
The moon King's Favourite

Her name is Heaven, but she's seen nothing sort of hell. she's been hunted, haunted and daunted! She comes from a very large Pack with powerful wolves of all kinds but she's been a slave for the past 15 years and I was going to flee on my Eighteenth birthday. she was the only one born without a wolf and even a little baby wields supreme authority over me. Scratch that, She was caught on my escape journey and sold to a Blind moon Prince. Sebastian, whose beauty was an Adonis and dangerous like a naked wire, his one rule was to never get powerful. He traveled far and near to get me because he believed she was the last powerless human to exist in the wolf world after killing more than 50 women with their wolves who got married to him. She fell hard for this bizzare moon creature but the Moon goddess sat back and laughed at her Have you ever made a plan and God laughs? Well, She discovered that She was the future moon goddess and the next in line on the Moon throne.

Joy_Asuquo · แฟนตาซี
47 Chs

Chapter 20: Kill him.




"What did you just say?" Sebastian asked.

"Who said what? Can you even see the person that made the statement? It's obvious you're a volcano and tend to destroy anything but get yourselves out if you're done with your Princess." The Queen said and mimicked his voice at the last part and he got furious.

"Get out! All of you except Dad wish to join you all."

He said calmly and the aura in the room was seriously changing.

"Get out for who? Her? Are you seriously mad Sebastian and don't you dare use your powers on me? It's obvious that you're weak and can't even use your natural prowess to fight, making everyone cringe because you possess something wonderful."

Lucien slammed at him and I knew things were getting out of hand.

"It's an order, get the hell out now!" His voice was still cool but I knew he was going to erupt.

"She gets out first!! "

Lucia slammed and Gray sent a deadly glare to me.

"If I repeat the word for the last time, I'll destroy your rooms…. everything will be ashes," Sebastian said and licked his lips as if he mentioned something desirous and there was a total Uproar.

"You shouldn't have been our dad if all you do is sit and watch your youngest son insult us without any iota of respect!" Gray spat out to his father.

"You all disrespected him first, you all should have been dead by now but I wonder what's making him have a lot of tolerance and self-respect"


His dad said that?

They all went mad with rage

"How can you say that to your children Blaic? They are your first!!" The Queen cried.

"And he's my last, my precious last, and the future king of this Pack! If you all don't learn to accept who he is and respect him and his wife, you will die!"

"Respect? Respect this weak useless thing here?" Benjamin spat out in disgust.

"I'm glad he's my last cause even if he's not, I will never give my throne to greedy and blood-sucking parasites like you all "

His dad said and stood up and took his leave.

Gray was boiling in rage that he cursed heavily.

"Fuck you, Dad!! Do you dare say such a thing to us? Fuck you!" He yelled and I gasped.

Sebastian tossed me to his side and sent a heavy slap across his face and he wanted to retaliate.

"Don't Gray, last night's injury was deep" His wife warned and he cursed storming out of the place.

They all send a fuck you glare to me and left leaving us alone and I sighed in relief.

"You have a lovely family," I exclaimed.

"Yeah, the sweetest ever. How did I ever get to be lucky?"

I chuckled at his sarcasm.

"I hope your dad is fine?"

"Mm..dad is tough, he'll beat it through. I'm just glad I granted his wish by getting married, he'll be at peace "

He smiled and that was the most priceless genuine smile I've ever seen in a long time.

He seems to fancy his dad.

"How about your mum ?" He stiffened and the aura changed.

"Uhm… forget it, I shouldn't have asked."

"Dead, killed, and massacred for falling in love with dad..tch!! Love is total bullshit!" He said it as if he was reciting a quotation but I felt really bad for him.

"But as for that murderer, he should hide forever 'cause I'm going to search him throughout the face of this earth!" His voice was so deadly and cold that it made me shiver.

Whoever might have killed his mum should better not make the mistake of ever coming out.

He led me out of the dining room till we reached the room.

He was all warm and nice and I love his calm demeanor even though my body keeps screaming how dangerous he is.

He was checking his wardrobe and he blindly picked an attire.

"Are you going out?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Yeah, don't even think of telling me you want to come"

He beat me to it and I rolled my eyes, I had wanted to come.

"I'll send the guys over and not a single hair of yours will be touched." He said and I nodded.

"Let me brush your hair"

I volunteered eagerly and he took a seat. I've been craving to touch his smooth silky hair and I did that happily, brushing his hair into styles and dolling his already perfect face to be dazzling.

The fact that he sat there without any attempt of resistance surprised me.

He threw his recent clothes off and I gawked shamelessly on his skin, chest, and tanned abs.

He wore his clothes quickly and went towards the door.

"Don't be stubborn please, I've tried to fulfill all your requests and be calm for you. Don't get stubborn at mine, don't leave this room, Heaven." He said almost desperately.

"Yeah, fine. I won't "

I said and smirked at the fact that he was all calm because he wanted me to return the favor.

He disappeared and the house became cold at once and I sighed.

I should keep myself busy with books or anything but there wasn't one, I keep forgetting that Sebastian is blind.

I lay there peacefully and slowly drifted to sleep.


I didn't know how long I slept but the bang on the door brought me to reality.

The three brothers stormed in at once and I shrieked In fear.

"Get up!" A slap landed on my face and I got up immediately.

I was led outside and I screamed when I saw the dead bodies that lay on the ground.

Sebastian's men were all dead at the doorway and fear gripped my soul.

They led me to another exquisite room and I gasped when I saw the king all tied up on a chair.

"Oh, my God!" I gasped and rushed towards him, trying to lose the ropes but a terrible slap was lashed out on my back.

"Take this!!" Gray ordered and stretched a dagger to me but I shook my head negatively.

I was stabbed on my shoulders and I let out a terrible scream.

"Take it now!!" He roared with his sharp red eyes blazing at me.

"Kill him!"

I crumbled to the floor in shock.

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