
Chapter 5


I was put in a hard place. I didn't know what to do.

His hand on my face felt so right, yet so wrong. I just met the guy, he had kidnapped me and held me as I cried.

I moved my head to the side so now his face was next to the right side of my face.

Then he chuckled.

"I wasn't going to kiss you, I was just proving my point," he said backing up, I missed the feeling of his hands on me and his body warmth.

I turned to him confused once again.


"You felt the sparks this proves that we are mates and that you're a shifter," he said and I think I heard hope in his voice.

But I still didn't believe the werewolves or shifters whatever they're called.

I guess he saw the disbelief still in my eyes. His face slowly went hard. His body stiffened and his eyes got darker.

"You still don't believe," he said more like a statement than a question.

"No, I'm-" he grabbed my wrist before I could finish my sentence.

He dragged me out of the room, his grip started to hurt.

"Hey, that hurts," I said trying to pull my hand away

He dragged me downstairs, and out some doors that lead to a giant garden, with trees surrounding the area, and a fountain in the center. Many people were there, some were walking. Others fighting and mats on the floor.

Jasper pulled me to the forest that surrounds the garden, we wandered deep into the trees before he stopped.

"Jasper, what are we doing here?" I asked tired of him dragging me places.

"Since you still don't believe. I'll show you."

He turned around to face me and took off his shirt. When he did that I straightened my back. Then he motioned to take off his pants and I closed my eyes.

I heard his devilish chuckle and it made tingles go all up and down my spine.

After a few moments of silence, I heard the cracks of bones that made me cringe. I opened my eyes and saw that Jasper was gone but a wolf had taken his place. I was frozen, I didn't know whether to get closer or back away from it.

It walked up to me and I stiffened. It walked slower until it got to me, the wolf's snout hit my hand and soft little sparks came from it. As I lowered myself to its level, I felt something pushing in the back of my mind. Then I heard a voice.

"I just want to jump him." the voice said

I looked around and saw that there was no one else there.

"I'm in your head," the voice said again.

I focused back on the wolf. His head was tilted to the side as if asking me what just happened.

"Jasper, is that you?" I asked not even believing I just said that.

The wolf licked my face as if saying yes.

I laughed as I swiped off the slobber from my face.

"Ok you got me but can you change now?" I asked.

He stepped back and the fur on his back started to be replaced with skin, bones started to crack into different places, then the next thing I knew a naked Jasper bent down in front of me.

I quickly closed my eyes and I didn't see anything then I heard rustling.

"You can open your eyes now." I heard Jasper say. As I opened my eyes I saw a fully clothed Jasper.

"Okay, so you weren't joking when you said you were a werewolf," I stated finally believing.

"We prefer the term shifter but yeah," he said with a smirk growing on his face.

"Which means that I'm-" I stopped to let him answer. He stepped closer to me which made me bend my head a little from the high difference.

"Do you feel different or anything," he asked

"Not anything that comes to mind. Wait" I said realizing something did change.


"When you were, well a wolf, there was this voice in my head that wasn't mine," I told him hoping it would be something.

"YES! That was your wolf talking to you. Is she still there?" his voice was filled with happiness.

" I guess so I kind of shut her up to talk to you."

"Okay, I think I know who can help you. Come on," he said as he started to walk off with me close behind.

As we walked out of the woods we walked back into the garden with people still there fighting.

"Hey, um what are they doing?" I asked Jasper as I looked at them

"They are training. Once you meet your wolf you must start training. It usually happens when you hit puberty, but you're different. Of course, " he stated when he said the last part my gaze got heavier.

"You want to see them closer?" he asked looking at me as if I was a kid staring into a candy store.

"Yes, they look badass, " I told him with a grin on my face.

As we walked near them some would stop and bow before going back to what they were doing others were too focused on what they were doing. The guys were wearing tight-looking leggings and sleeveless shirts and the girls were wearing the same leggings but some had crop tops and others had sports bras on.

As we were walking we passed a weapons table. I stopped when I saw a bow and arrows. I walked up to it and lightly dragged my finger on it.

"Do you know how to shoot?" a new voice asked. I looked up and saw a guy who I have not seen before. He was as tall as Jasper and had the same features as him but he looked more snarky.

I grew a smirk and picked it up. I put the arrow in the bow, pulled it back, pointed it at the target, and let go. It hit the bullseye.

"Wow. You've got one heck of an aim. Maybe I could help you aim for something else." he said then winked. I cringed a little.

Then I heard a growl coming from behind me.

"Back off, Mason," Jasper said getting defensive.

Mason started to laugh."Hey, calm down we can share."

Jasper growled again. But I stopped him. He was talking about me as if I wasn't a human but a piece of land to be sold.

"Excuse me, I'm not something to be shared so don't talk about me like that. Just like that target, I'll hit you right in the middle of that thick skull you have. So don't try me. Got it" I said making my voice strong and clear.

I'd be damned if I let a guy talk to me like that.