
The Night I've Been Waiting For

At last, it's the night of the high school's talent show called Syd's Cafe and Michelle can't wait to get there, until she has to because of her friend Troy was taking his time to get ready to go. When the pair finally gets there, they find the school packed with parents and friends, all coming to watch the high school students perform their amazing talents. Between the singing, the rock band, the school band and the dancing, it's now Michelle's turn to step onto the stage..............

MarvelousM · วัยรุ่น
1 Chs

The Night I've Been Waiting For

"Come on, Troy; I'm going to be late!" I said looking down at my best friend, who was sitting on the wooden bench by the front door and was taking FOREVER to tie up his running shoes.

"And....I'm done" he replied, as he finished tying a bow before popping up to his feet and swiped his black leather jacket off the coat hanger rack, that stood to the right of the door.

"Alright, let's go".

As Troy and I headed out the front door of his house, he quickly said goodbye to his mom, before he closed the door behind him and we began to walk back to our school Sydenham High, for a special event that's happening tonight.

Every year, the school's music teacher organizes and puts together a show called 'Syd's Café', that features the high school students showing off their unique talents to their family and friends.

Out of the twenty-five different acts that are in tonight's show, I'm in two of them; Going to play a trumpet in the school band and perform a dangerous magic trick that involves nails.

Once Troy and I arrived at the high school, Troy walked me to the green room (technically it was the Hospitality and Tourism classroom, but we were using it as a green room for the show) and he gave me a big warm hug.

"Good luck," he whispered in my ear, before he pulled away to look into my eyes.

"And don't stress about your performance; You're going to be amazing tonight, no matter what happens".

My cheeks went red and hot from the sweet compliment.

"Aww, thank you Troy" I said, with a bright smile on my face.

"I'll see you later,".

I gave my friend a quick wink, before we parted ways. After I walked into the green room to get myself ready for my performances, Troy walked down the hallway and into the drama room, to take a seat in the comfy red theatre chairs.

There were already lots of parents and friends claiming their seats, because the drama room was filling up quickly and soon, there won't be any chairs left to sit in.

Thankfully, Troy managed to get a seat within the second row, to record a video of Michelle's performances and to get a better view of the other acts too.

After what felt like hours of scrolling through hundreds of TikTok videos, the show finally began to start. The lights suddenly went out and a yellowish spotlight moved directly onto the emcee, before she began to speak.

Throughout the show, there were a lot of repeating acts, like singing or playing an instrument or even both. But the only acts that stood out so far were the voice impressionist and the highland dancer.

Then Michelle stepped out onto the stage, in her magician cape and top hat, ready to wow the crowd with her incredible magic tricks.

Troy quickly pulled out his phone from his back pocket and began to record.

Here we go.

The end

Thank you for reading and I hope you've enjoyed my story :)