen of sweat forming on his brow.

"I-I am…"

He started to stammer out an apology, but his words were halted by the continuation of Goddess Rebecca's voice.

"Yes, to defeat the one who is dubbed as the Demon Emperor. But how did you know that?"

Her graceful interjection, devoid of anger, allowed him a moment of relief, but his unease remained palpable.

He exhaled audibly, composing himself before responding. "I heard once while passing beside these nerds—I mean, fellow friends. It is a fictional story where heroes are summoned to a fantasy world to defeat the demon king."

His voice wavered slightly, his demeanour that of a person who had spoken without thinking, now wrestling with the consequences.

An air of curiosity flowed through the divine hall upon hearing the man's words as Rebecca's interest piqued by the mention of the tale. She leaned in slightly, her voice a soft echo of inquiry.

"Hmm, interesting. Your fiction sounds a lot similar to the reality that some are facing. Can you tell me more about it?"

The man's shoulders relaxed, sensing a non-threatening aura from the goddess, he realised that she was ignoring his inappropriate behavioural of before.

He leaned into his explanation, momentarily losing himself in the subject matter. "Ah, that's a little hard, because they couldn't finish telling the story."

"Ahem... but you can ask that Japanese lady over there; their country writes tons of stuff like that."

Rebecca's gaze shifted toward the Japanese woman, her expression quizzical, yet respectful. The woman's response was swift, a slight furrow forming on her brow.

However, the moment was defused by another voice, distinct and assertive, cutting through the air like a blade.

"Hey, don't be a racist."

The western man's lips curved, a light chuckle escaping him as he registered the validity of the admonition.

The blonde-haired woman who had interjected now stood as a voice of reprimand, challenging his lack of consideration.

"Well, it's not like he said anything wrong," added another man from the group, his tone light-hearted as he regarded the situation with a bemused smile. 

"It doesn't matter that he is wrong or right in this situation. He shouldn't be saying that." The blonde women again spoke making her point. 

The collective exchange of words continued for while, painting a portrait of personalities intertwining, human amidst the divine.

But just then a loud voice came halting the two man and women to halt their conversation.

"That's Enough!"

It was Athena's stern intervention abruptly cut off the trio's ongoing conversation.

The weight of her words hung in the air, carrying a sense of seriousness that demanded immediate attention from the humans involved. It was a reminder that they stood in the presence of the divine.

"It's okay, Athena. They didn't mean to disregard me or anyone," the supreme goddess intervened, her tone soothing the tension. She turned her gaze towards the group, a serene smile gracing her features.

"I know you all might be a bit confused right now, and some of you might even think this is unreal. But I assure you, everything is very real. You eight are our last hope to save over a billion lives in a world called Pandora."

The urgency in her words was palpable, casting a weighty responsibility on the chosen ones. They were no longer ordinary humans, but individuals with a critical role to play.

"The magic circle has selected you because you possess the potential to become true heroes."

Her explanation was straightforward, leaving no room for doubt. They had been chosen for a reason, and that reason was their exceptional qualities.

"I understand that this might seem overwhelming, but if there was any other way, we would have taken it. Please believe that."

Her empathetic tone bridged the gap between their mortal concerns and the divine necessity. It was a gentle assurance that they weren't alone in this journey.

"Why don't you each introduce yourselves?"

With a gesture, the goddess prompted them to share their names and stories. The first to step forward was Miyuki, radiating a calm confidence as she introduced herself. 

Miyuki had black hair and black eyes; she had a beautiful face and fair white skin that could make any man fall head over heels for her.

"My name is Shiba Miyuki. I'm 21 years old. It's an honor to meet you, Supreme Goddess Rebecca." Her words held respect and a touch of awe, reflecting the grandeur of the situation.

"Goddess Rebecca is fine," the goddess replied with a warm smile, making the interaction less formal.

And with that one after other the left over six also begin to introduce themselves in the same way. 

Next in line was Sophia, 21 years old, a blonde woman whose striking blue eyes exuded a sense of self-assuredness. Her voice was poised and her demeanour inviting. 

After that was Akash who was also 21 years old Akash introduced himself with a hint of reverence. His tall hight and striking olive skin with well-toned body made a good impression. His tone carried an underlying humility.

Nadia followed, who was 22 years old had a striking appearance earning her a second glance. Her unique cream-colored hair and black eyes added an air of mystery to her introduction.

The others after the four were all 21 years old leaving Nadia the oldest of eight. 

Ana's vibrant green hair made her stand out as she introduced herself with confidence. Her age showed in her bright enthusiasm. 

Ron, with his confident aura, wasted no time in making his introduction, albeit with a tinge of arrogance. His demeanour carried an air of challenge backed by a strong personality that he gained from his looks and tall stature. 

James's straightforward introduction conveyed a sense of calmness that made one think that he was already adjusting to his surroundings. He exuded a down-to-earth charm that resonated with his brown hair and eyes. 

Kevin Sol's dual heritage was evident in his appearance. As he seemed to have Asian and North American's parents best of both gene in him.

Ron was the one had cut-off goddess Rebecca mid- sentence. While James was the one who sided with Ron against Sophia. 

The goddess's affirmation after their introductions carried a sense of approval. Her gratitude was tangible, hinting at the significance of their presence.

"Good, you all have proper etiquette. It'll serve you well in Pandora."

Her comment acknowledged their composed behaviour, an observation that connected them despite their varied backgrounds.

"Miyuki, Sophia, Akash, Nadia, Ana, Ron, James, and Kevin, I genuinely appreciate your introductions."

Her final words were filled with gratitude, solidifying the bridge between the human realm and the divine.

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