
Chapter 2 : No place like home

(Fast forward 2 days)

Casius stepped off the coach, his gaze filled with a mix of slight excitement and nostalgia. Stoneybridge, his hometown, welcomed him with open arms. As he took in the familiar sights and sounds, a rush of memories flooded his mind, transporting him back to a simpler time.

The weather matched his bittersweet emotions perfectly. The sky was overcast, casting a gentle gray hue over the town. The crisp autumn breeze whispered through the trees, carrying the scent of fallen leaves and damp earth. It was a weather that stirred up a sense of nostalgia, reminding Casius of the countless adventures he had embarked upon as a child.

His thoughts drifted back to when he was just five years old, when he and his best and only friend, Maddy Smith, would explore every nook and cranny of Stoneybridge. They would spend hours running through the fields, chasing after butterflies, and laughing until their stomachs hurt. Those were the days filled with innocence and joy, where the world seemed endless and full of possibilities.

As Casius made his way through the streets, he couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness. He wondered where Maddy was now and how their paths had diverged over the years. But amidst the nostalgia, a glimmer of hope remained at the possibilities of seeing her again.

Before coming back he went to the bank to review and inherit his parents account seeing as they have both passed. It took a while to settle as most people thought him dead. So it was surprised the banker that someone was coming to claim the account.

He also sent an application for the school Bradlington High. As much as he hates the idea of going to school. He can't have people asking why someone his age isn't attending. That's just asking for problems. So he'll be starting his schooling tomorrow morning.

He stopped his train of thought as he made his way to his to Maddy's house it's about 6pm so she should be home about now. Original he wanted to wait until tomorrow and see her at school. But now that he's here something In him I's telling him to go there now.

It took me 15 minutes to find the house and when I made it to the front gate. A tinge of fear. What do I say? will they remember me? Will they ask where I've been? Will she think I'm now a freak? I shake me head in attemp to rid myself of the negative thoughts. And knock on the door. After a few seconds I turn to try and leave before I hear the door open.

Emma smith: "Hello how can I help you?" She asks as I can see the look of confusion on her face see that they are In fact still here a slight smile came my face.

Cassius: "Hi miss Smith, you probably don't remember me. I'm Cassius Shaw, I used to come and have sleepovers with Maddy." As a look of shock and tears start to well in her eyes. She was like a aunt to me after all before I had to move

Emma: "Mellisa and Henry's son." She asks as if for confirmation. After seeing my slight nod, she rushed forward and engulfed me into a tight hug. I stiffen at first as it's been a long time since I've received any form of affection, but soon found myself able to relax and return the the hung.

After a few minutes. She brakes the hung and wipes the tears off her face and backs up a few steps taking to take a proper look at me.

Emma: "you look just like your father. Well don't just stand there pet. Come in everyone will be happy to see you" she states as she pulled me into the house and locked the door. "Dan. Maddy come get down here quick." She states as I then here two footsteps rushing down the stairs.

?: "Dad did it!" I hear someone shout as they make there way down.

?: "Oi, did not." Came a reply. Hearing them I release a small chuckle as Emma guide me to the sitting room where I then see both Dan and Maddy come into veiw.

Seeing the stranger in there home the both look confused until they Dan looks to Emma. "Who's this Em? What's going on?" He questions. As I look towards Mrs smith. She smiles and looks back before looking back to her husband.

Emma: "well, you remember the Shaw's right?" She's asks as both eyes have a look of sadness in the at the loss of there friend. "Well" she continued. "This is Cassius Shaw" she states as both eyes widened in shock"

Dan takes a step forward and observes me looking for trace of similarities between Henry and Mellisa. Seemingly finding what he's looking for he pulls me into a tight hug. "It's good to have you back cub." He states as he lets go and backs up a bit. The smile never leaving his face

Maddy: "Cass?" Maddy asks her eyes brimming with tears as she looks at me. I can see the hope in here eyes practically begging that this is really happening and her friend has actually come home.

Cassius: "Hi Speedy" I state using the nick name I gave her because of how she loved to run about. Hearing the nickname a smile broke out on her face as she rushed forwards and leap onto me wrapping her arms around my neck and legs around my waist. I instantly wrap my arms around her hug her tightly.

Maddy: "I missed you Cass" she whispered not wanting to let go. "Missed you too Mads."

Emma: "what happened to you pet? We say what happened on the news but there was no word on what happened to you." She asks.

I stiffen slight at her question. I knew it was going to be asked, I just didn't know exactly how to start. I sigh as I tap Maddy net back signaling her to let go. She gets of but refuses to let go of my arm worried That is she lets go is dissaper.

Cassius: "You may want to sit down for this. It's a long story, and not exactly pleasant." I state as I let out a low growl at the memory. This obviously shocked them that, I've transformed but they just nodded there heads and we all took a seat in the sitting room. Emma and Dan sat next to each other and Maddy sat next to me and took my hand on hers.

Cassius: " Judging by what you said earlier I'm assuming you all know about the fire." I asked and they all nodded there heads.

Dan: "Yes they said it was a gas's leek" he responded.

Not bowing this I look at the ground and growl in anger. "that was no gas leek. That fire was planned. They killed my parents." I stated they gasped in shock not expecting that.

Emma: "who would ever do such a thing?" She asked still shocked from this revelation.

My eyes glowed red with hate at the remberance of them. "Urotect Facility"
