
The mummy 1999

Ashley O'Connell didn't really know where they were going. Neither did she really know why? But it mattered not. Like always she followed her brother, Rick. Little did she know that this adventure would change her forever...

Kaia_Nova_Doyle · ภาพยนตร์
16 Chs

Goodbye Winston

The wind whips at Winston in the cockpit. Rick sits in the gunner's compartment with Ashley cramped up on his lap. His arm was protective around her. Jonathan is strapped spread-eagle across the left-wing, screaming in fear. Ardeth is strapped spread-eagle across the right-wing, grinning with pleasure.

Rick watches the desert below him come alive and rise up towards the plane. Winston looks over to the side and sees what's coming. "Eh Winston" yells Ashley. Winston laughs. Throws a throttle and puts the plane to a dive. "Hold on" orders Rick to Ashley. "With what," she asks and looks around. "Hang on men" shouts Winston. "And woman" corrects Jonathan. The sandstorms chase the diving plane. Getting closer and closer as Winston tries to escape his fate. "Here," says Rick and ties a scarf before Ashley her eyes. "Hey" she yells and tries to rip the cloth off. "Don't" orders Rick calmly and places the glasses of his helmet before his eyes. "Don't argue with me" says Rick offended and takes her small wrists in his hand. Rick looks to the sand gulf and sees a giant face forming inside it. It is Imhotep. Grinning. "Bastard" whispers Rick and places his arm stronger around, Ashley. "Rick you are crushing my... well. My tits" she groans. Rick looks at her surprised. "Sorry Ash," he says and lowers his arm. With his other hand, he grabs the machine gun and whispers in Ashley her ear. "Don't be afraid." Before she can ask, he starts shooting. Imhotep his face in the sand opens his mouth wide and laughs maniacally. It doesn't take long before he engulfs the plane. Winston blindly fights for control. "We are going down" he shouts. The engines roar while the plane spins in the sand. Winston laughs like a maniac while Jonathan and Ardeth scream. "Here I come ladies" Winston yells. "Ash" yells Rick and places his arm before her face.

"Ash" yells rick as he falls out of the gunner's compartment. Ashley coughs and hastily sits up. "Ah" she squeals and looks at her broken wrist. Jonathan hangs upside down on the wing screaming like a child. "Excuse me a little help would be useful if it is not too much trouble" he yells. Rick rolls his eyes and helps Jonathan. Ardeth stumbles over the gunner's compartment and tears the Lewis gun of the plane. He throws the machine gun over one shoulder, a cartridge belt over the other, and walks towards Ashley. He helps her up and looks at her wrist. "Once more forgive me" he says and stares into her eyes. Ashley looks in his deep big eyes and swallows. "For wh... Ahh!" she squeals. Ardeth unbroken her wrist without warning. Rick takes is shoulder and pulls him towards her. He wants to take his gun, but Ashley stops him. "Brute" yells Jonathan. "The enemy is over there remember," says Ashley and looks in Rick his eyes. Rick doesn't take his eyes away from Ardeth his deep brown ones while the boys stand close before each other like it is some kind of staring contest. Ashley gently pushes against Ardeth his chest before walking further. Rick sighs and walks towards the cockpit. Winston is dead. A smile rests on his face. Suddenly the plane starts to move. The sand sinks under their feet. "Quicksand" yells Ardeth and pulls Rick to safety. Rick looks surprised at Ardeth. Then he looks at the sand under his feet disappearing before standing hastily up and running together with Ashley, Jonathan, and Ardeth to some rocks. The big plane with Winston inside slides away over a dune. Rick gives it a salute. The plane disappears into the sand. "He was a good man," says Rick. "Let's avenge him then" answers Ashley and walks behind Jonathan and Ardeth. "Since when you got so big," Rick asks amused noticing his little sister grew up so fast in such a short time. Ashley smirks and places her head against his shoulder. Rick laughs and holds his arm around her after kissing her head.